1. Abcarian, Richard, and Marvin Klotz, eds. Literature: The Human Experience. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006.
Anthology: Literature: The Human Experience ( 0312436513)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
2. Abraham, Julie. Are Girls Necessary? Lesbian Writing and Modern Histories. New York: Routledge, 1996. 21, 180n.
Description: Quotes from Reed's 1944 New Statesman and Nation review of Mary Renault's The Friendly Young Ladies.
Book: Are Girls Necessary? ( 0415914566)
Subjects: Review
References: Mary Renault, The Friendly Young Ladies, The Middle Mist
3. Abrams, M. H., ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 2, 6th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993.
Anthology: The Norton Anthology of English Literature ( 0393962903)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
4. Abrams, M.H., and Stephen Greenblatt, eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 2, 7th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000. 2454-2455.
Anthology: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th ( 039397491X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
5. Ackerley, J.R. The Ackerley Letters. Edited by Neville Braybrooke. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: 1975. 84, 87, 89, 100, 122n, 165, 250, 276.
Description: The collected letters of J.R. Ackerley, editor of The Listener and colleague of Reed's.
Book: The Ackerley Letters ( 0151508585)
Subjects: Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Movement of Bodies
6. Advertisement for future issue. English Journal 50, no. 6 (September 1961): 442.
Description: Highlights of an upcoming issue include a study of Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
7. Aldington, Richard, ed. The Viking Book of Poetry of the English Speaking World. New York: Viking, 1958.
Anthology: The Viking Book of Poetry of the English Speaking World
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
8. Alexander, Harriet Semmes, comp. "Reed, Henry." In vol. 1, American and British Poetry: A Guide to the Criticism, 1925-1978. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 1984. 321.
Description: This index lists only a few sources of criticism for Reed.
Book: American and British Poetry ( 0804008485)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Naming of Parts
9. Alexander, Harriet Semmes, comp. "Reed, Henry." In vol. 2, American and British Poetry: A Guide to the Criticism, 1979-1990. Athens, OH: 1984. 313.
Description: Lists one source of criticism for Reed.
Book: American and British Poetry ( 0804008485)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Judging Distances
10. Alexander, Michael. A History of English Literature. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave MacMillan, 2000. 354, 355.
Description: Suggests that "Naming of Parts" is equally a parody of Auden's "Spain" and Betjeman's "In Westminster Abbey."
Book: A History of English Literature ( 0333913973)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, W.H. Auden, John Betjeman
11. Allan, G.A. Letter to the editor. Listener 33, no. 838 (1 February 1945): 129.
Description: Part of a lengthy exchange of letters over Reed's pair of "Poetry in War Time" articles, published in the Listener in January, 1945.
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time, Geoffrey Grigson
12. Allen, Walter. As I Walked Down New Grub Street: Memories of a Writing Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. 28, 64, 269.
Description: Passing mentions of Henry Reed as friend and fellow writer.
Book: As I Walked Down New Grub Street ( 0226014339)
Subjects: Biography
13. Allen, Walter. Memories of Henry Reed. Unpublished and uncorrected typescript. University of Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library, Special Collections. MS2/6/1/3. Birmingham, England.
Description: Allen's reminiscences of Reed, in Birmingham, Seattle, and London.
Manuscript: Memories of Henry Reed
Subjects: Biography
References: Walter Allen, George D. Painter
14. Allen, Walter. "Speaking of Books: Report from the Campus." New York Times Book Review, 7 January 1968, 2.
Description: Mentions Reed's teaching at the University of Washington.
Newspaper: Speaking of Books: Report from the Campus
Subjects: Biography
15. Allen Walter. "Poetry." Time and Tide 27, no. 21 (25 May 1946): 498-499.
Description: Walter Allen's early review of A Map of Verona was quoted for the dust jacket blurb: 'No better first book of poetry has appeared for many years....'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Philoctetes, Naming of Parts, Antigone, Tristram, Iseult Blaunchesmains, King Mark, Iseult La Belle, Chrysothemis
16. Allison, Alexander W., et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. New York: Norton, 1983.
Anthology: The Norton Anthology of Poetry ( 0393952428)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts
17. Allott, Kenneth, ed. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse, 1918-60. New rev. ed. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1962. 287-290.
Description: A brief, flattering biographical note by poet and editor Kenneth Allott: "Naming of Parts" and "Judging Distances" are 'among the best and most intelligent poems produced during the war.'
Anthology: The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Philoctetes, Chard Whitlow, Iseult La Belle, King Mark, Tristram, Iseult Blaunchesmains
18. Allott, Kenneth, ed. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse. Harmondsworth and Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1950.
Anthology: The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse
Subjects: Poem
19. Altenbernd, Lynn, and Leslie L. Lewis, eds. Introduction to Literature: Poems. New York: Macmillan, 1968. 486.
Description: Anthology containing "Lessons of the War: Naming of Parts."
Anthology: Introduction to Literature: Poems
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
20. Amis, Kingsley. The Letters of Kingsley Amis. Edited by Zachary Leader. London: HarperCollins, 2000. 194, 201, 204, 804.
Description: Amis apologizes several times in his letters for sounding too much like Reed.
Book: The Letters of Kingsley Amis ( 0002570955)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Philip Larkin, Roy Fuller
21. Amis, Kingsley, ed. The New Oxford Book of English Light Verse. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
Anthology: The New Oxford Book of English Light Verse ( 0192118625)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
22. Anderson, Susan Heller. "Briefs on the Arts." New York Times, 26 August 1982, C15.
Description: Announcement of Circle in the Square's intent to produce Betti's The Queen and the Rebels in Reed's translation.
Newspaper: Briefs on the Arts
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
23. Anderson, W.R. "Round About Radio." Musical Times 90, no. 1275 (May 1949): 161-162 [161].
Description: Comments on the radio talk "Writers and Music," in which Reed discussed the musical influences of Holst, among others.
Journal: Round About Radio
Subjects: Criticism, Biography, Radio
References: Writers and Music, Gustav Holst
24. Anderton, Anne. "Today We Have Marking of Folders." Times (London) Educational Supplement, 13 May 1988, A25.
Description: A "Naming of Parts" parody inspired by the grading and sorting of secondary-school coursework.
Newspaper: Today We Have Marking of Folders
Subjects: Parody, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
25. Andrew, Nigel. "Caper Crusaders." Listener 124, no. 3184 (27 September 1990): 47.
Description: Reed's Hilda Tablet sequence is mentioned in a review of A Natural for Radio, a portrait of producer Douglas Cleverdon.
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Hilda Tablet, Douglas Cleverdon
26. Archives Hub. A Collection-level Description for the Papers of Henry Reed. <http://archiveshub.ac.uk/features/0504hreed.html>.
Description: Description of The Papers of Henry Reed collection, held at University of Birmingham Special Collections.
Link: A Collection-level Description for the Papers of Henry Reed
Subjects: Biography, Poem, Play
References: The Candidate, Mycenae, Liberal Rhymes for Liberal Times, Voyage Autour de ma Chambre
27. Armour, Robert. "Poetry and Film for the Classroom." English Journal 66, no. 1 (January 1977): 88-91 (91).
Description: A discussion of the kinship between poetry and film suggests Robert Bloomberg's film, "Naming of Parts," as one of the best films made from a poem.
Journal: Poetry and Film for the Classroom
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
28. Armstrong, Martin. "Keats on the Air." The Spoken Word. Listener 39, no. 988 (1 January 1948): 35.
Description: A review of Stephen Potter's program, "Parodies Regained" (December 24, 1947), mentions Reed's uncanny parody of Hardy.
Journal: Keats on the Air
Subjects: Criticism, Poem, Parody
References: Thomas Hardy, Stoutheart on the Southern Railway
29. Armstrong, Martin. "Moot Points." Listener 43, no. 1103 (16 March 1950): 492.
Description: Armstrong decides the conclusions of Reed's radio talk on Joyce, "The Triple Exile," are simply moot.
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: James Joyce, The Triple Exile
30. Armstrong, Martin. "The Spoken Word." Review of Noises, by Henry Reed. BBC Third Programme, 18 and 23 November 1946. Listener 36, no. 933 (28 November 1946): 767.
Description: Armstrong 'expected the worst, and was agreeably disappointed.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Noises
31. Armstrong, Martin. "The Spoken Word." Critic on the Hearth. Listener 40, no. 1022 (26 August 1948): 320.
Description: Armstrong feels Reed's August 17th radio review of de Madariaga's book On Hamlet 'tore it to smithereens.'
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Hamlet Once More, Salvador de Madariaga, On Hamlet
32. Armstrong, Martin. "The Spoken Word." Listener 53, no. 1356 (24 February 1955): 355.
Description: Brief review of Reed's radio talk on the poetry of Thomas Hardy.
Subjects: Radio, Criticism
References: Thomas Hardy, Mary O'Farrell, Michael Hordern, James McKechnie
33. Armstrong, Martin. "The Spoken Word." Listener 53, no 1357 (3 March 1955): 399.
Description: A short review of Reed's radio tribute to Thomas Hardy.
Subjects: Radio, Criticism
References: Thomas Hardy, Cynthia Asquith, Walter de la Mare, St. John Ervine, Robert Graves, Middleton Murry, Leonard Woolf
34. Arp, Thomas R., ed. Perrine's Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry. 11th ed. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. 47-48.
Description: Contains suggested questions for discussing "Naming of Parts" in class.
Anthology: Perrine's Sound and Sense ( 0838407463)
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
35. Arrowsmith, William. "Recent Verse." Hudson Review 1, no. 1 (Spring 1948): 98, 101-102.
Description: Critic William Arrowsmith proclaims Reed 'professional, original, and articulate' in this review of the American edition of A Map of Verona.
Journal: The Hudson Review
Subjects: Criticism
References: South, The Builders, Iseult La Belle, Morning
36. Atkinson, Brooks. "'The Entertainer'." New York Times, 23 February 1958, X1.
Description: The "Drama Bookshelf" lists the new Grove Press edition of Reed's translation of three Ugo Betti plays.
Newspaper: The Entertainer
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Summertime
37. Atkinson, Brooks. "Theatre: Man Mumbling From a Well." Review of Island of Goats, by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed. New York, Fulton Theatre, 4 October 1955. New York Times, 5 October 1955, 40.
Description: Review of opening night for Reed's translation of Betti's Island of Goats at the Fulton Theatre.
Newspaper: Theatre: Man Mumbling From a Well
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Crime on Goat Island, Uta Hagen, Ruth Ford, Tani Seitz
38. Auden, W.H. "Spring in Wartime." Horizon 1, no. 7 (July 1940): 529-530.
Journal: Spring in Wartime
Subjects: Poem
39. "Reed, Henry." The Author's and Writer's Who's Who. 5th ed. New York: Hafner, 1963. 405.
Description: Brief bio listing Reed's publications and contributions.
Subjects: Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Moby Dick, The Novel Since 1939, Three Plays by Ugo Betti, Perdu and His Father, Père Goriot, Larger Than Life
40. "Reed, Henry." The Author's and Writer's Who's Who. 6th ed. Darien, Connecticut: Hafner, 1971. 664.
Description: Brief bio listing Reed's publications and contributions.
Subjects: Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Moby Dick, The Novel Since 1939, Three Plays by Ugo Betti, Perdu and His Father, Père Goriot, Larger Than Life
41. Authors and Poets Collection. University of Maryland Libraries, Special Collections. College Park, Maryland.
Description: The British Literature manuscript collection contains one or more items relating to Reed.
Manuscript: Authors and Poets Collection
Subjects: Biography, Link
42. Azeri, Onur. "Henry Reed and Existential Temporality: Being-there and Not." Kent University Personal Webpages. <http://www.personal.kent.edu/~oazeri/onpaper8.html>.
Description: A student paper relates Reed's poem to Heidegger's theories on the perception of time.
Link: Henry Reed and Existential Temporality
Subjects: Link, Criticism
References: Judging Distances
43. Bailey, L.W. "Writer Remembered: Henry Reed." The Author 106, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 26-27.
Description: Bailey writes a remembrance of Reed's time at Bletchley Park during the Second World War.
Subjects: Biography, Radio, Review
References: Naming of Parts, The Novel Since 1939, Bletchley Park
44. Baker, Kenneth, ed. The Faber Book of English History in Verse. London: Faber and Faber, 1988.
Description: Collects Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: The Faber Book of English History in Verse ( 0571148824)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
45. Baker, Kenneth, ed. The Faber Book of War Poetry. London: Faber and Faber, 1996. 65-66.
Anthology: The Faber Book of War Poetry ( 0571174531)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
46. Baker, Kenneth, ed. Unauthorized Versions: Poems and Their Parodies. London: Faber and Faber, 1990. xxi, 107, 109.
Description: This anthology contains Reed's parody of Eliot, "Chard Whitlow."
Anthology: Unauthorized Versions ( 0571141226)
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts
47. Baker, Russell, ed. The Norton Book of Light Verse. New York: W.W. Norton, 1986.
Anthology: The Norton Book of Light Verse ( 0393023664)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
48. Balcon, Jill, and V.C. Clinton-Baddeley. The Jupiter Anthology of 20th Century English Poetry. 3 discs; 33⅓ rpm; mono; 12 in. London: Jupiter Records, 1958.
Sound: The Jupiter Anthology of 20th Century English Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
49. Balfour-Paul, Jenny. "Pilgrimage to War." Geographical 76, no. 12 (December 2004): 44.
Description: Reed's poem "Naming of Parts" is reprinted as part of an article on the importance of battlefield tourism.
Journal: Pilgrimage to War
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, In Flanders Fields, John McCrae
50. Balzac, Honoré de. Eugénie Grandet. Translated by Henry Reed. New York: New American Library, 1981.
Description: Reed's translation from the original French.
Book: Eugénie Grandet ( 0451516036)
Subjects: Translation
References: Honoré de Balzac, Eugénie Grandet
51. Balzac, Honoré de. Père Goriot. Translated and with an afterword by Henry Reed. New York: American Library, 1962.
Description: Reed's translation from the original French.
Subjects: Translation
References: Honoré de Balzac, Père Goriot
52. Balzac, Honoré de. Père Goriot. Translated and with an afterword by Henry Reed. New York: Signet Classic, 1981.
Description: Reed's translation from the original French.
Book: Père Goriot ( 0451521900)
Subjects: Translation
References: Honoré de Balzac, Père Goriot
53. Banerjee, A. Spirit Above Wars. Delhi: Macmillan Company of India, 1975. 83, 86-87.
Description: Notes Reed's retort to a letter to the editor, regarding his Listener articles on "Poetry in War Time."
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time
54. Barfoot, C.C., and R.M. Healey. "My Rebellious and Imperfect Eye": Observing Geoffrey Grigson. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. 177.
Description: Mention of Hilda Tablet.
Book: My Rebellious and Imperfect Eye ( 9042013583)
Subjects: Play, Radio, Criticism
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
55. Bates, Scott, ed. Poems of War Resistance: From 2300 B.C. to the Present. New York: Grossman, 1969
Anthology: Poems of War Resistance
Subjects: Poem
56. Baylor, Robert and Brenda Stokes, comps. Fine Frenzy: Enduring Themes in Poetry. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
Anthology: Fine Frenzy ( 0070041601)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
57. Beat, Janet. "After Reading 'Lessons of the War': für Violine und Klavier." Musical score. Kassel, Germany: Furore, 1996.
Description: Musical composition inspired by Reed's poems.
Sound: After Reading "Lessons of the War"
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Movement of Bodies, Unarmed Combat, Returning of Issue
58. Beaty, Jerome, J. Paul Hunter, and Carl E. Bain, eds. The Norton Introduction to Literature. 7th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998.
Anthology: The Norton Introduction to Literature ( 039397202X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances
59. Beaty, Jerome, and William H. Matchett. Poetry: From Statement to Meaning. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. 150-157, 192.
Description: Collects four of Reed's Lessons of the War poems.
Anthology: Poetry: From Statement to Meaning
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Movement of Bodies, Unarmed Combat
60. Bebbington, W.G. "Of the Moderns Without Contempt." Poetry Review 37, no. 1 (1946): 17-28 [17].
Description: Reaction to modern poetry calls Reed the "protagonist" in the correspondence following his "Poetry in War Time" articles for The Listener.
Journal: Of the Moderns Without Contempt
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time
61. Beck, James P. "Theory and Practice of Interdisciplinary English." English Journal 69, no. 2 (February 1980): 32.
Description: Suggestions for studying war and the military include "Naming of Parts."
Journal: Theory and Practice of Interdisciplinary English
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
62. Bedford/St.Martin's. "Poetry: Henry Reed." LitLinks. <http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/litlinks/poetry/reed.htm>.
Description: A brief biographic entry on Reed.
Subjects: Link, Biography
References: Naming of Parts
63. Beer, Patricia, ed. New Poems, 1975: A P.E.N. Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. London: Hutchinson, 1975. 65-66, 181.
Description: Collects Reed's elegiac love poem, "Bocca di Magra."
Anthology: New Poems, 1975 ( 0091255309)
Subjects: Poem
References: Bocca di Magra
64. Beggs, James S. Naming of Parts: The Poetic Character of Henry Reed. Hull, England: University of Hull Press, 1999.
Description: Written as a doctoral thesis, this book is the Henry Reed enthusiast's Bible. (Also titled An Analytical Study of Henry Reed.)
Book: Naming of Parts: The Poetic Character of Henry Reed ( 0859586715)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
65. Bell, H.T. Montague. "Retrospect of Literature, Art, and Science in 1946." The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for 1946. New Series. London: Longmans, Green, 1947. 351.
Description: In A Map of Verona, Reed has developed 'a meditative romanticism not as yet sure of its own direction.'
Book: The Annual Register, 1946
Subjects: Criticism
66. Bell, Marvin. "Henry Reed's 'Naming of Parts.'" In Touchstones: American Poets On a Favorite Poem, edited by Robert Pack and Jay Parini. Hanover, NH: New Hampshire University Press of New England, 1996. 20-25.
Description: The poet Marvin Bell considers Reed's "Naming of Parts," comparing it with his own experience training and serving in the U.S. Army.
Book: Touchstones ( 0874517222)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Movement of Bodies, Unarmed Combat, Returning of Issue
67. Beloof, Robert. The Performing Voice in Literature. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1966. 263-266.
Description: Three of Reed's Lessons of the War are used as examples of the use of voice in literature.
Book: The Performing Voice in Literature
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
68. Bergonzi, Bernard. Wartime and Aftermath: English Literature and Its Background, 1939-60. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. 72.
Description: Only passing mention of "Naming of Parts."
Book: Wartime and Aftermath ( 0192192426)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Alun Lewis, Keith Douglas, Sidney Keyes
69. Beringause, Arthur F., ed. English Literature V: From 1940. New Dimensions in Literature Series. Wichita, KS: McCormick-Mathers, 1967.
Anthology: English Literature V: From 1940
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, The Wall
70. Berlind, Bruce. "Partisan Review: Indication and Indictment." Hopkins Review 2, no. 2 (Spring 1949): 57-63 [59].
Description: Berlind calls Reed 'the one new poet of major promise.'
Journal: Partisan Review: Indication and Indictment
Subjects: Criticism
71. Berryman, John. "Waiting for the End, Boys." Partisan Review 15, no. 2 (15 February 1948): 262-267.
Description: A glowing 1948 review by John Berryman of A Map of Verona and Other Poems.
Journal: Partisan Review, Feb. 1948
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Tristram, Chrysothemis, Antigone, Philoctetes, Chard Whitlow
72. Betti, Ugo. The Burnt Flower-Bed: A Play in Three Acts. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Samuel French, 1957.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Ainola Bruciata.
Play: The Burnt Flower-Bed
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Burnt Flower-Bed
73. Betti, Ugo. Corruption in the Palace of Justice. Translated by Henry Reed. In The New Theatre of Europe, v. 1, no. 5. New York: Dell, 1970. 321-399.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia.
Play: Corruption in the Palace of Justice
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice
74. Betti, Ugo. Crime on Goat Island. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Samuel French, 1960.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Delitto all'Isola delle Capre.
Play: Crime on Goat Island
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
75. Betti, Ugo. Crime on Goat Island. Translated by Henry Reed. San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1961.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Delitto all'Isola delle Capre.
Play: Crime on Goat Island
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
76. Betti, Ugo. Crime on Goat Island. Translated by Henry Reed. In Twentieth Century Italian Drama, v. 1, edited by Jane House. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995. 537-585.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Delitto all'Isola delle Capre. 'A chilling investigation of the boundaries of sexual relationships, a family splits apart...' p. 539.
Play: Crime on Goat Island ( 0231071183)
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
77. Betti, Ugo. The Queen and the Rebels: A Play in Two Acts. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Samuel French, 1957.
Description: Reed's translation from the original Italian.
Play: The Queen and the Rebels ( 0573013632)
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
78. Betti, Ugo. The Queen and the Rebels. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Blackie, 1966.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's La Regina e gli Insorti, edited by Michael Marland, with contributions by Ronald Eyre and Dame Irene Worth, press reviews by Kenneth Tynan and the dramatic critic of The Times.
Play: The Queen and the Rebels
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
79. Betti, Ugo. Summertime: An Idyll in Three Acts. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Samuel French, 1957.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Il Paese delle Vacanze.
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Summertime
80. Betti, Ugo. Three Plays. Translated and with a foreword by Henry Reed. London: Gollancz, 1956.
Description: Reed's translations of Betti's The Queen and the Rebels, The Burnt Flower-Bed, and Summertime.
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Summertime
81. Betti, Ugo. Three Plays. Translated and with a foreword by Henry Reed. New York: Grove Press, 1958.
Subjects: Translation
References: The Queen and the Rebels, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Summertime
82. Bevington, Helen. "Books." Review of Poetry and the Age, by Randall Jarrell. South Atloantic Quarterly 53, no. 1 (January 1954): 152.
Description: Points out that Jarrell's original attack on Williams' Little Treasury of Modern Poetry (for lacking Lowell and Reed) was based on the early, unrevised edition.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Randall Jarrell, Oscar Williams
83. Billington, Michael. "Macbeth, Greenwich Theatre." Review of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Greenwich Theatre, 17 February 1971. Times (London), 18 February 1971, 13.
Description: Reed's phrase 'reinforced concrete' [sic] is used to describe the music for a new production of Macbeth.
Newspaper: Macbeth, Greenwich Theatre
Subjects: Criticism
References: Musique Discrète
84. Birmingham Post, "The Merchant of Venice," 5 March 1937.
Description: Photograph of Henry Reed with members of the Birmingham University Dramatic Society's (BUDS) production of The Merchant of Venice. Shylock played by Ian Alexander.
Newspaper: The Merchant of Venice
Subjects: Criticism
85. Birmingham Post, Obituary for Henry Reed. 10 December 1986.
Description: Reed's obituary in the Birmingham Post.
Newspaper: Obituary for Henry Reed
Subjects: Biography
86. Birrell, T.A. "Notes on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature Volume IV (1900-1950)." Neophilologus 59, no. 2 (April 1975): 313 (306-315).
Description: A list of updates and corrections to the NCBEL suggests adding 'some reference to Henry Reed's numerous radio scripts' for the BBC Third Programme.
Journal: Notes on the New Cambridge Bibliography
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
87. Bishop, Elizabeth. Letter to to Arthur Gold and Robert Fizdale, 23 April 1966. In One Art: Letters, edited by Robert Giroux. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994. 445, 447.
Description: Bishop states she is sharing In the Courts of Memory with Reed, an "opera expert."
Chapter: Letter to Arthur Gold ( 0374226407)
Subjects: Biography
References: Lillie de Hegermann-Lindencrone, In the Courts of Memory
88. Bishop, Elizabeth. Letter to James Merrill, 22 February 1966. In One Art: Letters, edited by Robert Giroux. New York: Farrar, Strauus, Giroux, 1994. 444-445 [445].
Description: Bishop expresses friendship for Reed, also teaching at the University of Washington at the time.
Chapter: Letter to James Merrill ( 0374226407)
Subjects: Biography
89. Bishop, Elizabeth, and Robert Lowell. Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence of Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell, edited by Thomas Travisano and Saskia Hamilton. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008: 576, 598, 602, 608, 609, 610,648, 83
Description: Reed's name appears in several letters written during the 1960s, and Bishop details some of their time spent together in Seattle.
Subjects: Biography
References: Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, Irene Worth, Robert Heilman
90. Bishop, Johnathan. "The Individual Thing." Renascence 45, nos. 1-2 (Fall 1992-Winter 1993): 18.
Description: Bishop expresses frustration at trying to find "Naming of Parts" in a modern anthology for his first class.
Journal: The Individual Think
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
91. Black, Joseph, et al. The Twentieth Century and Beyond. Vol. 6, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2006.
Anthology: The Twentieth Century and Beyond ( 1551116143)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
92. Bliss, Arthur. As I Remember. London: Faber and Faber, 1970
Book: As I Remember ( 571092829)
Subjects: Biography
93. Bliss, Arthur. The Enchantress: Scena for Contralto and Orchestra. Words by Henry Reed. London: Novello & Company, 1952.
Description: Reed's adaptation of a passage from the Second Idyll of Theocritus, set to music by Arthur Bliss.
Subjects: Poem
94. Bliss, William. Letter to the editor. Listener 33, no. 844 (15 March 1945): 299.
Description: Part of a lengthy exchange of letters over Reed's pair of "Poetry in War Time" articles, published in the Listener in January, 1945.
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time
95. Bliss, William. Letter to the editor. Listener 33, no. 846 (29 March 1945): 353.
Description: Part of a lengthy exchange of letters over Reed's pair of "Poetry in War Time" articles, published in the Listener in January, 1945.
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time
96. Blissett, William. "To Make a Shape in Words." Renascence 38, no. 2 (Winter 1986): 67.
Description: Blissett compares the narrative of Jones' In Parenthesis to Reed's "Chard Whitlow."
Journal: To Make a Shape in Words
References: Chard Whitlow
97. Bloomberg, Robert, dir. "Naming of Parts." Film: 5 min., sd. color, 16 mm. Contemporary Films/McGraw-Hill, 1972.
Description: Short film adaptation of Henry Reed's poem, showing scenes of young trainees receiving instruction in rifle assembly, and contrasting scenes of the life-affirming beauty of blossoms, branches, and bees.
Film: Naming of Parts (Film) ( 72-700652)
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
98. Blunden, Edmund. "Poets and Poetry." Bookman, n.s., 1, no. 4 (July 1946): 14-15.
Description: Edmund Blunden says Reed's Lessons of the War poems 'have captured something of the time-spirit and ambiguity of the recent war in a style of wit and deep feeling united.'
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Philoctetes
99. Bly, Robert, James Hillman, and Michael Meade, eds. The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: Poems for Men. New York: Harper Collins, 1992.
Anthology: The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart ( 0060167440)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
100. Blythe, Ronald, ed. Components of the Scene: Stories, Poems, and Essays of the Second World War. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1966.
Anthology: Components of the Scene
Subjects: Poem
101. Bogan, Louise. "Briefly Noted." New Yorker. 22 November 1947, 140.
Description: Reed's 'ironic "Naming of Parts"... is one of the few memorable pieces of verse produced during the war years.'
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
102. Bogan, Louise. Works in the Humanities Published in Great Britain, 1939-1946: A Selective List. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1950. 78.
Description: Reed is placed among "new names of interest and importance" in poetry.
Book: Works in the Humanities Published in Great Britain
Subjects: Criticism
103. Bogan, Louise and William Jay Smith, comps. The Golden Journey: Poems for Young People. Chicago: Reilly and Lee, 1965.
Anthology: The Golden Journey ( 0809286890)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
104. Bold, Alan N., ed. The Martial Muse: Seven Centuries of War Poetry. Exeter, England: Wheaton, 1976.
Anthology: The Martial Muse ( 0080203876)
Subjects: Poem
105. Bonadella, Peter, and Jula Conaway Bonadella, eds. Dictionary of Italian Literature. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996. 58, 88.
Book: Dictionary of Italian Literature
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, Dino Buzzati, Larger Than Life
106. "Books and Theatre: 1961-62." Tulane Drama Review 6, no. 4 (June 1962): 168-170, 172, 176-180, 182-184 [176].
Description: Lists publication of Reed's translation of Betti's Crime on Goat Island, with an introduction by G.H. McWilliam (Chandler, 1961).
Journal: Books and Theatre: 1961-62
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, G.H. McWilliam
107. "Books Received." English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 35, no. 4 (1992): 543.
Description: Reed's Collected Poems is listed among books received for review.
Subjects: Criticism
108. Boston, Richard. "Always a Good Reed." Obituary of Henry Reed. Guardian (Manchester), 10 December 1986, 25.
Description: Richard Boston's obituary for Reed remembers him as the playwright and the poet.
Newspaper: The Guardian (Manchester), Dec. 1986
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Not a Drum Was Heard, A Very Great Man Indeed, Chard Whitlow, Judging Distances, Naming of Parts, Moby Dick
109. Bouquet, A.C. "Thoughts on 'Lady Chatterley'." Listener 64, no. 1651 (17 November 1960): 895.
Description: Reed refers to this letter in his review of Lady Chatterley's Lover on November 24.
Journal: Thoughts on Lady Chatterley
Subjects: Criticism
References: D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover
110. Bourdette, Robert E., and Michael Cohen. The Poem In Question. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, 1983. 52-54.
Description: Uses "Naming of Parts" as an example of an autobiographical poem, and provides questions for further study.
Anthology: The Poem In Question ( 0155706543)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
111. Bowman, Pamela. Lessons of the War: An Artist's Book. Beetham, Cumbria, England: Simon King Press, 1999.
Book: Lessons of the War: An Artist's Book ( 1900857502)
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Naming of Parts
112. Boyd, A.C. "A Poet of Sensibility." Review of A Map of Verona, by Henry Reed. Britain To-day 126 (October 1946): 41.
Description: Boyd feels that Reed 'can be deliberately ingenuous or rise to a tragic intensity all in the same poem...', and proclaims that 'Everything in this small book is of interest.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Unarmed Combat, Philoctetes, Iseult la Belle, Iseult Blaunchesmains, Tristram, King Mark, Chard Whitlow
113. Boyle, Kay, ed. Enough of Dying! Voices for Peace. New York: Dell, 1972.
Anthology: Enough of Dying! Voices for Peace
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
114. Bradbury, Malcolm. No, Not Bloomsbury. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. 80.
Description: Reed's name pops up during a history of wartime publishing in Britain.
Subjects: Criticism
115. Bradley, Jerry. The Movement: British Poets of the 1950s. New York: Twayne, 1993. 28.
Description: Kinglsey Amis' poem "O Captain, My Captain" seems patterned after Reed's Lessons of the War.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Kingsley Amis
116. Branam, Harold. "Henry Reed." In vol. 6, Critical Survey of Poetry, rev. ed., edited by Frank N. Magill. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1992. 2721-2726.
Description: Harold Branam's entry for Reed includes a biography, analysis of the central works, and a brief bibliography.
Book: Critical Survey of Poetry
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, A Map of Verona, Antigone, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Tristram, Iseult Blaunchesmains, King Mark, Iseult la Belle
117. Branam, Harold. "Henry Reed." In vol. 6, Critical Survey of Poetry, 2nd rev. ed., edited by Philip K. Jason. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2003. 3157-3161.
Description: The revised edition of Critical Survey of Poetry contains a slightly revised bibliography.
Chapter: Critical Survey of Poetry ( 1587650711)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, A Map of Verona, Antigone, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Tristram, Iseult Blaunchesmains, King Mark, Iseult la Belle
118. Braybrooke, Neville, ed. The Ackerley Letters. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. 84, 87, 89, 100, 122n, 165, 250, 276.
Description: The collected letters of J.R. Ackerley, editor of The Listener and colleague of Reed's.
Book: The Ackerley Letters ( 0151508585)
Subjects: Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Movement of Bodies
119. Breit, Harvey. "Verona, Under the Still Lamplight." New York Times Book Review, 28 December 1947, 8.
Description: Harvey Breit's 1947 review of A Map of Verona and Other Poems.
Newspaper: The New York Times Book Review
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, A Map of Verona
120. Brett, Simon, ed. The Faber Book of Parodies. London: Faber and Faber, 1984.
Anthology: The Faber Book of Parodies ( 0571131255)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
121. Bridie, James. "Bronze Horse." Letter to the editor. New Statesman and Nation 35, no. 882 (31 January 1948): 96.
Description: Responding to his criticism of a radio adaptation of James Forsyth's play, Bronze Horse, Bridie calls Reed "a very stupid fellow."
Subjects: Criticism
122. Bridson, D.G. Introduction to The Christmas Child. London: Falcon, 1950. 10.
Description: From Bridson's Introduction: 'Archibald MacLeish, Louis MacNeice, Laurie Lee, Terence Tiller, Henry Reed and others, have taken to radio as to a new dramatic medium.'
Book: The Christmas Child
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
123. Brinnin, John Malcolm. Dylan Thomas in America: An Intimate Journal. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. 144.
Description: Brinnin relates the response to Dylan Thomas performing Reed's "Chard Whitlow" in an imitation of Eliot's voice, at a poetry reading in in New York.
Book: Dyaln Thomas in America
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
124. Brinnin, John Malcolm, and Bill Read, eds. "Henry Reed." The Modern Poets: an American-British Anthology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.
Anthology: The Modern Poets: an American-British Anthology
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
125. Literature. British Book News, July 1946. 275-276.
Description: A blurb announcing the publication of Reed's A Map of Verona, 'The first book of a distinguished poet and critic.'
Journal: British Book News
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: A Map of Verona, Philoctetes, Chrysothemis, Tristram, Iseult la Belle
126. "Forthcoming Books." British Book News (September 1991): 632.
Description: Announcement of publication of the Collected Poems in October, 1991.
Journal: Forthcoming Books
Subjects: Criticism
127. British Broadcasting Corporation. "Third Programme: Quarterly Plan, Saturday, 29 September - Friday 28 December 1962." London: BBC, 1963.
Description: This index to the Third Programme's broadcasts lists Reed's introduction to the first of two programmes by Ruth Draper in October of 1962.
Journal: The Third Programme: Quarterly Plan
Subjects: Radio
References: Ruth Draper
128. British Thought, 1947. New York: Greshem, 1947. 428-430, 460.
Description: This anthology of British writing reprints Reed's answer to the Horizon questionnaire from September, 1946.
Anthology: British Thought, 1947
Subjects: Biography
References: The Cost of Letters
129. Britten, Benjamin. "Chorale." The Score: A Music Magazine 28, (January 1961): 47-51, 75 [75].
Description: Britten's Chorale was part of a Christmas Eve broadcast in 1944 which included W.H. Auden, Frances Cornford, Edith Sitwell, and Reed's poem, "The Return."
Subjects: Poem, Radio
References: The Return, C. Day Lewis, Louis MacNeice, Edith Sitwell, Vita Sackville-West, Laurie Lee, John Heath-Stubbs, Francis Cornford, Ann Ridler, W.H. Auden
130. Bromwich, David. "An Oracle Turned Jester." In W.H. Auden: Modern Critical Views, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 96.
Description: Both MacNeice's "The Sunlight on the Garden," and Reed's "Hiding Beneath the Furze" were influenced by Auden.
Chapter: An Oracle Turned Jester ( 0877546401)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Louis MacNeice
131. Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren, eds. Understanding Poetry. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976.
Anthology: Understanding Poetry ( 0030769809)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts
132. Brown, Antony. "In Daylight." Review of New Writing and Daylight, no. 6 (1945), edited by John Lehmann. New Statesman and Nation 30, no. 767 (3 November 1945). 304-305 [305].
Description: Brown calls Reed's poem, "The Place and the Person," one of 'great conviction and power'.
Subjects: Criticism
References: The Place and the Person
133. Brown, Terence, and Alec Reid, eds. Time Was Away: The World of Louis MacNeice. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1974. 36, 74.
Description: Reed was cast in MacNeice's production of Station Bell while a student at the University of Birmingham.
Book: Time Was Away ( 0851052371)
Subjects: Biography
References: Reggie Smith, Walter Allen
134. Brownjohn, Alan. "A Preference for Poetry: Oxford Undergraduate Writing of the Early 1950s." Yearbook of English Studies 17, British Poetry Since 1945 Special Number (1987): 62-74 [65].
Description: Readers of poetry could find a 'more muted romanticism' in the weekly poems printed in The Listener (Reed's among them).
Journal: A Preference for Poetry
Subjects: Criticism
135. Brownjohn, Alan. "Collected Lifelines." Reviews of Collected Poems, by Henry Reed; Selected Poems, by E.J. Scovell; and Poems, 1963-1983, by Michael Longley. Sunday Times Books (London), 20 October 1991, 14.
Description: Brownjohn feels Reed's 'shorter lyric pieces... [are] coherent and approachable, carefully shaped, both tender and sinister in mood.'
Newspaper: The Sunday Times (London)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, Philoctetes, The Auction Sale, Judging Distances, Returning of Issue, Psychological Warfare, Giacomo Leopardi, Theocritus, The Chateau
136. Broyard, Anatole. "Accursed with Infallible Taste." Review of Randall Jarrell's Letters: An Autobiographical and Literary Selection, edited by Mary Jarrell and Stuart Wright. New York Times Book Review, 19 May 1985, 11.
Description: Quotes from Jarrell's 1948 review of Reed's A Map of Verona.
Newspaper: Accursed with Infallible Taste
Subjects: Criticism
References: Randall Jarrell
137. Bryer, Jackson R. and Joseph N. Riddel, comps. "A Checklist of Stevens Criticism." Twentieth Century Literature 8, nos. 3/4 (October 1962-January 1963): 124-142 [140, 142].
Description: Lists Reed's 1960 Listener review of Wallace Stevens.
Journal: A Checklist of Stevens Criticism
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Wallace Stevens, The Necessary Angel, Opus Posthumous
138. Bryer, Jackson R. and Thomas J. Bergin, Jr. "Book Reviews." Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 8, no. 2 (Spring 1967): 325-364 [331].
Description: This issue, devoted to Nabakov, has a bibliography which includes Reed's 1946 review of Sebastian Knight.
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Vladimir Nabakov, Sebastian Knight
139. Burgess, Patricia, ed. "Henry Reed." Annual Obituary, 1986. Chicago: St. James Press, 1989. 729-732.
Description: Reed's obituary contains a lengthy biography and full bibliography, culled from several sources.
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Poem, Play
References: Chard Whitlow, Philoctetes, Chrysothemis, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, The Novel Since 1939, Moby Dick, A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private lIfe of Hilda Tablet, Not a Drum Was Heard
140. Buzzati, Dino. Larger than Life. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1962.
Description: Reed's translation of Buzzati's novel Il Grande Ritratto.
Subjects: Translation
References: Dino Buzzati, Larger than Life
141. Buzzati, Dino. Larger than Life. Translated by Henry Reed. New York: Walker, 1960, 1967.
Description: Reed's translation of Buzzati's novel Il Grande Ritratto.
Subjects: Translation
References: Dino Buzzati, Larger than Life
142. Caddy, David. "The George Inn: Stag and Visions 1944-47." Wandering Dog. <http://users.ox.ac.uk/~sann1639/wanderingdog/litcity5.html>.
Description: Essay on post-war Fitzrovians, the BBC, and the George and Stag pubs. External link.
Link: The George Inn: Stag and Visions 1944-47
Subjects: Link, Biography
143. "Calendar." Theatre Arts 47, no. 11 (November 1963): 2.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia is listed as playing off-Broadway, at the Cherry Lane Theatre.
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption inthe Palace of Justice
144. "Calendar." Theatre Arts 47, no. 12 (December 1963): 2.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia is listed as playing off-Broadway, at the Cherry Lane Theatre.
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice
145. Calta, Louis. "'Island of Goats' Arrives Tonight." New York Times, 4 October 1955, 38.
Description: Announcement of the Fulton Theatre premiere for Reed's translation of Betti's Island of Goats.
Newspaper: "Island of Goats" Arrives Tonight
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, Ruth Ford
146. Calta, Louis. "Broadway to See Betti Drama." New York Times, 8 July 1960, 17.
Description: Reed's translation of Betti's The Queen and the Rebels is expected in winter of 1960, and the 1955 London production of The Burnt Flower-Bed is mentioned.
Newspaper: Broadway to See Betti Drama
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Queen and the Rebels, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Irene Worth
147. Calta, Louis. "News of the Stage." New York Times, 9 June 1974, 56.
Description: The Roundabout Theatre Company intends to produce Reed's translation of Betti's The Burnt Flower-Bed, starting July 2.
Newspaper: News of the Stage
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Burnt Flower-Bed
148. Calta, Louis. "Uta Hagen Signs for Betti Drama." New York Times, 25 August 1955, 17.
Description: Announces actress Uta Hagen to costar in Reed's translation of Betti's Island of Goats.
Newspaper: Uta Hagen Signs for Betti Drama
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey
149. Cambon, Glauco. "An Italian Chronicle." Poetry 94, no. 5 (August 1959): 350-354.
Description: Review of Three Plays by Ugo Betti, translated and with a foreword by Henry Reed. Evergreen Books. Grove Press. $1.75.
Journal: Poetry, Aug. 1959
Subjects: Criticism
References: Three Plays
150. Cardew, Alan. Review of Teaching Literature in a Second Language. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 12, no. 2 (2002): 240-245 [241].
Description: Book review asserts that "Naming of Parts" supports the authors' 'super-analytic' approach.
Journal: Review of Teaching Literature in a Second Language
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
151. Carey, John. "The Tribulations of a Man of Letters." Listener 86, no. 2222 (28 October 1971): 577-578.
Description: Review of Hilda Tablet and Others and The Streets of Pompeii. BBC Publications, £2.10 and £3.15, respectively.
Journal: The Listener, Oct. 1970
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Hedge, Backwards, The Primal Scene, As It Were, The Unblest, The Monument, The Streets of Pompeii, Return to Naples, The Great Desire I Had, Vincenzo
152. Carpenter, Humphrey. The Envy of the World: Fifty Years of the BBC Third Programme and Radio 3, 1946-1996. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996. xi, 38, 59, 78, 108, 135-139, 145, 147, 152n, 159-161, 164, 169, 187-188, 213-214.
Description: A veritable treasure-trove of inside information on Reed's successes and tribulations while at the BBC.
Book: The Envy of the World
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Play
References: The Dynasts, Emily Butter, The Great Desire I Had, A Hedge, Backwards, Moby Dick, Musique Discrète, Not a Drum Was Heard, The Primal Scene, As It Were, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Pytheas
153. Carter, Ronald, and John McRae. The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland. London: Routledge, 1997. 471, 568.
Description: Quotes the first stanza of "Naming of Parts."
Book: The Routledge History of Literature in English ( 0415123429)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
154. Castagna, Gabriella. "La 'Fortuna' Scenica di Ugo Betti nel Nord America." Forum Italicum 33, no. 2 (Fall 1999): 535-544.
Description: Reviews the staging of many of Betti's plays in the United States, including adaptations by Reed. In Italian.
Journal: La "Fortuna" Scenica di Ugo Betti nel Nord America
Subjects: Criticism, Translation, Play
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, Crime on Goat Island, Irene Innocente, Time of Vengeance, The Queen and the Rebels
155. Caute, David. Joseph Losey: A Revenge on Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. 455.
Description: Reed briefly worked for Losey in the late 1970s, translating a script for a biopic on Ibn Saud.
Subjects: Biography, Translation
References: Barbara Bray
156. Caws, Brian W. "A Comparison of 'Naming of Parts' by Henry Reed and 'In the Shelter' by C. Day Lewis." English Review 8, no. 1 (September 1997): 26-29.
Description: An A-level student examination paper is considered.
Journal: A Comparison of Naming of Parts by Henry Reed
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, C. Day Lewis, In the Shelter
157. Cecil, David, and Allen Tate, eds. Modern Verse in English, 1900-1950. New York: Macmillan Company, 1958. 578-582, 638-639.
Anthology: Modern Verse in English, 1900-1950
Subjects: Poem, Biography
References: Naming of Parts, Chrysothemis, Morning
158. Chambers, Colin. Peggy: The Life of Margaret Ramsay, Play Agent. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998. 349.
Description: Biography of literary agent Margaret Ramsay lists Reed as a client.
Subjects: Biography
References: Margaret Ramsay
159. Chaplin, Sid. Letter to John Lehmann, 8 February 1944. Lehmann Papers. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. University of Texas at Austin, Austin Texas.
Description: The novelist Sid Chaplin writes of Reed's "The End of an Impulse": 'the most sensible piece about modern poetry I have seen in a long time.'
Manuscript: Letter to John Lehmann
Subjects: Criticism
References: The End of an Impulse, John Lehmann
160. Chicorel, Marietta, ed. Chicorel Index to Poetry in Anthologies and Collections in Print. New York: Chicorel Library Publishing, 1974. 1233.
Description: 1974 index to anthologies or collections containing Reed's poems.
Book: Chicorel Index to Poetry
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Chard Whitlow, Judging Distances, Naming of Parts, Unarmed Combat, The Wall
161. Childs, Peter. The Twentieth Century in Poetry: A Critical Survey. London: Routledge, 1999. 120.
Description: '"The Lessons of War" [sic] is a famous and excellent illustration of the differences between World War I and World War II verse.'
Book: The Twentieth Century in Poetry ( 0415171008)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
162. Church, Richard. "Poets Worth Praising." John O'London's Weekly 55, no. 1287 (14 June 1946): 115.
Description: Church describes Reed 'as a man of wry, almost sly humour, endowed with a shrewd critical mind that gives his first work a matter-of-factness wholly acceptable to the fastidious reader's palate.'
Journal: John O'London's Weekly
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: A Map of Verona
163. Ciardi, John. How Does a Poem Mean?. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. 832-833.
Description: Reed's poem "Naming of Parts" is used for a section describing diction. With suggested questions for class.
Anthology: How Does a Poem Mean?
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
164. Ciardi, John, and Miller Williams, eds. How Does a Poem Mean?. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1975.
Anthology: How Does a Poem Mean? ( 0395204402)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
165. Clarke, Arlene, and Marlene B. Clarke, eds. Retellings: A Thematic Literature Anthology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. 845-846.
Anthology: Retellings ( 0072414693)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
166. Clement-Davies, Stanley, et al. "New Radio Telescope." Letter to the editor. Times (London), 12 November 1971, 15.
Description: Reed and Douglas Cleverdon are among those who signed this letter protesting the intrusion of a proposed telescope for the Meifod Valley, Wales.
Newspaper: New Radio Telescope
Subjects: Biography
References: Stanley Clement-Davies, Douglas Cleverdon
167. Cleverdon, Douglas. "Henry Reed." In The Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 27, Poets of Great Britain and Ireland 1945-1960, edited by Vincent B. Sherry, Jr. Detroit: Gale Research, 1984. 276-282.
Description: Douglas Cleverdon's biographical note, focusing on Reed's radio drama, with a brief bibliography.
Book: The Dictionary of Literary Biography ( 0810317052)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, The Auction Sale, Movement of Bodies, Envoy, Crime on Goat Island, The Unblest, The Monument, Vincenzo, The Streets of Pompeii, The Great Desire I Had
168. Cleverdon, Douglas. The Growth of Milk Wood. New York: New Directions, 1969. 15.
Description: Reed's Return to Naples was part of a radio series called Return Journey, which included Dylan Thomas's Under Milk Wood, as well as programs by Sean O'Faolain, Eric Linklater, V.S. Pritchett, Christopher Sykes, and W.R. Rodgers.
Book: The Growth of Milk Wood ( 0460038281)
Subjects: Radio
References: Return to Naples
169. Cleverdon, Douglas. "Henry Reed." Obituary of Henry Reed, Independent (London), 11 December 1986.
Description: Obituary written by Reed's friend and colleague, Douglas Cleverdon.
Newspaper: The Independent (London)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Pytheas, Moby Dick, The Unblest, The Monument, Return to Naples, The Streets of Pompeii, The Great Desire I Had, Vincenzo, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Emily Butter
170. Cleverdon. Douglas. "Fifty Years." The Private Library 2nd Series 10, no. 1 (Spring 1977): 51-83 [71].
Description: Reminiscing on his prolific life as a bookseller and publisher, Cleverdon mentions the fifth Clover Hill edition of Reed's The Lessons of the War.
Subjects: Biography
References: Lessons of the War
171. Clinton-Baddeley, V.C., dir. Anthology of 20th Century English Poetry. 2 sound discs: 33 1/3 rpm; 12 in. New York: Folkways Records, 1961.
Description: Reissue of Jupiter Anthology.
Sound: Anthology of 20th Century English Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
172. Clinton-Baddeley, V.C. "The Written and the Spoken Word." Essays and Studies n.s. 18 (1965): 73-82 [78-79].
Description: Reed's recording of "Naming of Parts," makes Dylan Thomas's seem 'brash and entirely misconceived.'
Journal: The Written and the Spoken Word
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Jupiter Anthology of 20th-Century English Poetry
173. Cloyne, George. "Shock Treatment." Talking of Books. Times (London), 16 February 1961, 15.
Description: On the subject of the rarity of good parody, Reed's poem "Chard Whitlow" is mentioned.
Newspaper: Shock Treatment
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
174. Coffin, Rachel W., ed. "Island of Goats." New York Theatre Critics' Reviews 16, no. 17 (10 October 1955): 260-263.
Description: Reproduces theatre reviews from The New York World Telegram and The Sun, The New York Daily News, The New York Journal-American, The New York Post, The New York Herald Tribune, The New York Times, and The New York Daily Mirror.
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
175. Cohen, John Michael. English Translations and Translators. London: Longmans, Green, 1962. 46.
Book: English Translations and Translators
Subjects: Criticism, Review
References: The Novel Since 1939
176. Cole, William, comp. A Book of Nature Poems. New York: Viking, 1969.
Anthology: A Book of Nature Poems ( 0670180076)
Subjects: Poem
References: Lives
177. Cole, William, ed. The Fireside Book of Humorous Poetry. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1959.
Anthology: The Fireside Book of Humorous Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
178. Comfort, Alex. "Two Poets: Dylan Thomas and Henry Reed." ADAM International Review 14, no. 158 (May 1946): 19.
Description: A short review of Reed's first book of poems from Alex Comfort, the author of The Joy of Sex.
Journal: ADAM International Review
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Tristram, Dylan Thomas, Deaths and Entrances, Miron Grindea
179. Committee on Bibliography of the American Literature Group of the Modern Language Association. "Articles on American Literature Appearing in Current Periodicals." American Literature 25, no. 3 (November 1953): 409 (397-416).
Description: This bibliography lists Reed's essay on Eliot's critical prose from The Listener of June 18.
Journal: Articles on American Literature
Subjects: Criticism
References: If and Perhaps and But
180. Condon, Richard A. "Reed's 'Naming of Parts.'" Explicator 12, no. 8 (June 1954): 54.
Description: Richard Condon's summary and critical analysis of Reed's poem, "Naming of Parts."
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
181. Condon, Richard A. "Reed's 'Naming of Parts.'" In vol. 1, The Explicator Cyclopedia: Modern Poetry, edited by Charles Child Walcutt and J. Edwin Whitesell. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1966. 244-245.
Description: Reprint of Richard Condon's 1954 critique of Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Chapter: The Explicator Cyclopedia
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
182. Congdon, Kirby. Contemporary Poets in American Anthologies, 1960-1977. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1978. 196.
Description: Index of Reed's poems appearing in American anthologies.
Book: Contemporary Poets in American Anthologies ( 0810811685)
Subjects: Poem
183. Cooppan, Vilashini. "Ghosts in the Disciplinary Machine: The Uncanny Life of World Literature." Comparative Literature Studies 41, no. 1 (2004): 35, n37.
Description: Footnote acknowledges use of Reed's translation of Balzac's Père Goriot.
Journal: Ghosts in the Disciplinary Machine
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Père Goriot
184. Copp, Michael, sel. An Imagist at War: The Complete War Poems of Richard Aldington. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2002. 25.
Description: Notes that Aldington's verse story, "Farewell to Memories," uses two voices, much like Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Book: An Imagist at War ( 0838639526)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Richard Aldington, Farewell to Memories, Naming of Parts
185. Coulton, Barbara. Louis MacNeice in the BBC. London: Faber and Faber, 1980. 82, 91, 125-126, 127, 129.
Book: Louis MacNeice in the BBC ( 0571115373)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Moby Dick
186. Courtney, Janice Raye. A Production and Production Book of Ugo Betti's The Queen and the Rebels. Based on Henry Reed's translation. M.F.A. thesis dissertation: University of Texas, 1961.
Manuscript: A Production Book of Ugo Betti's The Queen and the Rebels
Subjects: Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
187. Cox, Michael, ed. "Reed, Henry." In A Dictionary of Writers and Their Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Book: Reed, Henry ( 0198605382)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, The Novel Since 1939, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, The Streets of Pompeii
188. Cox, Michael, ed. "Reed, Henry (1914-1986)." A Dictionary of Writers and Their Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 235.
Description: Only the shortest of bibliographies.
Chapter: Reed, Henry ( 0198662491)
Subjects: Miscellaneous
189. Craft, Robert. Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship. Rev. and ex. ed. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 1994. 161.
Description: Reed is mentioned attending a reception following a concert by Robert Craft, at which Stephen Spender and Elizabeth Luytens were present.
Book: Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship ( 0826512585)
Subjects: Biography
References: Igor Stravinsky, Robert Craft, Stephen Spender, Elizabeth Luytens
190. Crang, Alan, comp. Tunes on a Tin Whistle: Some Real-Life Poetry. New York: Pergamon, 1967.
Anthology: Tunes on a Tin Whistle
Subjects: Poem
191. Crisell, Andrew. An Introductory History of British Broadcasting. London: Routledge, 2002. 74.
Description: Mentions the BBC receiving the Italia Prize for Drama in the 1940s and '50s, for plays by Reed, Giles Cooper, and Louis MacNeice.
Book: An Introductory History of British Broadcasting ( 0415247918)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Giles Cooper, Louis MacNeice
192. Croft, Andy. Comrade Heart: A Life of Randall Swingler. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 2003. 178.
Description: Swingler reviewed Reed's book of poetry for his journal, Our Time, in 1946.
Subjects: Criticism
193. Cromie, Robert, ed. Where Steel Winds Blow. New York: David McKay, 1968.
Anthology: Where Steel Winds Blow
Subjects: Poem
194. Best of Second World War Poetry. 2 sound cassettes (ca. 3 hrs.), analogue. London: CSA Tell Tapes, 1993.
Description: Anthology of poetry from World War II, includes Reed's "Naming of Parts," read by Martin Jarvis.
Sound: Best of Second World War Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Martin Jarvis, Naming of Parts
195. Culler, Jonathan D. Structutalist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics, and the Study of Literature. New York: Routledge, 2002. 179, 313n.
Description: A brief analysis of Reed's parody, "Chard Whitlow."
Book: Structuralist Poetics ( 0415289890)
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
196. Currey, R.N. Poets of the 1939-1945 War. London: Longmans, Green, 1960. 7, 36, 43, 47.
Description: Currey calls Reed's "Naming of Parts" and "Judging Distances" 'brilliant' in this British Council pamphlet.
Book: Poets of the 1939-1945 War
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
197. Curry, Linda J. "Henry Reed and the BBC." ALSo 1 (2007).
Description: Curry discusses Reed's editing of controversial lines from his radio plays, in the light of censorship at the BBC.
Journal: Henry Reed and the BBC
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Philoctetes, A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Hedge, Backwards
198. Curry, Linda J. "The Henry Reed Collection." Research Libraries Bulletin 6 (Autumn 1998): 12-14.
Description: Newsletter article profiling the collection of Reed's papers, manuscripts and letters at the University of Birmingham. External link, .pdf file.
Journal: Research Libraries Bulletin
Subjects: Biography
References: E.M. Forster, Ken Russell
199. Curtis, Anthony. "My Book of the Year." Financial Times, 7 December 1991, xvi.
Description: The former literary editor of the Financial Times picks Reed's book as his favorite of 1991.
Newspaper: My Book of the Year
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts
200. Daiches, David. Review of The New Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1950, edited by Helen Gardner. Review of English Studies, New Series 24, no. 96 (November 1973): 520.
Description: Gardner's book contains two 'deservedly included' anthology pieces by Henry Reed.
Journal: Review of The New Oxford Book of English Verse
Subjects: Criticism
201. Daily Telegraph (London). "Henry Reed." Obituary for Henry Reed. 10 December 1986, 14.
Description: Reed's obituary in the Telegraph.
Newspaper: The Daily Telegraph (London)
Subjects: Biography, Play, Translation
References: Naming of Parts, Moby Dick, Ugo Betti, Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement
202. Dalziel, Pamela, ed. Thomas Hardy: The Excluded and Collaborative Stories. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. 164.
Description: Quotes Reed's 1952 review of Hardy's Our Exploits at West Poley.
Book: Thomas Hardy: The Excluded and Collaborative Stories ( 0198122454)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Thomas Hardy, Our Exploits at West Poley
203. Davalle, Peter. "Personal Choice." Times (London), 23 October 1978, 29.
Description: Reed's adaptation of Giacosa's play, Tristi Amori is scheduled for broadcast.
Newspaper: Personal Choice
Subjects: Radio, Translation
References: Giuseppe Giacosa, Sorrows of Love
204. Davalle, Peter, ed. "Today's Television and Radio Programmes." Times (London), 19 November 1981, 27.
Description: Reed's 1979 of his adaptation of Moby Dick is replayed this evening on Radio 3.
Newspaper: Today's Television and Radio Programmes
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Radio
References: Moby Dick, Colin Blakely
205. Davalle, Peter, ed. "Today's Television and Radio Programmes." Times (London), 10 December 1981, 27.
Description: To go with an exhibition of Gonzaga family treasures at the V&A in London, BBC Radio 3 has scheduled Reed's play, Vincenzo.
Newspaper: Today's Television and Radio Programmes
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Vincenzo, Gladys Young, Norman Shelley, Marjorie Westbury, Cecile Chevreau, Newton Blick, Barbara Couper
206. Davison, Peter. Review of British Radio Drama, edited by John Drakakis. Yearbook of English Studies 15, Anglo-French Literary Relations Special Number (1985): 362-364 [362].
Description: Reed mentioned among in the pantheon of writers for the Third Programme.
Journal: Review of British Radio Drama
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Louis MacNeice, Dylan Thomas, Susan Hill, Dorothy L. Sayers, Giles Cooper, Samuel Beckett
207. Day-Lewis, Sean. C. Day Lewis: An English Literary Life. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980: 201, 212, 254.
Description: Reed joins C. Day-Lewis in 1950 for a radio talk on poetry, and appears in Dorset working on a competing television program about Thomas Hardy.
Book: C. Day Lewis: An English Literary Life ( 0297777459)
Subjects: Biography, Radio
References: C. Day-Lewis, Paul Dehn, Patric Dickinson, Laurie Lee, Thomas Hardy
208. Reed, Henry. "Salvador de Madariaga's 'On Hamlet'." Letter to the editor. Listener 40, no. 1023 (2 September 1948): 350.
Description: de Madariaga writes in response to Martin Armstrong's August 26 review of Reed's radio talk, "Hamlet Once More."
Journal: Salvador de Madariaga's 'On Hamlet'
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Salvador de Madariaga, On Hamlet, Hamlet Once More
209. De-la-Noy, Michael. Eddy: The Life of Edward Sackville-West. London: Arcadia, 1999. 192, 210, 262.
Description: Biography of writer and musicologist Edward Sackville-West mentions Reed at Long Crichel House in 1946, and Donald McWhinnie believing Reed 'the wrong person' for a translation of Montherlant.
Book: Eddy: The Life of Edward Sackville-West ( 1900850206)
Subjects: Biography, Play, Translation
References: Edward Sackville-West, Henri de Montherlant, Elizabeth Bowen, Douglas Cleverdon, Donald McWhinnie, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
210. Delchamps, Stephen W. Civil Humor: The Poetry of Gavin Ewart. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2002. 107.
Description: Compares Ewart's poem, "The Bofors AA Gun" to Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Book: Civil Humor: The Poetry of Gavin Ewart ( 083863933X)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Gavin Ewart, The Bofors AA Gun
211. Dentith, Simon. Parody. London: Routledge, 2000. 118.
Description: A sequence of Eliot parodies includes an excerpt from "Chard Whitlow."
Book: Parody ( 0203451333)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
212. Deutsch, Babette. Review of A Map of Verona, by Henry Reed. Tomorrow 8, no. 2 (October 1948): 58-59.
Description: Although Deutsch feels that Lessons of the War have a 'restrained power,' and some of Reed's poems 'exhibit a melancholy loveliness,' the book as a whole is left wanting.
Journal: Tomorrow, Oct. 1948
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Outside and In, The Door and the Window
213. Dickinson, Patric. "The Poet as the Voice of His Generation." Review of Larkin at Sixty, edited by Anthony Thwaite. Times (London). 15 July 1982, 9.
Description: A brief quote from Reed's "Chard Whitlow."
Newspaper: The Poet as the Voice of His Generation
Subjects: Criticism
References: Philip Larkin, Anthony Thwaite, Chard Whitlow
214. DiYanni, Robert. Literature: Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004. 547-548.
Anthology: Literature: Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama ( 0072881844)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
215. DiYanni, Robert, and Kraft Rompf, eds. The McGraw-Hill Book of Poetry. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Anthology: The McGraw-Hill Book of Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts
216. Dodds, E.R. "Louis MacNeice at Birmingham." In Time Was Away: The World of Louis MacNeice, edited by Terence Brown and Alec Reid. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1974. 35-38 [36].
Description: Reed is counted among MacNeice's students at the University of Birmingham, along with Reggie Smith.
Chapter: Louis MacNeice at Birmingham
Subjects: Biography
References: R.D. Smith
217. Dodds, E.R. Missing Persons: An Autobiography. Oxford: Clarendon, 1977. 113, 116.
Description: Dodds, a professor of Greek at the University of Birmingham, recalls meeting the likes of Reed, Reggie Smith, Walter Allen; and hiring Louis MacNeice.
Book: Missing Persons ( 0198120869)
Subjects: Biography
References: Eric Robertson Dodds, Reggie Smith, Walter Allen, Louis MacNeice
218. Dorril, Stephen, ed. A Who's Who of the British Secret State. Hull, England: Lobster, 1989.
Description: A collection of thumbnail biographies compiled from public reference works, lists Reed as working for British intelligence until 1980, when he was 66 years old.
Book: A Who's Who of the British Secret State
Subjects: Biography
References: Bletchley Park, Alan Michell
219. Dowding, Una. "War! What War?" Citizen (Gloucester, England), 14 May 2005, 10.
Description: "Today We Have Political Spin," a parody of "Naming of Parts."
Newspaper: War! What War?
Subjects: Parody
References: Naming of Parts
220. Drabble, Margaret, ed. "Reed, Henry." In The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Book: Reed, Henry ( 0198662440)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
221. Drabble, Margaret, and Jenny Stringer, eds. The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. 485.
Description: A two-sentence biography of Reed.
Book: The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature.
Subjects: Biography, Play
References: Naming of Parts
222. Drakakis, John. Introduction to British Radio Drama. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 1-36.
Book: British Radio Drama ( 0521221838)
Subjects: Criticism, Play
223. Drakakis, John. "The Essence That's Not Seen: Radio Adaptations of Stage Plays." In Radio Drama, edited by Peter Lewis. New York: Longman, 1981. 111-113.
Chapter: The Essence That's Not Seen ( 0582490529)
Subjects: Criticism
224. Dubester, Henry J. Letter to Henry Reed (carbon), 2 October 1959. Williams, Oscar Mss. Collection. Lilly Library Manuscripts Department. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Manuscript: Letter to Henry Reed
Subjects: Biography
References: Oscar Williams, Henry J. Dubester
225. Duff, Alan. The Third Language: Recurrent Problems of Translation into English (It Ain't What You Do, It's the Way That You Do It). Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1981. 86.
Description: Quotes from Reed's poem, "Judging Distances."
Book: The Third Language ( 0080272487)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Judgin Distances
226. Dundas, Judith. "Illusion and the Poetic Image." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 32, no. 2 (Winter 1973): 197-203 [198-199].
Description: In discussing the "ironic eye," Reed's "Naming of Parts" is mentioned.
Journal: Illusion and the Poetic Image
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
227. Dunnett, Roderic. "The Skilful Anthologist." Choir & Organ 6, no. 1 (January-February 1998).
Description: Bliss's "Aubade," composed for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, is a 'gem.'
Journal: The Skilful Anthologist
Subjects: Criticism
References: Aubade, Arthur Bliss
228. Dunning, Stephen. Teaching Literature to Adolescents. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1966. 22-23.
Description: Teaching poetry 'inductively,' and recognizing different voices or speakers in a poem using "Naming of Parts." With suggested questions for class.
Book: Teaching Literature to Adolescents
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
229. Eckhardt, Caroline D. and David H. Stewart. "Towards a Functional Taxonomy of Composition." College Compostition and Communication 30, no. 4 (December 1979): 338-342 [342].
Description: "Naming of Parts" is quoted as an argument against solely teaching technique.
Journal: Towards a Functional Taxonomy of Composition
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
230. "Inverse Mappings: Poet's Lives." Economist, 13 April 2002.
Description: Review of Against Oblivion: Some Lives of the Twentieth-Century Poets by Ian Hamilton (London: Viking, 2002).
Newspaper: The Economist, Apr. 2002
Subjects: Criticism
231. Elizabeth Bowen Collection. Typescript of BBC talk by Henry Reed, 1945. 3pp. TXRC98-A19. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
Manuscript: Typescript of BBC talk
Subjects: Radio
232. Elliott, George P. "Speaking of Books: Writers on Campus." New York Times Book Review, 26 December 1965, 2.
Description: This article on writing for a living and teaching mentions Reed visiting at the University of Washington in 1964 and 1965.
Newspaper: Speaking of Books: Writers on Campus
Subjects: Biography
233. Elton, William. "Eliot-cum-BBC." Poetry 72, no. 3 (June 1948): 165-167.
Description: William Elton's short review of A Map of Verona and Other Poems, comparing Reed with T.S. Eliot.
Journal: Poetry, June 1948
Subjects: Criticism
References: A Map of Verona, Unarmed Combat, Morning, The Return, The Forest, The Wall, Outside and In, Chrysothemis, Ishmael
234. England. Vol. 6 of Living Prose & Poetry, narrated by Clifton Fadiman. 2 LP records, 33 1/3 rpm, 12 in. Old Greenwich, CT: Listening Library, 1976.
Description: Set of English poetry recordings includes "Lessons of the War: Naming of Parts."
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
235. England, West Midlands. Census of England and Wales, 1911. Erdington, 12 New Street, Reed household.
Description: Census form from the Reed house in Erdington lists Polly, Gladys, and Henry Reed, Sr. (setter at brick-kiln) living in four rooms.
Manuscript: England, West Midlands
Subjects: Biography
References: Birmingham
236. eNotes. "The Advertisement Summary, Essay, Quotes and Pictures." eNotes.com. <http://www.enotes.com/advertisement/>.
Description: An introduction to The Advertisement with a summary of the play, and a biography of the author, Natalia Ginzburg. External link.
Link: The Advertisement Summary
Subjects: Link, Play, Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement
237. Enright, D.J. "The Significance of Poetry London." Critic 1, no. 1 (Spring 1947): 3-10.
Description: Enright takes time out from discussing the problems with contemporary poetry to praise Reed.
Journal: The Significance of Poetry London
Subjects: Criticism
References: Lessons of the War
238. Erskine, Elizabeth, ed. Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature for 1986. Vol. 61. Leeds, England: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1990. 790.
Description: Indexes Reed's obituary in The Independent.
Book: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature for 1986
Subjects: Miscellaneous
239. Erskine, Elizabeth, ed. Annual Bibiliography of English Language and Literature for 1988. Vol. 63. Leeds, England: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1992. 503.
Description: Indexes "Tone and Voice in Henry Reed's 'Judging Distances'" in Notes on Contemporary Literature, and "What Follows 'Naming of Parts'" in Functions of Style.
Book: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature for 1988
Subjects: Miscellaneous
240. Esslin, Martin. "The Advertisement." Letter to the editor. Times (London), 1 October 1968, 11.
Description: Defends The Advertisement as a Marzotto Prize winner.
Newspaper: The Advertisement
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisment
241. Evans, Gerard. "Too Much Simulating." Listener 80, no. 2054 (8 August 1968): 187.
Description: Reed's translation of The Land Where the King is a Child was broadcast for the fourth time.
Journal: Too Much Simulating
Subjects: Play, Radio, Translation
References: Henri Montherlant, The Land Where the King is a Child, Denholm Elliott, Carleton Hobbs
242. Ewart, Gavin, ed. The Penguin Book of Light Verse. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1980.
Anthology: The Penguin Book of Light Verse ( 0140422706)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
243. Fadiman, Clifton, Louis Untermeyer, and Delmer Rodabaugh. Prose and Poetry of England. 4 s.; 12 in.; 33⅓ rpm; microgroove. Syracuse, New York: L.W. Singer, 1963.
Sound: Prose and Poetry of England
References: Naming of Parts
244. Farrell, Joseph. "Ugo Betti." In vol. 1, Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, edited by Olive Classe. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 145-146.
Chapter: Ugo Betti ( 1884964362)
Subjects: Criticism, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, Crime on Goat Island, The Queen and the Rebels, Summertime
245. Featherstone, Simon. "The Nation as Pastoral in British Literature of the Second World War." Journal of European Studies 16 Part 3, no. 63 (September 1986): 155-168 [157, 167n].
Description: Cites Reed's "The Making of The Dynasts" from Penguin New Writing in 1943.
Journal: The Nation as Pastoral
Subjects: Criticism
References: J.B. Priestley, Thomas Hardy, The Dynasts
246. Feinstein, Herbert. "Ugo Betti: The High Court of Drama." Review of Three Plays by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed. Prairie Schooner 35, no. 2 (Summer 1961): 180-182.
Description: Reed's translation is not criticized or commented on.
Journal: Ugo Betti: The High Court of Drama
Subjects: Translation, Criticism
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Summertime
247. Ferguson, Margaret, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy, eds. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998.
Description: This anthology contains not only "Naming of Parts," "Judging Distances," and "Chard Whitlow," but also Reed's lesser-known poem, "The Château."
Anthology: The Norton Anthology of Poetry ( 0393968200)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, The Chateau, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
248. Ferguson, Margaret, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy, eds. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 5th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2005. 1563-1566
Anthology: The Norton Anthology of Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
249. Fernyhough, A.H., Brigadier. A Short History of the RAOC. Burnham, England: Europrint, 1980.
Book: A Short History of the RAOC
Subjects: Biography
References: Royal Army Ordnance Corps
250. Firth, Katherine. "Henry Reed (1914-1986)." In British Writers, Supplement XV, edited by Jay Parini. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2010. 243-257.
Description: Firth's update to British Writers is the best and most comprehensive critical biography on Reed currently in print.
Chapter: Henry Reed (1914-1986) ( 978068431553)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Sailor's Harbour, Naming of Parts, The Captain, Chard Whitlow, Hiding Beneath the Furze, A Map of Verona, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, The Auction Sale, Three Words
251. Flint, F. Cudworth. "The War Poets." Review of The War Poets: An Anthology of the War Poetry of the Twentieth Century, edited by Oscar Williams. Virginia Quarterly Review 21, no. 4 (Autumn 1945): 633-640 [637-638].
Description: Cudworth calls "Naming of Parts," by Private Henry Reed, 'a poem of the charmingly clever sort....'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Dunstan Thompson, Frederick Ebright, Alfred Hayes
252. Forbes, Peter, ed. Scanning the Century: The Penguin Book of the Twentieth Century in Poetry. London: Viking, 1999.
Anthology: Scanning the Century ( 014058899X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
253. Ford, Boris, ed. The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain. Vol. 9, Modern Britain. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 5, 225-226.
Description: Reed's Hilda Tablet series is mentioned in a discussion of post-war drama.
Book: The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain ( 0521327652)
Subjects: Criticism, Play
References: Naming of Parts, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
254. Ford, Christopher. "The Reeve's Tale." Guardian (Manchester), 20 November 1971,
Description: An excellent interview with Reed, for a retrospective of the Hilda Tablet series of radio plays.
Newspaper: The Guardian (Manchester), Nov. 1971
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Play
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, Emily Butter, A Hedge, Backwards, Not a Drum Was Heard, Naming of Parts, Moby Dick, The Streets of Pompeii, After a Certain Age
255. Forster, E.M. Letter to Henry Reed, 12(?) December 1944. The Papers of Edward Morgan Forster. GBR/0272/EMF/18/456. King's College Archive Centre, Cambridge, England.
Description: Photocopy of Forster's letter to Reed, concerning the broadcast of "The Return" on the BBC on Christmas Eve, 1944 (letter probably 25/12/1944).
Manuscript: Letter to Henry Reed
Subjects: Criticism
References: E.M. Forster, The Return
256. Foss, Michael, ed. Poetry of the World Wars. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1990.
Anthology: Poetry of the World Wars ( 0872263363)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances
257. Fountain, Gary and Peter Brazeau. Remembering Elizabeth Bishop: An Oral Biography. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994. 215-218.
Description: Interviews with Reed's acquaintances Henry Carlisle, William Matchett, Robert Heilman, Dorothee Bowee, and M. Taylor Bowee.
Book: Remembering Elizabeth Bishop ( 0870239368)
Subjects: Biography
258. Fowler, Roger. Linguistic Criticism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. 197-201.
Book: Linguistic Criticism ( 019219125X)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
259. Fowler, Roger. "'Naming of Parts' by Henry Reed." In Poetics: Linguistic Analyses of English and American Poems, Reader and Workbook, edited by Kordásné Kenesei Andrea. Veszprém, Hungary: Veszprém University Press, 2004. 41-44
Description: This analysis is similar to Fowler's in Linguistic Criticism (1996).
Chapter: Naming of Parts by Henry Reed ( 963949535)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
260. France, Peter, ed. The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 487.
Description: Ugo Betti's 'austere, literary but deeply felt speech is well caught' by Reed's translations.
Book: The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation ( 0198183593)
Subjects: Translation, Criticism, Play
References: Ugo Betti
261. Frank, Leah D. "A Stranger Knocks, and a Thriller Begins." Review of Crime on Goat Island, by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed. East Farmingdale, NY, Arena Players Repertory Theatre. New York Times, 26 July 1987, LI21.
Description: A review of an Arena Playhouse staging of Reed's translation of Betti's Crime on Goat Island.
Newspaper: A Stranger Knocks, and a Thriller Begins
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
262. Fraser, G.S., ed. Poetry Now. London: Faber and Faber, 1956.
Subjects: Poem
263. Frenaye, Frances. "Desperate Search." Review of Perdu, by Peride Rombi, translated by Henry Reed. New York Times Book Review, 2 May 1954, 4.
Description: Book review of Reed's translation of Rombi's Perdu.
Newspaper: Desperate Search
Subjects: Criticism, Translation
References: Peride Rombi, Perdu and His Father
264. Friedrich, Gerhard. "The English Teacher and the Process of Communication." English Journal 55, no. 1 (January 1966); 19-27 [27].
Description: "Naming of Parts" cited as an example for 'establishing the identities of compositional techniques and literary effects.'
Journal: The English Teacher and the Process of Communication
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
265. Friend-Periera, F.J. "Four Poets," Some Recent Books, New Review 23, no. 128 (June 1946), 482-484 [482].
Description: A short review calls A Map of Verona more pretentious than C.C. Abbott's The Sand Castle; influenced by Eliot, Auden, MacNeice, and Day Lewis.
Subjects: Poems, Criticism
References: A Map of Verona, The Place and the Person, Tintagel
266. Frye, Northrop, Sheridan Baker, and George Perkins, eds. The Practical Imagination: An Introduction to Poetry. New York: Harper and Row, 1983.
Anthology: The Practical Imagination ( 006042219X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
267. Fuller, Roy. Letter to Julian Symons, 16 June 1944. Roy Fuller Correspondence with Julian Symons and Jack Clark, 1937-1992. Cushing Memorial Library, Texas A&M University Manuscripts. Series 1. Box 1, folder 1480. College Station, Texas.
Description: Fuller's letter to Symons is regarding, or is a response to, a mention of Reed.
Manuscript: Letter to Julian Symons
Subjects: Biography
References: Roy Fuller, Julian Symons
268. Funke, Lewis. "News of the Rialto: Optimists." New York Times, 30 April 1961, X1.
Description: Mentions a summer of 1960 testing of Reed's translation of Betti's The Burnt Flower-Bed in Westport, CT.
Newspaper: News of the Rialto: Optimists
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Burnt Flower-Bed
269. Fussell, Paul. Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 63, 244.
Description: Jarrell's "Soldier (T.P.)" is 'not as sentimental' as Reed's "Lessons of the War."
Book: Wartime: Understanding and Behavior ( 0195037979)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Randall Jarrell, Soldier (T.P.)
270. Gale Group Databases. "Poetry Timeline." Gale.com. <http://www.gale.com/free_resources/poets/timeline/index.htm>.
Description: Timeline of world poetry, from the Beowulf to the end of the twentieth century. External link.
Subjects: Link, Biography
271. Gale Research Company. "Reed, Henry." Who Was Who Among English and European Authors, 1931-1949. An Omnigraphics book. Vol. 3, N-Z. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1978. 1179.
Description: An extremely abbreviated biography for Reed lists music and travel as his main recreation.
Book: Who Was Who Among English and European Authors, 1931-1949
Subjects: Biography
272. Gardner, Brian, ed. The Terrible Rain: the War Poets, 1939-1945. London: Methuen, 1966. 33-36.
Anthology: The Terrible Rain: the War Poets, 1939-1945 ( 0413150100)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances, Naming of Parts
273. Gardner, Helen. The Composition of Four Quartets. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. 37, 39.
Description: Gardner credits Reed with two suggestions as to the sources of "The Dry Salvages" (refuted by Eliot, himself) and "Burnt Norton."
Book: The Compostion of Four Quartets ( 0195199898)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: T.S. Eliot, The Dry Salvages, Burnt Norton
274. Gardner, Helen. " A Study of Eliot's More Recent Poetry." Reprinted in Vol. 2, T.S. Eliot: The Critical Heritage, edited by Michael Grant. London: Routledge, 1982. 482e.
Description: Endnote credits Reed with suggesting the source of the bell in Eliot's "The Dry Salvages" may be Melville's Redburn.
Chapter: A Study of Eliot's More Recent Poetry
Subjects: Criticism
References: T.S. Eliot, Dry Salvages, Herman Melville, Redburn
275. Gardner, Helen Louise. In Defence of the Imagination. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982. 145.
Description: Gardner recalls Reed, a former student of hers at Birmingham, mailing her a copy of Eliot's "East Coker" in 1940.
Book: In Defence of the Imagination
Subjects: Biography
References: T.S. Eliot, East Coker
276. Gardner, Helen Louise, Dame, comp. The New Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1950. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Anthology: The New Oxford Book of English Verse ( 0198121369)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances, Naming of Parts
277. Gardner, Janet E., et al, eds. Literature: A Portable Anthology. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2004.
Anthology: Literature: A Portable Anthology ( 0312412827)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
278. Garlock, Gayle. "The Friends of Fisher Library Library Events for 2000-2001." The Halcyon, no. 27 (June 2001).
Description: The account of a 2001 lecture on Hardy collectors mentions Reed.
Journal: The Friends of Fisher Library Library Events
Subjects: Biography
References: Michael Millgate, Thomas Hardy
279. Garrison, Chester Arthur. The Vast Venture: Hardy's Epic-Drama "The Dynasts". Salzburg: Institute für Englische Sprache und Literatur, 1973. 40, 104, 125.
Description: Refers to Reed's adaptation of "The Dynasts" for radio.
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Thomas Hardy, The Dynasts
280. Gassner, John. "Broadway in Review." Educational Theatre Journal 15, no. 4 (December 1963): 358-365 [364].
Description: Edward Albee's production of Corruption in the Palace of Justice suffers from the 'naïve laboriousness' and 'machine-made banality' of Betti's story.
Journal: Broadway in Review
Subjects: Criticism
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice
281. Gassner, John, and Edward Quinn, eds. "Radio and Television Drama in Britain." In The Reader's Encyclopedia of World Drama. New York: Thomas Y. Crowley, 1969. 690.
Description: Reed's radio work is mentioned in the encyclopedia article on British broadcasting.
Chapter: Radio and Television Drama in Britain
Subjects: Criticism
References: The Streets of Pompeii, A Very Great Man Indeed
282. Gelb, Arthur. "News and Gossip of the Rialto." New York Times, 21 August 1955, 97.
Description: Goat Island, Betti's play translated by Reed, to open on October 4, 1955.
Newspaper: News and Gossip of the Rialto
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
283. George, Daniel. "Salvador de Madariaga's 'On Hamlet'." Letter to the editor. Listener 40, no. 1025 (16 September 1948): 422.
Description: George brings up a previous "appreciatory" broadcast from July, by Ms. C.V. Wedgewood on de Madariaga's book.
Journal: Salvador de Madariaga's 'On Hamlet'
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Salvador de Madariaga, On Hamlet, C.V. Wedgewood
284. Gibbs, Wolcott. "Amsterdam and Troy." New Yorker 31 (15 October 1955): 77-78.
Description: Review of the Broadway production of Island of Goats by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed.
Journal: Amsterdam and Troy
Subjects: Criticism
References: Crime on Goat Island, Ugo Betti
285. Gibson, James, ed. Thomas Hardy: Interviews and Recollections. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. 180-182, 191-192, 231.
Description: Contains excerpts of interviews originally broadcast on Reed's radio tribute to Thomas Hardy, in February, 1955.
Book: Thomas Hardy: Interviews and Recollections
Subjects: Radio, Biography
References: Thomas Hardy, St. John Ervine, Harry Marriott Smith, May O'Rourke, Llewelyn Powys
286. Gill, Brendan. "Pinchbeck Profundities." Review of The Queen and the Rebels, by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed. Plymouth Theatre, New York. New Yorker, 11 October 1982, 156.
Description: The reviewer feels that 'lyricism is nearly always the first victim of the translator.'
Journal: Pinchbeck Profundities
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels, Colleen Dewhurst, Peter Michael Goetz, Scott Hylands, Betty Miller, David Jenkins, Jane Greenwood, John McLain, Waris Hussein
287. Ginzburg, Natalia. The Advertisement. Translated by Henry Reed. London: Faber and Faber, 1969.
Description: Reed's translation of Ginzburg's play, L'Inserzione.
Play: The Advertisement ( 0571091539)
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement
288. Ginzburg, Natalia. The Advertisement. Translated by Henry Reed. In The New Theatre of Europe, v. 4 no. 1. New York: Dell, 1970. 1-46.
Description: Reed's translation of Ginzburg's Inserzione.
Subjects: Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement
289. Ginzburg, Natalia. The Advertisement. Translated by Henry Reed. In Plays By and About Women: An Anthology, edited by Victoria Sullivan and James Hatch. New York: Random House, 1973. 295–344.
Play: The Advertisement ( 0394483472)
Subjects: Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement, A.D. Peters
290. Ginzburg, Natalia. The Advertisement. Translated by Henry Reed. In Plays By and About Women: An Anthology, edited by Victoria Sullivan and James Hatch. New York: Vintage Books, 1974. 295-344.
Description: Reed's English translation of Ginzburg's play is collected in this anthology.
Play: The Advertisement ( 0394718968)
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement
291. Glendinning, Victoria. Elizabeth Bowen. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. 94, 146, 166.
Description: When Reed visited her in Ireland, he assisted Bowen with her book review column.
Book: Elizabeth Bowen ( 0394405331)
Subjects: Biography, Review
References: Elizabeth Bowen, John Lehmann
292. Glendinning, Victoria. Vita: The Life of V. Sackville-West. New York: Knopf, 1983. 341-342.
Description: Reed sat on the Poetry Committee for the Society of Authors, to choose poets for a recital given for the Royal Family.
Book: Vita: The Life of V. Sackville-West
Subjects: Biography
References: Edith Sitwell, Walter de la Mare, Dylan Thomas, Louis Macneice, George Barker, Denys Kilham Roberts
293. Gluck, Victor. Theatre review of The Queen and the Rebels by Ugo Betti. Back Stage 23 (8 October 1982): 68.
Description: Review of 1982 performance of Betti's The Queen and the Rebels, translated by Reed, at New York's Plymouth Theatre.
Journal: The Queen and the Rebels
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: The Queen and the Rebels
294. Goddard, Scott. "Radio Notes." Musical Times.
Description: Mentions broadcasts of Emily Butter and A Hedge, Backwards.
Subjects: Play
References: Emily Butter, A Hedge, Backwards
295. Goethals, Helen. "The Muse That Failed: Poetry and Patriotism During the Second World War." In The Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry, edited by Tim Kendall. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 366.
Description: Goethals describes the juxtaposed voices in Reed's "Naming of Parts" as 'emblematic' of the Second World War.
Chapter: The Muse That Failed ( 0199282668)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
296. Goldensohn, Lorrie. Dismantling Glory: Twentieth-Century Soldier Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003. 111-112.
Description: "Naming of Parts" is likened to a 'perfectly framed snapshot,' that is 'representative of the World War II soldier poem.'
Book: Dismantling Glory ( 0231119380)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts
297. Gordon Jr., Ambrose. "Six British Writers Under American Wrappers." Furioso 3, no. 3 (Spring 1948): 65-66.
Description: Ambrose Gordon, Jr. is stunned by the brilliance of the American edition of A Map of Verona, but seems to have doubts about Reed's originality.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chrysothemis, Chard Whitlow, A Map of Verona, Ishmael, Tristram
298. Goss, Raymond. "To Students Everywhere." Parody of "Naming of Parts," by Henry Reed. College Composition and Communication 26, no. 2 (May 1975): 148.
Description: A parody of "Naming of Parts" which changes the setting to a university campus, and the lessons to ones on grammar and the parts of speech.
Journal: To Students Everywhere
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Naming of Parts
299. Graham, Desmond, ed. Poetry of the Second World War: An International Anthology. London: Chatto & Windus, 1995. 22-23.
Anthology: Poetry of the Second World War ( 0701162996)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
300. Graham, W.S. "England's Old Young Men." New Republic 118, no. 17 (26 April 1948): 28-31 [30-31].
Description: Graham says of A Map of Verona: '[It] has already made a considerable stir and has been pronounced by some critics to be the offspring of Eliot's later blank-verse style. It is a reflective poetry written with a masterly off-handedness.'
Journal: England's Old Young Men
Subjects: Criticism
References: T.S. Eliot
301. Gregory, Marshall. "Skills versus Scholarship (or Liberal Education Knows a Hawk from a Handsaw)." Keynote address, Open University. 11 October 1997.
Description: Keynote address, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK. 11 October 1997.
Chapter: Skills versus Scholarship
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
302. Grigson, Geoffrey. Letter to the editor. Listener 33, no. 837 (25 January 1945): 104.
Description: Grigson writes in to lament the absence of W.H. Auden from Reed's article, "Poetry in War Time: The Older Poets."
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time, W.H. Auden
303. Grigson, Geoffrey. Recollections: Mainly of Writers and Artists. London: Chatto & Windus, 1984. 136.
Description: Grigson's defense of J.R. Ackerley, the only "virtuous" literary editor he knew.
Book: Recollections: Mainly of Writers and Artists
Subjects: Biography
References: J.R. Ackerley
304. Grigson, Geoffrey, ed. The Concise Encyclopedia of Modern World Literature. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1963.
Description: Reed is listed among the contributors to this reference work.
Book: The Concise Encyclopedia of Modern World Literature ( 0090989902)
Subjects: Review
305. Grigson, Geoffrey, ed. The Faber Book of Nonsense Verse: With a Sprinkling of Nonsense Prose. London: Faber and Faber, 1979.
Anthology: The Faber Book of Nonsense Verse ( 0571113567)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
306. Gross, Harvey. "William Empson, Vernon Watkins, and Henry Reed." In Sound and Form in Modern Poetry: A Study of Prosody from Thomas Hardy to Robert Lowell. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1964. 271, 275-279, 325n.
Description: Of several contemporaries of Thomas and Auden, the author considers Reed to be the 'most considerable.'
Book: Sound and Form in Modern Poetry
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, Chrysothemis, The Auction Sale, Vernon Watkins, William Empson
307. Gross, John, ed. The Oxford Book of Comic Verse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Anthology: The Oxford Book of Comic Verse ( 0192142070)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
308. Gross, John, ed. The Oxford Book of Parodies. London: Oxford University Press, 2010. 89-90, 132.
Description: Collects Reed's parodies of Thomas Hardy and T.S. Eliot.
Anthology: The Oxford Book of Parodies ( 978019954882)
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Stoutheart on the Southern Railway, Chard Whitlow
309. Grubb, Frederick. "No One Actually Starves: Philip Larkin." A Vision of Reality: A Study of Liberalism in Twentieth-Century Verse. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1965. 229.
Description: Larkin's "Next Please" reminds the author of "Chard Whitlow."
Chapter: No One Actually Starves
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
310. Gunter, Liz and Jim Linebarger. "Tone and Voice in Henry Reed's 'Judging Distance [sic].'" Notes on Contemporary Literature 18, no. 2 (March 1988): 9-10.
Description: An analysis of "Judging Distances," concerning the duality of tone, or voices, in the poem.
Journal: Notes on Contemporary Literature
Subjects: Criticism
References: Judging Distances
311. Gussow, Mel. "Theatre: Betti's 'Burnt Flowerbed' Comes to the Roundabout." Review of The Burnt Flowerbed by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed. Roundabout Theatre, New York, 24 July 1974. New York Times, 25 July 1974, 29.
Description: Review of the Roundabout Theatre premiere of Reed's translation of Betti's The Burnt Flower-Bed.
Newspaper: Theatre: Betti's
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Burnt Flower-Bed
312. Guth, Hans P., and Gabriele L. Rico, eds. Discovering Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996. 755.
Anthology: Discovering Literature ( 0135289947)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
313. Gwynn, Frederick L., Ralph W. Condee, and Arthur O. Lewis, eds. The Case for Poetry, a Critical Anthology: Poems, Cases, and Critiques. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1965. 238.
Description: Anthology collects "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: The Case for Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
314. Haffenden, John, ed. W.H. Auden: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983. 42.
Description: Mentions Reed's article on Auden's For the Time Being, but misattributes it.
Anthology: W.H. Auden: The Critical Heritage ( 0710093500)
Subjects: Criticism
References: W.H. Auden, The Sea and the Mirror
315. Haft, Adele J. "Henry Reed's Poetic Map of Verona: (Di)versifying the Teachings of Geography IV." Cartographic Perspectives 40 (Fall 2001): 32-50.
Description: Explores the maps Reed may have consulted when composing "A Map of Verona," and during his several visits to Italy.
Journal: Cartographic Perspectives
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Judging Distances
316. Hall, Carol. Review of Poetry is for People, edited by Martha M. McDonough and William C. Doster. College Composition and Communication 16, no. 5 (December 1965): 285-286 [285].
Description: Chides the editors for reducing Reed's 'witty and sophisticated' "Naming of Parts" to a 'didactic' reading of simple connotation and denotation.
Journal: Review of Poetry is for People
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
317. Hallmark Cards, Inc. Poetry for Pleasure: The Hallmark Book of Poetry. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960.
Anthology: Poetry for Pleasure
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
318. Hamblett, Charles, and Leslie Frewin, eds. I Burn For England: An Anthology of World War II. London: Frewin, 1966.
Anthology: I Burn For England
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
319. Hamill, John. "The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare's Specter Lingers Over the Italian City." Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 38, no. 3 (Summer 2003).
Description: Reed's play, The Great Desire I Had, is cited as recognizing the need for Shakespeare to have visited Italy to have produced "The Rape of Lucrece."
Journal: The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua
Subjects: Criticism
References: The Great Desire I Had, William Shakespeare, Giulio Romano, The Rape of Lucrece
320. Hamilton, Ian. "Henry Reed, 1914-1986" in Against Oblivion: Some Lives of the Twentieth-Century Poets. London: Viking, 2002. 212-216.
Description: Reed's chapter from Ian Hamilton's survey of twentieth-century poets, with analysis and biography.
Book: Against Oblivion ( 067084909X)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Psychological Warfare
321. Hamilton, Ian. "The Forties II." In A Poetry Chronicle: Essays and Reviews. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1973. 66-74 [68-70].
Description: An excerpt from Ian Hamilton's series of essays on the poetry of the 1940s, regarding Reed's poems "Judging Distances" and "Naming of Parts."
Chapter: A Poetry Chronicle ( 064926737)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Judging Distances, Naming of Parts
322. Hamilton, Ian. "Poetry of the FortiesI." 4, no. 1 (April 1964): 81-89 [88].
Description: Hamilton likens Reed to F.T. Prince and Charles Causley, as all writers of 'poems of distinction which have been subtly written off as strange, local events.'
Journal: Poetry of the FortiesI
Subjects: Criticism
323. Hamilton, Ian. The Poetry of War, 1939-1945. London: Alan Ross, 1965. 36-40.
Description: Collects three of Reed's Lessons of the War poems.
Anthology: The Poetry of War
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
324. Hamilton, Ian, ed. The Poetry of War, 1939-1945. London: Alan Ross, 1965. 36.
Anthology: The Poetry of War, 1939-1945
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
325. Hamilton, Ian. "Poetry: The FortiesII." London Magazine 4, no. 3 (June 1964): 67-72 [68-69].
Description: Hamilton's essay on the poetry of the 1940s was reprinted in A Poetry Chronicle (1973).
Journal: Poetry: The FortiesII
Subjects: Criticism
References: Judging Distances, Naming of Parts
326. Hampson, John. "Gordon HerickxAn Appeal." Spectator 191, no. 6547 (18 December 1953): 726.
Description: An appeal for funds after the untimely death of Birmingham sculptor Gordon Herickx.
Subjects: Biography
References: Walter Allen, Dorothy Baker, John Lehmann, Louis MacNeice, Olivia Manning, E.R. Dodds, William Plomer
327. Hansen, Tom. "Reclaiming the Body: Teaching Modern Poetry." English Journal 81, no. 1 (January 1992): 25.
Description: Suggests "Naming of Parts" be used as a dramatic monologue in class.
Journal: Reclaiming the Body
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
328. A.M. Hardie, "Man's Conflicts," Times (London) Literary Supplement, 11 May 1946, 225.
Description: Uncredited early review of A Map of Verona, calls Reed a '[master] of many moods.'
Newspaper: The Times Literary Supplement, May 1946
Subjects: Criticism
References: Tristram, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes
329. Harlan, William K., comp. Probes: An Introduction to Poetry. New York: Macmillan, 1973.
Anthology: Probes: An Introduction to Poetry
Subjects: Poem
330. Harmon, William. "Oxford Lite." Review of The Oxford Book of Comic Verse. Sewanee Review 104, no. 1 (Winter 1996). 167-173.
Description: "Chard Whitlow" is 'recognized by many, including the target himself, as the finest parody of T.S. Eliot.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
331. Harmon, William, ed. The Top 500 Poems. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. 1048-1049.
Anthology: The Top 500 Poems ( 023108028X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
332. Harries, Meirion and Susan Harries. A Pilgrim Soul: The Life and Work of Elisabeth Lutyens. London: Michael Joseph, 1989. 116, 141-142, 306n.
Description: The "composeress" Liz Lutyens, the inspiration for Hilda Tablet, briefly considered suing Reed over the parody.
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Canterbury Cathedral, Westminster Abbey
333. Harrison, Michael, and Christopher Stuart Clark, comps. One Hundred Years of Poetry for Children. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 148-149.
Anthology: One Hundred Years of Poetry for Children ( 0192762583)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
334. Harrison, Michael, and Christopher Stuart-Clark, comps. Peace & War: A Collection of Poems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. 33.
Description: Collects Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: Peace & War ( 0192760718)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
335. Harrisson, Mike, ed. Over the Nightmare Ground: British Poetry from Two World Wars. Huddersfield, England: Headstrong Interactive, 1999. CD-Rom.
Description: While listening to a reading of Henry Reed's "Naming of Parts," the viewer of this CD can browse a labeled diagram of a rifle.
Anthology: Over the Nightmare Ground
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
336. Hassal, Christopher. "Notes on the Verse Drama." Masque 6 (1948): 36.
Description: Regarding verse drama on the radio, Hassal feels that Reed 'will have helped to found a tradition in this medium.'
Journal: Notes on the Verse Drama
Subjects: Criticism, Radio, Play
References: Louis MacNeice, Patric Dickinson
337. Haughton, Hugh. Second World War Poems. London: Faber and Faber, 2004. 232-234, 314.
Description: Collects "Naming of Parts" and "Judging Distances" as Lessons of the War, Parts I and II.
Anthology: Second World War Poems
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
338. Hazzard, Shirley. "Points of Departure." Sophisticated Traveler. New York Times, 13 March 1983, 32.
Description: Travelogue quotes from Reed's "A Map of Verona."
Newspaper: Points of Departure
Subjects: Poem
References: A Map of Verona
339. "Crime on Goat Island." Headland View Associates. .
Description: Details of a 1965 Tower Theatre production of Reed's translation of Ugo Betti's play. External link.
Link: Crime on Goat Island
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
340. Healey, Denis. "Voices Recalled from a Cataclysm," Times (London), 23 July 1990, 19.
Description: Reed is mentioned among a group of poets who became well-known during the second World War.
Newspaper: Voices Recalled from a Cataclysm
Subjects: Criticism
References: Sidney Keyes, Keith Douglas, Gavin Ewart
341. Heilman, Robert B. The Ways of the World: Comedy and Society. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1978. 140, 283n.
Description: Heilman uses Ginzburg's The Advertisement (translated by Reed) as an example of "gray" comedy.
Book: The Ways of the World: Comedy and Society ( 0295955872)
Subjects: Criticism, Play
References: The Advertisement, Natalia Ginzburg
342. Henderson, Gloria Mason, William Day, and Sandra Stevenson Waller, eds. Literature and Ourselves:
a Thematic Introduction for Readers and Writers. New York: Longmans, 1997.
Anthology: Literature and Ourselves ( 0673999556)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
343. Henderson, Mary C. Mielziner: Master of Modern Stage Design. New York: Back Stage Press, 2001. 207, 309.
Description: Description and credits for the 1955 Fulton Theatre production of Reed's translation of Betti's Island of Goats.
Book: Mielziner: Master of Modern Stage Design ( 0823088235)
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Island of Goats, Jo Mielziner, Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey
344. Henderson, Philip. "English Poetry Since 1946." British Book News 117 (May 1950), 295.
Description: Reed's A Map of Verona is mentioned in a survey of the previous five years of English poetry.
Journal: English Poetry Since 1946
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Iseult la Belle, Tristram, Philoctetes, Chrysothemis, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
345. Hennessy, Brendan. Review of Sorrows of Love by Giuseppe Giacosa, translated by Henry Reed. Plays and Players 26, no. 3, iss. 302 (December 1978): 40.
Description: Hennesey feels that 'straight-forward dialogue carrying forward a strong narrative still work.'
Subjects: Play, Translation, Radio
References: Giuseppe Giacosa, Sorrows of Love, John Tydeman, Eileen Atkins
346. Heppenstall, Rayner. The Intellectual Part. London: Barrie and Rockliff, 1963. 67.
Description: In this autobiography, Heppenstall mentions thinking well of Reed, and calls "Naming of Parts" and "Chard Whitlow" 'a kind of anti-poetry.'
Book: The Intellectual Part
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Pytheas, Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow
347. Heppenstall, Rayner. Letter to George Orwell (Eric Blair), 8 July 1946. BBC Written Archives Centre, London, England.
Description: Heppenstall gets news of Orwell's Animal Farm being chosen for the Book of the Month club in the United States from Reed.
Manuscript: Letter to George Orwell
Subjects: Biography
References: George Orwell, Eric Blair, Animal Farm, Rayner Heppenstall
348. Heppenstall, Rayner. Portrait of the Artist as a Professional Man. London: Peter Owen, 1969. 67.
Description: Heppenstall takes credit for turning Reed to writing dramatic verse for radio.
Book: Portrait of the Artist as a Professional Man
Subjects: Biography
References: Pytheas
349. Herbert, Sir Alan. "Thoughts on 'Lady Chatterley'." Listener 64, no. 1650 (10 November 1960): 834-835.
Description: Comment from the Third Programme on the recent "not guilty" verdict in the obscenity trial over Lady Chatterley's Lover.
Journal: Thoughts on Lady Chatterley
Subjects: Criticism
References: D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Denys Kilham Roberts
350. Herd, David. John Ashbery and American Poetry. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2000. 32-33.
Description: A biography of John Ashbery which refers to Berryman's 1948 review contrasting Reed's poetry with that of Robert Lowell.
Book: John Ashbery and American Poetry ( 0312239319)
Subjects: Criticism
References: John Berryman, Robert Lowell
351. Hewison, Robert. Under Siege: Literary Life in London, 1939-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. 110, 113, 118, 139-140.
Description: Contains an excellent examination of the 'military/poetic' problem in Reed's "Judging Distances," and "Unarmed Combat."
Subjects: Criticism, Biography, Poem
References: Judging Distances, Naming of Parts, Unarmed Combat
352. Heyward, Michael. The Ern Malley Affair. London: Faber and Faber, 1993. 238.
Description: Reed is quoted in discussing the famous hoax poet, Ern Malley: 'Malley is better than "Chard Whitlow".'
Book: The Ern Malley Affair
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
353. Hill, George. "Can War Still Create War Poets?" Times (London), 20 February 1991, 18.
Description: Reed's "Naming of Parts" 'may be the best known soldier's poem of the second world war....'
Newspaper: Can War Still Create War Poets?
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
354. Hill, Marion. Bletchley Park People: Churchill's Geese That Never Cackled. Stroud, England: Sutton Publishing, 2004. 63.
Description: A former Bletchley Park worker is quoted as saying 'I worked with Henry Read [sic], the poet who wrote the fine poem "The Naming of Parts".'
Book: Bletchley Park People ( 0750933623)
Subjects: Biography
References: Naming of Parts
355. Hilliard, Christopher. "Modernism and the Common Writer." Historical Journal 48, no. 3 (September 2005): 769-787 [775].
Description: Quotes from a 1944 Sid Chaplin letter to John Lehmann, regarding Reed's 1943 essay, "The End of an Impulse."
Journal: Modernism and the Common Writer
Subjects: Criticism
References: The End of an Impulse, Sid Chaplin, John Lehmann
356. Hischak, Thomas S. American Theatre: A Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1969-2000. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 75.
Description: Mentions a 1974 performance of Reed's translation of Betti's The Burnt Flowerbed at New York's Roundabout Theatre.
Book: American Theatre: A Chronicle of Comedy and Drama ( 0195090799)
Subjects: Translation, Play, Criticism
References: The Burnt Flowerbed, Ugo Betti
357. Hodge, Alan. "Thunder on the Right." Tribune (London), 14 June 1946, 15.
Description: Hodge finds 'dry charm as well as quiet wit' in "Judging Distances," but overall feels Reed is 'diffuse and not sufficiently accomplished.'
Newspaper: The Tribune (London), June 1946
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Judging Distances, Tristram, Iseult La Belle, Philoctetes, Iseult Blaunchesmains
358. Hodnett, Edward, ed. Poems to Read Aloud. New York: Norton, 1967.
Anthology: Poems to Read Aloud
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
359. Hoggart, Richard. A Measured Life: The Times and Places of An Orphaned Intellectual; An Imagined Life, 1959-1991. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Transaction Publications, 1994. 82.
Description: Recollections of Birmingham, England in the 1960s, mentions Reed and other writers and artists of the '30s.
Book: A Measured Life ( 1560001356)
Subjects: Biography
References: Walter Allen, R.D. Smith, John Hampson, Louis MacNeice, Leslie Halward, Henry Green
360. Holmes, Paul C., and Anita J. Lehman, comps. Keys to Understanding: Receiving and Sending the Poem. New York: Harper & Row, 1969
Anthology: Keys to Understanding
Subjects: Poem
361. Homberger, Eric. The Art of the Real: Poetry in England and America Since 1939. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield, 1977. 27, 56.
Description: Compared with Fuller's "Autumn, 1939," Reed's "Judging Distances" 'captures this effect with greater economy.'
Book: The Art of the Real ( 0874719380)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow, Judging Distances
362. Honigmann, David. "Laugh Lines." Review of Unauthorised Versions, edited by Kenneth Baker. Listener 124, no. 3181 (6 September 1990): 26-27 [26].
Description: Quotes "Chard Whitlow," Reed's 'portmanteau' T.S. Eliot.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
363. Hoover, Benjamin, and Donald S. Taylor. Story, Poem, Essay: A University Reader. New York: Henry Holt, 1957. 381, 605.
Description: Collects Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: Story, Poem, Essay
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
364. Hope-Wallace, Philip. "Boo to a Goosegirl?" Broadcast Drama. Listener 41, no. 1046 (10 February 1949): 243.
Description: Review of Leopardi's "Moralities," translated by Henry Reed.
Journal: Boo to a Goosegirl?
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Giacomo Leopardi, Brief Moralities, Rayner Heppenstall, Robert Eddison
365. Hope-Wallace, Philip. "Live Whale and Dead Sprats." Review of Moby Dick: A Play for Radio, adapted by Henry Reed. BBC Third Programme, 25 January 1947. Listener 37, no. 942 (30 January 1947): 215.
Description: Hope-Wallace says of Reed's radio adaptation of Melville's novel: 'This kind of success is all too rare in radio.'
Subjects: Criticism, Radio, Play
References: Moby Dick
366. Hope-Wallace, Philip. "Laying a Ghost." Listener 43, no. 1103 (16 March 1950): 492.
Description: Dismisses Reed's Leopardi plays as "interesting and admirably done, as far as that kind of thing goes."
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Radio
References: Giocomo Leopardi, The Unblest, The Monument, Rayner Heppenstall
367. Howarth, Howard. "B.B.C. Recordings." Letter to the editor. Times (London), 27 June 1955, 9.
Description: A University of Michigan professor laments that transcriptions of BBC programs (like Reed's talk on T.S. Eliot) are not available for classroom study.
Newspaper: B.B.C. Recordings
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: T.S. Eliot
368. Howell, Anthony. "Modernist Manquè." London Magazine (April/May 2003). 40-45.
Description: Discovering and evaluating the best of Reed's lesser-known poems.
Journal: Modernist Manquè
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Spleen, Dull Sonnet, Chrysothemis, Lives, Hiding Beneath the Furze, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Psychological Warfare, Three Words, Morning
369. Howes, Keith. Broadcasting It: An Encyclopedia of Homosexuality on Film, Radio and TV in the UK, 1923-1993. London: Cassell, 1993. 677.
Description: Gay and lesbian studies encyclopedic entry for Henry Reed.
Book: Broadcasting It ( 030432700X)
Subjects: Biography
370. Hughes, Pennethorne. "Howards Beginning." Review of The America Prize, by Dino Buzzati. Translated by Henry Reed. Listener 71, no. 1839 (25 June 1964): 1045.
Description: Hughes calls Reed's translation 'a moving experience: sophisticated and intelligent.'
Journal: Howards Beginning
Subjects: Play, Radio, Translation
References: Dino Buzzati, The America Prize
371. Hughes, Pennethorne. "Out of Mind." Review of Zone 36, by Dino Buzzati. Translated by Henry Reed. Listener 73, no. 1879 (1 April 1965): 500.
Description: Hughes calls the play a 'fine old shambles,' and a work of 'space fiction.'
Subjects: Play, Radio, Translation
References: Zone 36, Dino Buzzati, Marjorie Westbury, Martin Esslin
372. Humphreys, Richard. "Death of a Cleaner." In London: City of Disappearances, edited by Iain Sinclair. London: Hamish Hamilton, 2006. 422, 423, 425.
Description: An inscribed copy of Reed's poem "Chrysothemis" turns up in the flat of a London house cleaner.
Chapter: Death of a Cleaner ( 0241142997)
Subjects: Biography
References: Chrysothemis, Dorothy Baker, Walter Allen, Julian McLaren-Ross
373. Hunter, J. Paul, ed. Poetry. The Norton Introduction to Literature. New York: W.W. Norton, 1973. 10.
Anthology: Poetry ( 0393093808)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances
374. Hunter, J. Paul, ed. The Norton Introduction to Poetry. New York: W.W. Norton, 1981.
Anthology: The Norton Introduction to Poetry ( 039395157X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances
375. Hunter, N.C. Letter to the editor. Listener 33, no 841 (22 February 1945): 213.
Description: Part of a lengthy exchange of letters over Reed's pair of "Poetry in War Time" articles, published in the Listener in January, 1945.
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time, George Richards
376. Hurtik, Emil, and Robert E. Yarber, comps. An Introduction to Poetry and Criticism. Lexington, MA: Xerox College, 1972.
Anthology: An Introduction to Poetry and Criticism ( 0536006768)
Subjects: Poem
377. Hyman, Stanley Edgar. "Fable Italian Style." New Yorker 44 (1 June 1968): 122-125.
Description: Review of Larger than Life by Dino Buzzati, translated by Henry Reed.
Journal: Fable Italian Style
Subjects: Criticism
References: Dino Buzzati, Larger than Life
378. Hyndman, Roger. "Point of Balance: A Lesson in 'Naming of Parts.'" English Journal 50, no. 8 (November 1961): 569-571, 577.
Description: Analysis, study questions, and lesson plans for teaching Reed's poem "Naming of Parts" in class.
Journal: The English Journal
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
379. Hyndman, Roger. "Point of Balance: A Lesson in 'Naming of Parts'." In Modern Poetry in the Classroom, edited by Roger Hyndman. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1963. 19-21.
Description: Analysis, study questions, and lesson plans for teaching Reed's poem "Naming of Parts" in class.
Chapter: Modern Poetry in the Classroom
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
380. Hynes, Joseph. "Two Affairs Revisited." Twentieth Century Literature 33, no. 2 (Summer 1987): 234-253 [252].
Description: Notes Reed's opinion of Brideshead Revisted from his 1945 New Statesman review.
Journal: Two Affairs Revisited
Subjects: Criticism
References: Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
381. Inglis, Fred. Raymond Williams. London: Routledge, 1995. 89, 310n.
Description: Recounting Williams' Officer Cadet training, Reed's Judging Distances" is quoted for a lesson in bracketting fire.
Book: Raymond Williams ( 0415089603)
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Judging Distances
382. Innes, Doreen, Harry Hine, and Christopher Pelling, eds. Ethics and Rhetoric: Critical Essays for Donald Russell on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Oxford: Clarendon, 1995. 4.
Description: Lines from Reed's "Naming of Parts" are used to introduce an essay on Latin and neoteric hexameter.
Book: Ethics and Rhetoric ( 019814962X)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
383. "Production Credits for Island of Goats." Internet Broadway Database. <:http://www.ibdb.com/production.asp?ID=2532>.
Description: Credits for the 1955 New York production of Reed's translation of Ugo Betti's Crime on Goat Island. External link.
Link: Production Credits for Island of Goats
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
384. "Production Credits for The Queen and the Rebels." Internet Broadway Database. <http://www.ibdb.com/production.asp?ID=4185>.
Description: Credits for the 1982 New York production of Reed's translation of Ugo Betti's The Queen and the Rebels. External link.
Link: Production Credits for The Queen and the Rebels
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
385. "The Queen and the Rebels." Internet Theatre Database. <http://www.theatredb.com/QShow.php?sid=s1234>.
Description: Credits for the 1982 New York production of Reed's translation of Ugo Betti's The Queen and the Rebels.
Link: The Queen and the Rebels
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
386. Iremonger, Valentin. "Check List." The Bell 12, no. 3 (June 1946): 263-265 [264-265].
Description: Of A Map of Verona, Valentin Iremonger says 'Henry Reed's is one of the most impressive first volumes I have seen for some time.'
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: The Wall, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes
387. "Island of Goats." Theatre Arts 39, no. 12 (December 1955): 23.
Description: Summary and criticism for the Fulton Theatre production of Reed's translation of Ugo Betti's play, Delitto all'Isola delle Capre.
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Henry Sharp, Ruth Ford, Laurence Harvey, Uta Hagen, Tani Seitz
388. J.O.C. "The Aldeburgh Festival." Musical Times 91, no. 1289 (July 1950): 280.
Description: Describes a concert of 'sacred music and poetry' at which Bach canatas were alternated with poems by Auden, Eliot, and Reed.
Journal: The Aldeburgh Festival
Subjects: Miscellaneous
389. Jacons, Nicolas. "Reviews." Review of The Best Poems of 1968. Notes and Queries New Series 17, no. 12 (December 1970): 477.
Description: A Thomas Blackburn poem is reminiscent of Reed's "Chard Whitlow."
Subjects: Criticism
References: Thomas Blackburn, Chard Whitlow
390. Jacobus, Lee A. Literature: An Introduction to Critical Reading. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.
Description: Reprints "Naming of Parts."
Book: Literature: An Introduction to Critical Reading ( 013282633X)
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
391. James, Mertice M., and Dorothy Brown, eds. "Reed, Henry." In vol. 43, Book Review Digest. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1948. 743.
Description: Indexes four book reviews of Reed's A Map of Verona, and Other Poems.
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
392. Jarrell, Randall. Letter to John Berryman, dated in Berryman's hand, 12 February 1948. Manuscripts Division, University of Minnesota Libraries. MSS043.
Description: Upon reading "Waiting for the End, Boys," Jarrell wrote to Berryman, 'I don't like Reed nearly as much as you do, but this is a small point.'
Manuscript: Letter to John Berryman
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Randall Jarrell, John Berryman
393. Jarrell, Randall. "Verse Chronicle." Nation 166, no. 13 (27 March 1948): 360-361 [360].
Description: The American poet and critic Randall Jarrell's curt review of A Map of Verona and Other Poems, in which he compares Reed to 'a nap after dinner.'
Journal: The Nation, Mar. 1948
Subjects: Criticism
References: Tristram, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Antigone, Rolfe Humphries, John Ciardi
394. Jarrell, Randall. Poetry and the Age. New York: Vintage Books, 1953. 157.
Description: Jarrell looks 'in vain for a single poem by Robert Lowell, Henry Reed, Howard Baker, and many another' in Oscar Williams' A Little Treasury of Modern Poetry (1946).
Subjects: Criticism
395. Jarrell, Randall. Poetry and the Age: Expanded Edition. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2001. 173.
Description: Reprint of the 1953 edition.
Book: Poetry and the Age: Expanded Edition ( 0813021081)
Subjects: Criticism
396. Jarrell, Randall. "Verse Chronicle." In Kipling, Auden & Co.: Essays and Reviews, 1935-1964. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1980. 147. Originally published in The Nation, 27 March 1948.
Description: Jarrell's review of A Map of Verona and Other Poems.
Chapter: Verse Chronicle ( 0374181535)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Tristram, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Antigone
397. Jeffares, A. Norman, ed. Seven Centuries of Poetry: Chaucer to Dylan Thomas. New York: Longmans, Green, 1955.
Anthology: Seven Centuries of Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
398. Jenkins, Alan. "In Other Men's Shadows." The Independent (London), 3 November 1991, 46.
Description: Jenkins feels that Reed's best poetry displays 'a special feeling for romantic potentiality, the moment before something tremendous happens or after it has receded.'
Newspaper: The Independent (London) on Sunday
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, The Auction Sale, Bocca di Magra, The Blissful Land, Tristram, King Mark
399. Jennings, Elizabeth, ed. An Anthology of Modern Verse, 1940-1960. London: Methuen, 1961. 210-215.
Description: Collects Reed's poems "A Map of Verona," "The Wall," and "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: An Anthology of Modern Verse, 1940-1960
Subjects: Poem
References: A Map of Verona, The Wall, Naming of Parts
400. Jennings, Elizabeth. "Reed, Henry." In Contemporary Poets, edited by James Vinson. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. 1250-1254.
Book: Contemporary Poets ( 0900997206)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
401. Jennings, Elizabeth. "Reed, Henry." In Contemporary Poets, 3rd ed., edited by James Vinson. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. 1245-1248.
Description: Poet Elizabeth Jennings' analysis of Reed's poetry, with a brief biography and a lengthy bibliography.
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, A Map of Verona, Chard Whitlow, The Door and the Window, Philoctetes, Tristram, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, Summertime, The Burnt Flower-Bed, The Advertisement
402. Jennings, Elizabeth. "Reed, Henry." In Contemporary Poets, edited by James Vinson and D.L. Kirkpatrick. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985.
Book: Contemporary Poets ( 0312168373)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
403. Jennings, Paul. "100 Lines for Being Bad." Times (London). 27 September 1984, 10.
Description: In discussing the "mock-worthiness" of the Poet Laureateship, Reed's "Chard Whitlow" is quoted.
Newspaper: 100 Lines for Being Bad
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
404. Jerome, Judson. The Poet and the Poem. Exp. and rev. ed. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest, 1974.
Anthology: The Poet and the Poem ( 0911654259)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
405. Jones, D.L., ed. War Poetry: An Anthology. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. 116-123.
Description: Using Reed's poetry as an example of the 'individual's response' to the Second World War, Jones discusses the contrasts, irony, and ambiguities found in the Lessons of the War.
Anthology: War Poetry: An Anthology ( 082034818)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
406. Jones, David. "If and Perhaps and But." In Epoch and Artist: Selected Writings by David Jones, edited by Harman Grisewood. New York: Chilmark Press, 1959. 278-279. Originally published in The Listener, 2 July 1953.
Description: Jones' response to Reed's essay in The Listener of June 18, 1953.
Chapter: If and Perhaps and But
Subjects: Criticism
References: If and Perhaps and But
407. Jones, David. Letter to the editor. Listener 50, no 1270 (2 July 1953): 22.
Description: Jones' repsonse to Reed's essay "If and Perhaps and But" from June 18: 'Such a change [in poetry] would seem to require some kind of civilisational change.'
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: If and Perhaps and But
408. Jones, Robert C. "Not in the Aiming But the Opening Hand." Review of the Oxford Book of English Verse, 3rd ed. Sewanee Review 108, no. 1 (Winter 2000).
Journal: Not in the Aiming
Subjects: Criticism
409. Jordan, Heather Bryant. How Will the Heart Endure: Elizabeth Bowen and the Landscape of War. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1992. 130, 148, 219n, 220n.
Description: Quotes from Reed's 1945 New Statesman and Nation review of Bowen's short story collection, The Demon Lover.
Book: How Will the Heart Endure ( 0472102184)
Subjects: Review
References: Elizabeth Bowen, The Demon Lover, Careless Talk
410. Kabraji, Fredoon. Letter to the editor. Listener 33, no. 842 (1 March 1945): 243.
Description: Part of a lengthy exchange of letters over Reed's pair of "Poetry in War Time" articles, published in the Listener in January, 1945.
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Poetry in War Time, N.C. Hunter
411. Kalb, Bernard. "Pre-war Troy and Wartime Amsterdam Provide Settings for Two Drama This Week." New York Times, 2 October 1955, X1.
Description: Includes an announcement for the opening of Reed's translation of Betti's Island of Goats.
Newspaper: Pre-war Troy and Wartime Amsterdam
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, Ruth Ford
412. Kale, Tessa, ed. Columbia Granger's Index to Poetry in Anthologies. 12th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. 1758.
Description: Index to many of Reed's poems published in popular anthologies, including the "Lessons of the War" sequence.
Book: Columbia Granger's Index to Poetry in Anthologies ( 0231124481)
Subjects: Poem
References: The Auction Sale, Chard Whitlow, The Chateau, The Door and the Window, Dull Sonnet, Judging Distances, A Map of Verona, Naming of Parts, Philoctetes, Sailor's Harbour
413. Karsell, Doris. "New Poet Now Mature." Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville, MS), 12 October 1947, 9.
Description: In her review of the American edition of Reed's first volume of poems, Karsell says 'each line in the collection has been cut and finished with precision. One believes that no other form or words could have been used.'
Newspaper: Delta Democrat-Times
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Tristram, Iseult Blaunchesmains, King Mark, Iseult La Belle, Chrysothemis, Antigone, Philoctetes, Moby Dick
414. Keegan, Paul, ed. The New Penguin Book of English Verse. London: Penguin, 2000. 949.
Anthology: The New Penguin Book of English Verse ( 0713992107)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances
415. Kendall, D.G. "The Recovery of Structure From Fragmentary Information." Philosophical Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 279, no. 1291 (25 September 1975): 582 (547-582).
Description: This lecture on seriation and map-making quotes from Reed's poem, "Naming of Parts."
Journal: The Recovery of Structure From Fragmentary Information
Subjects: Miscellaneous, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
416. Kennedy, X.J. Literature: an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Hudson, NH: Harper Collins, 1991.
Subjects: Criticism
417. Kennedy, X.J. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976. 844.
Anthology: Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
418. Kennedy, X.J. "A London View of Light." Review of The Oxford Book of Comic Verse, edited by John Gross. Parnassus 21, nos. 1-2 (1996).
Description: Mentions Reed's 'takeoff on Eliot,' "Chard Whitlow."
Journal: A london View of Light
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
419. Kennedy, X.J., and Dorothy Kennedy, eds. Instructor's Manual to Accompany Literature. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.
Book: Instructor's Manual to Accompany Literature
Subjects: Criticism
420. Kennedy, X.J., ed. An Introduction to Poetry. Boston: Little, Brown, 1966.
Anthology: An Introduction to Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
421. Kenner, Hugh. The Invisible Poet: T.S. Eliot. New York: McDowell, Oblensky, 1959. iv, 314.
Description: Reed's Eliot parody "Chard Whitlow" is quoted.
Subjects: Criticism, Parody
References: Chard Whitlow
422. Kenner, Hugh. The Invisible Poet: T.S. Eliot. London: Methuen, 1965. 268.
Description: "Chard Whitlow" is "the only successful parody of an Eliot manner."
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow, T.S. Eliot, The Dry Salvages
423. Kermode, Frank. "Part and Pasture." London Review of Books, 5 December 1991, 17.
Description: Frank Kermode's evaluation of the Collected Poems, with personal reminiscences of Reed in London and Seattle.
Newspaper: London Review of Books, Dec. 1991
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: The Changeling, The Chateau, L'Envoi, Chard Whitlow, Philoctetes, The Auction Sale, Outside and In, Three Words, The Town Itself, The Blissful Land
424. Kiley, Frederick T., and J.M. Shuttleworth, comps. Satire from Aesop to Buchwald. New York: Odyssey Press, 1971.
Anthology: Satire from Aesop to Buchwald ( 0672631105)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
425. King's Theatre, Glasgow. Programme for Summertime, by Ugo Betti. Translated by Henry Reed. University of Glasgow Special Collections. GB 247 STA Ff 10/11b. Glasgow, Scotland.
Manuscript: Programme for Summertime
Subjects: Link, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Summertime
426. King, Francis. Yesterday Came Suddenly: An Autobiography. London: Constable, 1993. 79-80.
Description: Mentions Henry Reed and Angus Wilson making fun of the Bletchley Park Writers' Circle.
Book: Yesterday Came Suddenly: An Autobiography ( 009472220X)
Subjects: Biography
References: Angus Wilson, Bletchley Park
427. Kinnick, B. Jo. "Professional Publications." Review of Modern Poetry in the Classroom, edited by Roger Hyndman. English Journal 54, no. 2 (February 1965): 142-143 [142].
Description: Mention of Reed's inclusion in a collection of lesson plans and explications.
Journal: Professional Publications
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
428. Kirkus, Virginia. "Two Young Poets." Review of A Map of Verona, and Other Poems, by Henry Reed. Bulletin from Virginia Kirkus' Bookshop Service 15, no. 20 (15 October 1947): 594.
Description: Kirkus reviews A Map of Verona, contrasting Reed against Richard Wilbur.
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Richard Wilbur, The Beautiful Changes
429. Kleinhenz, Christopher, comp. "Italian Literature in Translation: A Bibliography of Currently Available Texts." Italica 50, no. 3 (Autumn 1973):349-374 [354-355].
Description: List of Reed's translations of Betti plays.
Journal: Italian Literature in Translation
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, Crime on Goat Island, The Queen and the Rebels, Summertime, Three Plays
430. Klingopulos, G. D. "Eliot's Heir." Scrutiny 14, no. 2 (December 1946): 141-144.
Description: A 1946 review of Reed's first book, A Map of Verona, by G.D. Klingopulos.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, A Map of Verona, Unarmed Combat, The Wall, Philoctetes, Iseult La Belle, The Return, Chrysothemis
431. Knowles, Elizabeth, ed. "Reed, Henry." In The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Book: Reed, Henry ( 0198609515)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
432. Knowles, Elizabeth, ed. "Reed, Henry." In The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Rev. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Chapter: Reed, Henry ( 0198607520)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
433. Knowles, Elizabeth, ed. "Reed, Henry." In The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Description: Popular quotes from Reed's poems and radio plays.
Book: Reed, Henry ( 0198607202)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts, Unarmed Combat, Emily Butter, Not a Drum Was Heard, The Primal Scene, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Very Great Man Indeed
434. Korte, Barbara, Ralf Schneider, and Stephanie Lethbridge, eds. Anthologies of British Poetry: Critical Perspectives from Literary and Cultural Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000.
Book: Anthologies of British Poetry ( 904201301X)
Subjects: Criticism
435. Kreisel, Martha. American Women Photographers: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. 195.
Description: Indexes Rollie McKenna's portrait of Reed for Brinnin's Modern Poets.
Book: American Women Photographers
Subjects: Biography
References: Rollie McKenna
436. Krisak, Len. "Wrong Valves..." Letter to the editor. PN Review 181 34, no. 5 (May-June 2008): 3.
Description: Criticizes Reed's translation of the word 'valve' in Montale's Mottetti.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Eugenio Montale
437. Kroeber, Karl, and John O. Lyons, eds. Studying Poetry: A Critical Anthology of English and American Poems. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. 466-467, 567.
Description: Collects Reed's "Naming of Parts," with two short exercises for further study.
Anthology: Studying Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
438. Kuntz, Joseph M. Poetry Explication: A Checklist of Interpretation Since 1925 of British and American Poems Past and Present. Denver, CO: Swallow Press, 1963. 212.
Description: This index of criticism only lists Condon's 1954 article in The Explicator.
Book: Poetry Explication: A Checklist
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
439. Kuntz, Josep M. Poetry Explication: A Checklist of Interpretation Since 1925 of British and American Poems Past and Present. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1980. 361.
Description: This index of criticism only lists Condon's 1954 article in The Explicator for Reed.
Book: Poetry Explication: A Checklist ( 0816183139)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
440. Kuykendall, Carol. "Sequence Without Stricture." English Journal 61, no. 5 (May 1972): 715, 722.
Description: Quotes from "Naming of Parts" to demonstrate the dangers of an overly-structured English curriculum.
Journal: Sequence Without Stricture
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
441. Laing, Stewart. "The Production of Literature." In Society and Literature, 1945-1970, edited by Alan Sinfield. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1983. 160.
Description: Reed is mentioned among post-war radio playwrights Stevie Smith, Laurie Lee, Angus Wilson, and David Gascoyne.
Chapter: The Production of Literature
Subjects: Biography
References: Louis MacNeice, Dylan Thomas
442. Larkin, Phillip, ed. The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973. 477-479.
Anthology: The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse ( 0198121377)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts
443. Lask, Thomas. "In England's Green and Pleasant Land," Books of the Times. Review of The Remains of a Father, by Michael Ramsbotham. New York Times, 22 April 1969, 45.
Description: A review of Ramsbotham's second novel, The Remains of a Father.
Newspaper: In England's Green and Pleasant Land
Subjects: Criticism
References: Michael Ramsbotham, The Remains of a Father
444. Lask, Thomas. "To The Bitter End," Books of the Times. Review of Larger Than Life, by Dino Buzzati, translated by Henry Reed. New York Times, 5 August 1967, 21.
Description: Book review of Reed's translation of Buzzati's Larger Than Life.
Newspaper: To the Bitter End
Subjects: Criticism, Translation
References: Dino Buzzati, Larger Than Life
445. Laski, Marshanita, ed. Common Ground: An Anthology. Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1989.
Description: Collects Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: Common Ground ( 0856358002)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
446. Laurie, Rona. The Actor's Art and Craft. Colwall, Worcestershire: J. Garnet Miller, 1994. 10.
Description: Laurie recalls playing opposite Reed in an undergraduate review at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham, and being 'pelted with eggs and booed.'
Book: The Actor's Art and Craft
Subjects: Biography
447. Laws, Frederick. "Much Ambivalence." Review of The House on the Water, by Ugo Betti. Translated by Henry Reed. Listener 65, no. 1663 (9 February 1961): 282.
Description: Laws feels Reed's translation 'didn't come off at all.'
Journal: Much Ambivalence
Subjects: Play, Radio, Translation
References: The House on the Water, Ugo Betti
448. Laws, Frederick. "Shop Window." Listener 65, no. 1678 (25 May 1961): 941-942 [942].
Description: In his review of a revised production of A Very Great Man Indeed, Laws says 'the number of memorable and established plays specifically for radio by writers of the quality of Mr. Reed is not as great as an enthusiast would wish to boast.'
Subjects: Play
References: A Very Great Man Indeed
449. "Lectures and Meetings." New Statesman and Nation 33, no. 838 (29 March 1947): 224.
Description: An announcement of Reed giving a poetry reading at the International Arts Centre in London, on April 1, 1947.
Journal: Lectures and Meetings
Subjects: Biography
450. Lee, J.A.N. Computer Pioneers. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995.
Description: Interview with I. Jack Good and Donald Michie of Bletchley Park about Turing's homosexuality, mentions Reed and Angus Wilson.
Book: Computer Pioneers ( 0181866357X)
Subjects: Biography
References: Bletchley Park, I. Jack Good, Donald Michie
451. Lee, J.A.N. and Golde Holtzman. "50 Years After Breaking the Codes: Interviews with Two of the Bletchley Park Scientists." IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 17, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 32-43.
Description: The complete interview with Bletchley Park scientists I. Jack Good and Donald Michie.
Journal: 50 Years After Breaking the Codes
Subjects: Biography
References: Bletchley Park, I. Jack Good, Donald Michie
452. Lee, Loyd E. World War II in Asia and the Pacific and the War's Aftermath, with General Themes: A Handbook of Literature and Research. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. 297-298, 300, 303.
Description: Lee calls "Naming of Parts" the 'embodiment of English soldierly humor.'
Book: World War II in Asia and the Pacific and the War's Aftermath ( 0313293260)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
453. Lehmann, John. "English Letters in the Doldrums?" Texas Quarterly 4, no. 3 (Autumn 1961): 56-63 [58, 59].
Description: Lehmann mentions Reed, lamenting he "has fallen entirely silent" by this time.
Journal: English Letters in the Doldrums?
Subjects: Criticism
454. Lehmann, John. "Envie D'Ailleurs—English Brand." New York Times Book Review, 1 August 1948, 2.
Description: In this article on English writers seeking inspiration abroad, Reed is mentioned as 'just returned from Cyprus.'
Manuscript: Envie D'Ailleurs—English Brand
Subjects: Biography
455. Lehmann, John. I Am My Brother: Autobiography II. London: Longmans, Green, 1960. 167-169.
Description: John Lehmann considers Reed's poems, and reflects on their early correspondence.
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Tristram, Iseult La Belle, Iseult Blaunchesmains, King Mark
456. Lehmann, John. In My Own Time: Memoirs of a Literary Life. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1969. 170, 318-321, 353.
Description: Reprints of Lehmann's autobiographies including The Whispering Gallery and I Am My Brother.
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
457. Lehmann, John. "A Literary Letter from England." New York Times Book Review, 6 June 1948, 4.
Description: Lehmann feels there has been little development in British poetry since the war, despite 'a great diversity of new talent,' including Reed.
Newspaper: A Literary Letter from England
Subjects: Criticism
References: Laurie Lee, Vernon Watkins, Norman Nicholson, Terence Tiller, Lawrence Durrell
458. Lehmann, John. A Nest of Tigers: The Sitwells in Their Times. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1968. 212.
Description: Reed visited Edith Sitwell in London, following the publication of his article on her poetry in Penguin New Writing in 1944.
Subjects: Biography
References: Edith Sitwell
459. Lehmann, John. "The Armoured WriterV." New Writing and Daylight (Autumn 1944): 171, 175.
Description: In part five of his series on writing during wartime, Lehmann calls Reed one of the 'new names of promise.'
Journal: New Writing and Daylight, Aut. 1944
Subjects: Criticism
460. Lehmann, John, ed. Pleasures of New Writing: An Anthology of Poems, Stories, and Other Prose Pieces from the Pages of New Writing. London: Lehamnn, 1952. 186.
Description: Collects one of Reed's Tintagel poems, "Iseult la Belle."
Anthology: Pleasures of New Writing
Subjects: Poem
References: Iseult la Belle
461. Lehmann, John. The Whispering Gallery: Autobiography I. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. 263.
Description: Lehmann mentions Reed reviewing Auden for the University of Birmingham's magazine, The Mermaid.
Book: The Whispering Gallery
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: W.H. Auden
462. Lehmann, John and Roy Fuller, eds. The Penguin New Writing: An Anthology. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1985. 180-181.
Description: Reed's poem "Chrysothemis" is included in this anthology of work from Lehmann's Penguin New Writing.
Anthology: The Penguin New Writing: An Anthology ( 0140074848)
Subjects: Poem
References: Chrysothemis
463. Lehmann, John, comp. Poems from New Writing, 1936-1946. London: John Lehmann, 1946. 85-88, 96-97.
Description: Collects Reed's poems "Chrysothemis," and "The Wall."
Anthology: Poems from New Writing, 1936-1946
Subjects: Poem
References: Chrysothemis, The Wall
464. Lehmann, Rosamond. "New Novels." Listener 36, no. 925 (3 October 1946): 450.
Description: A note at the end of this column announces that 'New novels are now being reviewed by a number of critics in turn," with Reed taking over on October 24.
Subjects: Biography
465. Leimbacher, Ed. "Henry's Friends." Letter to the editor, London Review of Books, 24 October 1991, 4.
Description: A letter to the editor from Ed Leimbacher recalls Reed's days as a visiting professor in Seattle.
Newspaper: London Review of Books, Oct. 1991
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Psychological Warfare, L'Envoi
466. Leopardi, Giacomo. "Chorus of the Dead." Translated by Henry Reed. Listener 41, no 1057 (28 April 1949): 710.
Description: Reed's translation of Giacomo Leopardi's "Coro di Morti" was broadcast on the BBC on February 6, 1949. The poem was published in The Listener, April 28, 1949.
Journal: Chorus of the Dead
Subjects: Translation, Poem
References: Giacomo Leopardi, Chorus of the Dead
467. Leopardi, Giacomo. "The Infinite." Translated by Henry Reed. Listener 43, no. 1113 (25 May 1950): 924.
Description: Reed's translation of Giacomo Leopardi's poem, "L'Infinito," was broadcast on BBC radio on January 12, 1975, and first appeared in print in the June 1, 1950 Listener.
Subjects: Translation, Poem
References: Giacomo Leopardi, The Infinite
468. Leopardi, Giacomo. "To Himself." Translated by Henry Reed. Listener 43, no 1114 (1 June 1950): 957.
Description: Leopardi's poem "A se Stesso," translated by Reed.
Subjects: Translation
References: To Himself
469. Levy, Silvano. The Scandalous Eye: The Surrealism of Conroy Maddox. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003. 45, 98.
Description: Maddox recalls evenings spent with Reed in Birmingham, England, in the 1930s.
Book: The Scandalous Eye ( 0853235597)
Subjects: Biography
References: Conroy Maddox, Robert Melville, John Melville, George D. Painter, Edward Lowbury, Emmy Bridgwater
470. Levy, William Turner. Affectionately, T.S. Eliot: The Story of a Friendship, 1947-1965. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1968. 106.
Description: Levy quotes Eliot as saying in 1958 (of Reed's "Chard Whitlow"): 'Not bad. But I think I could write a better parody myself!"
Book: Affectionately: T.S. Eliot
Subjects: Biography, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas
471. Lewin, Ronald. Ultra Goes to War: The First Account of World War II's Greatest Secret Based on Official Documents. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
Description: Covering Bletchley Park's contribution to Allied codebreaking, Reed is mentioned as sharing lodgings with mathematician Jack Good.
Book: Ultra Goes to War ( 0070374538)
Subjects: Biography
472. Lewis, C. Day, and John Lehmann, eds. The Chatto Book of Modern Poetry, 1915-1955. London: Chatto and Windus, 1959.
Anthology: The Chatto Book of Modern Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: A Map of Verona, Judging Distances
473. Lewis, Peter, ed. Radio Drama. New York: Longman, 1981. 6, 36, 83, 112-113, 114, 170.
Description: In a chapter by John Drakakis, Reed is quoted at length about the emphasis on 'quality, exclusivity, and permanence' in writing for the Third Programme.
Book: Radio Drama ( 0582490529)
Subjects: Criticism
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
474. "Emily Butter." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/emily_butter.html>.
Description: Cast and production notes for Reed's operatic radio play, Emily Butter. External link.
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: Emily Butter
475. "A Hedge, Backwards." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/hedge_backwards.html>.
Description: Cast and production notes for Reed's radio play A Hedge, Backwards. External link.
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: A Hedge, Backwards
476. "The Hilda Tablet Plays." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/hilda_tablet_plays.html>.
Description: An introduction to the seven-part cycle of radio plays written by Reed for the BBC between 1953 and 1959. External link.
Link: The Hilda Tablet Plays
Subjects: Play, Biography, Criticism, Radio
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Very Great Man Indeed, Emily Butter, A Hedge, Backwards, The Primal Scene, As It Were, Not a Drum Was Heard, Musique Discrète
477. "Musique Discrète." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/musique_discrete.html>.
Description: Cast and production credits for Reed's play Musique Discrète. External link.
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: Musique Discrète
478. "Not a Drum Was Heard." A Librarian the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/not_a_drum.html>.
Description: Cast and production notes for Reed's radio play Not a Drum Was Heard: The War Memoirs of General Gland. External link.
Link: Not a Drum Was Heard
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: Not a Drum Was Heard
479. "The Primal Scene, As It Were." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/primal_scene.html>.
Description: Cast and production notes for Reed's radio play The Primal Scene, As It Were. External link.
Link: The Primal Scene, As It Were
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: The Primal Scene, As It Were
480. "The Private Life of Hilda Tablet." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/hilda_tablet.html>.
Description: Cast and production notes for Reed's radio play The Private Life of Hilda Tablet. External link.
Link: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
481. "A Very Great Man Indeed." A Librarian on the Web. <http://www.webrarian.co.uk/reed/a_very_great_man_indeed.html>.
Description: Cast and production credits for Reed's play A Very Great Man Indeed. External link.
Link: A Very Great Man Indeed
Subjects: Play, Criticism, Radio
References: A Very Great Man Indeed
482. Licastro, Emanuele. Ugo Betti: An Introduction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1985. 3, 42, 82, 106-109, 145n, 155n, 158n, 159n.
Description: Quotes from Reed's translations of Betti.
Book: Ugo Betti: An Introduction ( 0899501419)
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti
483. Lief, Leonard, and James F. Light, comps. The Modern Age: Literature. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. 607.
Anthology: The Modern Age: Literature ( 0030733901)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
484. Lilliard, Jean. Review of Poems of the Second World War: The Oasis Selection, edited by Victor Selwyn. Times (London), 18 July 1985, 13.
Description: A review of an anthology of World War II poetry, in the 'fresh context of verses by their Service colleagues.'
Newspaper: Review of Poems of the Second World War
Subjects: Criticism
References: Keith Douglas, Alun Lewis
485. Ling, Peter, comp. Gentlemen at Arms: Portraits of Soldiers in Fact and Fiction, in Peace and War. London: Owen, 1969.
Anthology: Gentlemen at Arms ( 0720636019)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
486. Ling, Ruth. "The Double Design of Michael Longley's Recent Elegies 'The Ghost Orchid' and 'Broken Dishes'." Irish Studies Review 10, no. 1 (1 April 2002): 39-50.
Journal: The Double Design of Michael Longley's Recent Elegies
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
487. Advertisement for Not Without Glory: Poets of the Second World War, by Vernon Scannell. Listener 95, no 2450 (25 March 1976): 374.
Description: Ad for Scannell's Not Without Glory (Woburn Press, 1976).
Journal: Advertisement for Not Without Glory
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Charles Causley, Roy Fuller, Anthony Hecht
488. "Advertisement for Since 1939: 2." Listener 42, no. 1072 (11 August 1949): 243.
Description: Ad for the Phoenix House reprint of The Novel Since 1939.
Journal: Advertisement for Since 1939: 2
Subjects: Biography
References: The Novel Since 1939, Robert Speaight, Stephen Spender, John Hayward
489. "Drama: Radio 3." Listener 95, no. 2443 (5 February 1976): iv.
Description: Schedule of upcoming programs has Reed's translation of Ginzburg's The Wig for March 23.
Subjects: Play, Radio, Translation
References: The Wig, Natalia Ginzburg, Eleanor Bron
490. Review of A Map of Verona, by Henry Reed. The Listener's Book Chronicle. Listener 35, no. 906 (23 May 1946): 689-690 (690).
Description: The Listener's reviewer calls Reed's A Map of Verona 'one of those rare books... which give new heart to dispirited poets.'
Journal: The Listener, May 1946
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow, Lives, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, The Place and the Person, Tristram
491. "Plays and Features." Supplement to Listener 79, no. 2047 (20 June 1968): ii.
Description: Upcoming programs include Reed's translation of Ginzburg's the Advertisement, recorded in advance and broadcast the same night as the stage premiere at the Old Vic Theatre, starring Joan Plowright.
Journal: Plays and Features
Subjects: Biography, Play, Radio
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement, Joan Plowright
492. "Poetry." Supplement to Listener 83, no. 2152 (25 June 1970): iv.
Description: Upcoming "Personal Anthology" program, with poems chosen by Henry Reed.
Subjects: Radio, Poem
493. "Poetry." Supplement to Listener 88, no. 2270 (28 September 1972): iv.
Description: An upcoming program to honor A.M.D. Hughes mentions Reed was his student.
Subjects: Biography
References: A.M.D. Hughes, Walter Allen, Kingsley Amis, Philip Larkin
494. Listener. Review of Moby Dick: A Play for Radio from Herman Melville's Novel, by Henry Reed. 39, no. 989 (8 January 1948): 74.
Description: The reviewer calls Reed's adaptation 'an opportunity for making Moby Dick's acquaintance on easy terms, and in particularly happy circumstances.'
Journal: Review of Moby Dick
Subjects: Criticism
References: Moby Dick
495. "Some Coming Events on Radio 3." Supplement to Listener 83, no. 2139 (26 March 1970): i.
Description: In April, the fourth broadcast of Musique Discrète, originally aired in 1959.
Journal: Some Coming Events on Radio 3
Subjects: Radio, Play
References: Musique Discrète
496. "Third Programme Quarterly Plan." Supplement to Listener 80, no. 2060 (19 September 1968): i.
Description: Upcoming repeat of Reed's translation of Ginzburg's The Advertisement.
Journal: Third Programme Quarterly Plan
Subjects: Radio, Play
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advertisement, Joan Plowright, Derek Jacobi, Rosalind Shanks, Carol Mason
497. Literature. British Book News, February 1972. 153.
Description: A short review of Reed's two collections of plays issued by the BBC: The Streets of Pompeii and Other Plays for Radio, and Hilda Tablet and Others: Four Pieces for Radio.
Subjects: Criticism, Play
References: The Streets of Pompeii, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet
498. Lloyd, L.C. "On the Air." Review of Moby Dick: A Play for Radio, by Henry Reed. Spectator 178, no. 6189 (7 February 1947): 174.
Description: Reed 'was a bold man to make the attempt,' but the play was 'like trying to put Niagara in a bottle. Still, 'his achievement was considerable.'
Subjects: Radio, Play, Criticism
References: Moby Dick
499. Lohf, Kenneth A. Poets in a War: British Writers on the Battlefronts and the Home Front of the Second World War. New York: Grolier Club, 1995. 21, 26, 56, 68-70.
Description: Reed's two poetry collections were part of an exhibition of Second World War poetry in 1995-1996.
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Movement of Bodies, Returning of Issue, F.T. Prince, Vernon Scannell, Lessons of the War
500. Lohf, Kenneth A. Manuscripts (ca. 19) of poems, many related to World War II, 1937-1969. Pierpont Morgan Library Literary Manuscripts, New York, NY.
Description: Manuscripts relating to the publication of Lohf's Poets in a War (1995), which includes Reed.
Manuscript: Manuscripts (ca. 19) of Poems
Subjects: Poem
References: Kenneth A. Lohf, Poets in a War
501. Lomas, Herbert. "Old Soldiers." London Magazine n.s. 32, nos. 1&2 (April/May 1992): 122-126 [122-123].
Description: Lomas found Reed's poetry boring in 1946, and he finds little more redeeming about it in 1992: 'Reed is simply not interesting enough linguistically.'
Journal: London Magazine, April/May 1992
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, The Return, The Auction Sale, The Changeling, Judging Distances, The Chateau
502. "London Concerts." Review of London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Festival Hall, 6 April 1952. Musical Times 93, no. 1311 (May 1952): 221-225 [224].
Description: The London Symphony Orchestra performed Reed's Bliss collaboration, The Enchantress.
Subjects: Biography
References: Arthur Bliss, The Enchantress
503. Longley, Edna. The Bloodaxe Book of 20th Century Poetry: From Britain and Ireland. Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2000.
Anthology: The Bloodaxe Book of 20th Century Poetry: From Britain and Ireland ( 185224514X)
Subjects: Poem
References: Hiding Beneath the Furze, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
504. Longley, Edna. "War Pastorals." In The Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry, edited by Tim Kendall. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 461-482 (463-464).
Description: Longley describes "Naming of Parts" and "Judging Distances" as being military versions of the traditional pastoral poem.
Chapter: War Pastorals ( 0199282668)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
505. Lortel, Lucille. 8 photographs for Irene Innocente by Ugo Betti, translated by Henry Reed. Lucille Lortel Papers, 1902-2000. Sub-series 2: White Barn Theatre, 1947-1998. Box 99, folder 6. July 12-13, 1958. Billy Rose Theatre Collection, New York
Manuscript: Photographs for Irene Innocente
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Irene Innocente, John Conrad, Adelaide Klein, David Kurzon, Gerald Price, Delmar Roos
506. Lougée, David. "The Long Road to Parnassus." Voices: A Quarterly of Poetry 135 (Autumn 1948): 54.
Description: David Lougée's succinct and scathing review of the American edition of A Map of Verona and Other Poems calls Reed's collection a 'serious hoax.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: A Map of Verona, Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts, Lives, Ishmael
507. Low, Donald A. "Telling the Story: Susan Hill and Dorothy L. Sayers." In British Radio Drama, edited by John Drakakis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 120.
Description: Mention of Reed's radio plays being instrumental in the BBC's 'features' evolving into 'drama.'
Chapter: Telling the Story: Susan Hill and Dorothy L. Sayers ( 0521221838)
Subjects: Criticism
508. Lowe, Gerard, ed. Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature for 1991. Vol. 66. Leeds, England: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1994. 882.
Description: Indexes Kermode's review of the Collected Poems in the London Review of Books.
Book: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature for 1991
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Collected Poems
509. Lowell, Robert. Letter to Elizabeth Bishop, 25 February 1966. In The Letters of Robert Lowell, edited by Saskia Hamilton. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. 467-468 [468].
Description: Bishop to asked to tell Reed to come visit the Lowells.
Chapter: Letter to Elizabeth Bishop
Subjects: Biography
References: Elizabeth Bishop
510. Lowry, Malcolm. Sursum Corda! The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry, Volume I: 1926-1946. Edited by Sherrill E. Grace. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. 655n.
Description: Lowry expresses exasperation that the BBC is doing a radio adaptation of Moby Dick, having submitted a similar project to the CBC.
Book: Sursum Corda! The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry, Volume I ( 0802007481)
Subjects: Biography
References: Malcolm Lowry, Moby Dick, Jonathan Cape
511. Lowry, Malcolm. Sursum Corda! The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry, Volume II: 1947-1957. Edited by Sherrill E. Grace. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 652n.
Description: Lowry mentions the CBC's negligence with his 1945 radio adaptation of Moby Dick.
Book: Sursum Corda! The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry, Volume II ( 0802041183)
Subjects: Biography
References: Malcolm Lowry, Moby Dick, Eva Thoby-Marcelin, Phillipe Thoby-Marcelin
512. Luciani, Vincent. "Bibliography of Italian Studies in America." Italica 31, no. 3 (September 1954): 179-186 [181].
Description: Cites Reed's 1954 translation of Rombi's Perdu.
Journal: Bibliography of Italian Studies in America
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Peride Rombi, Perdu and His Father
513. Luciani, Vincent. "Bibliography of Italian Studies in America." Italica 35, no. 3 (September 1958): 205-210 [210].
Description: Cites Scott's 1958 review of Betti's Three Plays in Italian Quarterly.
Journal: Bibliography of Italian Studies in America
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Ugo Betti
514. Ludwig, Jennifer. "Lessons of the War: Henry Reed." In vol. 2, Literature of War: Experiences, edited by Thomas Riggs. Detroit, MI: St. James Press, 2012. 359-361.
Description: A relatively lengthy assessment of Reed's influences, position, and the impact resulting from his famous sequence of poems, Lessons of the War.
Chapter: Lessons of the War: Henry Reed
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat
515. MacDonald, Angus, ed. Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature. Vol. 20. London: Cambridge university Press, 1948. 206.
Description: Indexes Reed's article on Thomas Hardy's Max Gate for the Birmingham Post.
Book: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature for 1994
Subjects: Miscellaneous
516. Macdonald, Dwight, ed. Parodies: an Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm—and After. New York: Random House, 1960. 218-219.
Description: Macdonald feels that Reed's poem, "Chard Whitlow," escapes the sins of other Eliot parodies.
Anthology: Parodies: an Anthology
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, T.S. Eliot
517. MacDonald, Gerald. "Poetry." Review of A Map of Verona and Other Poems, by Henry Reed. Library Journal 72, no. 21 (1 December 1947): 1688.
Description: A short, 50-word description for the newly-published American edition of Reed's A Map of Verona.
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Moby Dick
518. MacGregor-Hastie, Roy. "The Poet in His Workshop: No 4—The Great Unclassified." Arena 48 (March 1958): 10-13 [12-13].
Description: MacGregor-Hastie shows great respect for Reed in this series on the state of poetry (but little regard for the poets of the 'Thirties).
Journal: The Poet in His Workshop: No 4—The Great Unclassified
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
519. Mack, Robert L. Thomas Gray: A Life. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. 25.
Description: Discusses poem parodies of Gray and Eliot, citing "Chard Whitlow" as an example.
Book: Thomas Gray: A Life ( 0300084994)
Subjects: Criticism, Parody
References: Chard Whitlow
520. MacKay, Louis. Review of A Map of Verona, by Henry Reed. Canadian Poetry Magazine 10, no. 3 (March 1947): 35.
Description: Louis MacKay believes that Reed 'shows a neat wit and humanity in parodies of army instruction and of T.S. Eliot,' and his monologues 'combine admirably a sustained relevance to their dramatic situation with a broader reference to problems that are perhaps more pressing and more universal now than they have ever been.'
Journal: Canadian Poetry Magazine
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes
521. Madden, David, comp. A Pocketful of Poems: Vintage Verse. Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace, 1996.
Description: Collects Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Anthology: A Pocketful of Poems ( 0155025449)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
522. Magalaner, Marvin, and Richard M. Kain. Joyce: The Man, The Work, the Reputation. New York: New York University Press, 1956. 349n.
Description: Reference's Reed's 1950 Listener article on Joyce.
Book: Joyce: The Man, The Work, the Reputation
Subjects: Criticism, Review
References: James Joyce: The Triple Exile
523. Mankin, Paul A. Review of Three Plays on Justice: Landslide, Struggle till Dawn, The Fugitive, by Ugo Betti, translated by G.H. McWilliam. College Composition and Communication 16, no. 3 (October 1965): 180-181 [180].
Description: Comparing these with Reed's more "felicitous" translations, the author finds them 'suffering.'
Journal: Review of Three Plays
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Summertime, The Burnt Flower-Bed, The Queen and the Rebels, Crime on Goat Island, G.H. McWilliam
524. Manning, Hugo. "Recent Verse." Books of the Day, Guardian (Manchester), 31 July 1946, 3.
Description: Manning feels that 'Mr. Reed has worn thin much of his genuine talent in this direction by too much self-inflicted censorship.'
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
525. Mariani, Paul L. Dreamsong: The Life of John Berryman. New York: William Morrow, 1990. 203.
Description: A brief mention of Berryman's hopes for a new poetry from Great Britain, based on his review of A Map of Verona from a 1948 Nation.
Book: Dreamsong: The Life of John Berryman ( 155778454X)
Subjects: Criticism
References: John Berryman, Wallace Stevens, Robert Lowell
526. Marlowe, Joan, and Betty Blake, eds. "Queen and the Rebels (The)." New York Theatre Critics' Reviews 43, no. 12 (4 October 1982): 202-206.
Description: Reproduces reviews from The New York Times, The New York Daily News, Women's Wear Daily, The New York Post, The Christian Science Monitor, WCBS TV2, and WABC TV7.
Journal: Queen and the Rebels (The)
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels
527. Martin, Bruce K. "Poetry in Wartime: Douglas, Lewis, and Reed." Chap. 2 in British Poetry Since 1939. Boston: Twayne, 1985. 13-46 [40-46, 181]
Description: Martin finds Reed's solution to the 'distrust of the large-scale statement, empty rhetoric, and vague romanticism' of the 1930s and 40s, 'unique'.
Chapter: British Poetry Since 1939 ( 0805769005)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, Chrysothemis, Philoctetes, Lives, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Iseult Blaunchesmains, King Mark, Iseult La Belle
528. Martin, Oliver. "Import Drive." Our Time 7, no. 5 (January/February 1948): 125-126 [126].
Description: Reed, MacNeice, and Dylan Thomas are described as masters of radio drama.
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Louis MacNeice, Dylan Thomas
529. Matthias, John. Reading Old Friends: Essays, Reviews, and Poems on Poetics, 1975-1990. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992. 166.
Description: Mentions Berryman's comparison of Reed and Waller.
Book: Reading Old Friends ( 0791408795)
Subjects: Criticism
References: John Berryman, Edmund Waller
530. Maud, Ralph, and Aneirin Talfan Davies, eds. Dylan Thomas's Choice: An Anthology of Verse Spoken by Dylan Thomas. New York: New Directions, 1963. xix, 143-145.
Description: Thomas read several of Reed's poems to audiences at readings in 1952.
Anthology: Dylan Thomas's Choice
Subjects: Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts
531. Maxwell, D.E.S. Poets of the Thirties. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1969.
Description: Quotes from Reed's essay "W.H. Auden in America."
Book: Poets of the Thirties
532. May, Derwent. "Langham Diary." Listener 114, no. 2932 (24 October 1985): 26.
Description: Reed cancelled his lunch date with May at short notice: 'I'm afraid I'm not hungry this morning.'
Subjects: Biography
533. May, Derwent, ed. The Music of What Happens: Poems From The Listener, 1965-1980. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1981. 44-48.
Description: Collects at least two later poems by Reed: "Returning of Issue," and "Four People."
Anthology: The Music of What Happens ( 0563178698)
Subjects: Poem
References: Returning of Issue, Four People
534. May, Derwent. "Reed's Map." Sunday Telegraph (London), 14 December 1986, 20.
Description: Derwent May, former editor at the Listener, reminisces about Henry Reed, shortly after his death in 1986.
Newspaper: The Sunday Telegraph, December 1986
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Poem, Play
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, Private Life of Hilda Tablet
535. McCarey, Peter. "...and Other Blunders." Letter to the editor. PN Review 181 34, no. 5 (May-June 2008): 3-4.
Description: Recommendations for Reed's translations (or mistranslations) of Montale's Mottetti.
Journal: ...and Other Blunders
Subjects: Criticism
References: Eugenio Montale
536. McCosker, Karen, and Nicolas Albery, eds. Poem a Day, vol. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Zoland Books, 1998. 98-99.
Anthology: Poem a Day ( 1883642388)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
537. McDonald, Peter. Louis MacNeice: The Poet In His Contexts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. 127.
Description: Quotes Reed's opinion on the poets of the 'Thirties from his "The End of an Impulse."
Book: Louis MacNeice: The Poet In His Contexts ( 0198117663)
Subjects: Criticism
References: The End of an Impulse
538. McGilchrist, Iain. Review of In Defense of the Imagination: The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures, 1979-1980, by Helen Gardner. Modern Language Review 78, no. 4 (October 1983): 888-889 [889].
Description: Corrects Dame Helen's mis-remembering of "Chard Whitlow."
Journal: Review of In Defense of the Imagination
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
539. Mellers, W.H. "Some Recent Poetry." New English Review 13, no. 1 (July 1946): 104, 106.
Description: Wilfrid Mellers compares Geoffrey Grigson and Reed, and finds Grigson to be merely a 'verse-maker', while Reed is a 'poet', in this review from 1946.
Journal: The New English Review
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow, The Door and the Window, The Return, The Wall, Hiding Beneath the Furze, Unarmed Combat, The Place and the Person, Geoffrey Grigson
540. Mellown, Elgin W. "Orion." In vol. 4, British Literary Magazines: The Modern Age, 1914-1984, edited by Alvin Sullivan. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. 323-327 [324, 326].
Description: A history of British literary journals mentions Reed's contributions to two issues of Orion.
Chapter: Orion ( 0313243360)
Subjects: Poem, Review
References: King Mark, Joyce's Progress
541. Melville, John. "Portrait of Henry Reed." Photograuvre illustration. The Penguin New Writing 27. London: Penguin Books, 1946.
Description: Photograuvre reproduction of John Melville's painting "Portrait of Henry Reed."
Journal: Portrait of Henry Reed
Subjects: Biography
542. "Memorabilia." Notes and Queries 188, no. 1 (13 January 1945): 1.
Description: Compares Reed's review of Four Quartets from Time and Tide with that from the Meanjin Papers.
Subjects: Criticism, Review
References: T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets, E.J. Stormon
543. "Memorabilia." Notes and Queries 188, no. 13 (30 June 1945): 265.
Description: An examination of Reed's review of Williams' All Hallows' Eve in the New Statesman.
Subjects: Criticism, Review
References: Charles Williams, All Hallows' Eve
544. Menand, Louis. "Parodies Lost." Review of The Oxford Book of Parodies, edited by John Gross. New Yorker, 20 September 2010, 107-109 [107].
Description: Quotes from "Chard Whitlow," Reed's parody of Eliot.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
545. Mengham, Rod. "Broken Glass." In The Fiction of the 1940s: Stories of Survival, edited by Rod Mengham and N.H. Reeve. Palgrave: Houndmills, England, 2001. 125, 132n.
Description: The author mentions Reed's insistence of 'the frequency childhood themes' in mid-century fiction.
Subjects: Criticism
References: The Novel Since 1939
546. Mengham, Rod. "Reading 'The Lull'." Twentieth Century Literature 29, no. 4 (Winter 1983): 455-464 [457].
Description: Cites Reed's perception of recurring childhood themes in the 1940s from The Novel Since 1939.
Journal: Reading The Lull
Subjects: Criticism
References: The Novel Since 1939, Henry Green
547. Meredith, William. "Images and Reality." Reviews of The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace and Other Poems, by James Merrill, and The Minute and Longer Poems, by John Holloway. New York Times Book Review, 3 May 1959, 4.
Description: Holloway's "A Voice for Winter" is the best poem Meredith knows (excluding Reed's "Chard Whitlow") that derives closely from Eliot's Four Quartets.
Newspaper: Images and Reality
Subjects: Criticism, Review
References: James Merrill, The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace, John Holloway, The Minute and Longer Poems
548. Messner, Nancy Shingler, and Gerald Messner, comps. Collection: Literature for the Seventies. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1972.
Anthology: Collection: Literature for the Seventies ( 0669636363)
Subjects: Poem
References: Lessons of the War
549. Meyer, Michael, ed. The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford, St. Martin's, 2005.
Anthology: The Bedford Introduction to Literature ( 0312412428)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
550. Meyer, Michael, ed. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, and Writing. Boston: St. Martin's Press, 2003. 626-627.
Description: Contains questions for discussing "Naming of Parts" in class.
Anthology: The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature ( 0312398816)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
551. Meyer, Michael, ed. Poetry: An Introduction. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007.
Anthology: Poetry: An Introduction ( 0312450516)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
552. Mielziner, Jo. Production file for Island of Goats by Ugo Betti, English version by Henry Reed. Jo Mielziner Papers, 1903-1976. Series IV: Productions, 1924-1976. Box 38, folder 8. 1955. Billy Rose Theatre Collection, New York Public Library for
Manuscript: Production File for Island of Goats
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
553. Miller, Ruth, and Robert A. Greenberg, eds. Poetry, an Introduction. New York: St. Martin's, 1981.
Anthology: Poetry, an Introduction ( 0312618042)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
554. Millgate, Michael. "The Hunter-Gatherers: Some Early Hardy Scholars and Collectors."
In Thomas Hardy: Texts and Contexts, edited by Phillip Mallett. Basingstoke, England:
Palgrave MacMillan, 2002. 180-199 [193-196, 199].
Description: Millgate details Reed's failed endeavor to write a biography of Hardy, and discusses his correspondence with (and assessment of) other Hardy scholars.
Chapter: The Hunter-Gatherers ( 1403901317)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Thomas Hardy
555. Millgate, Michael, ed. Letters of Emma and Florence Hardy. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996. 32, 342, 343.
Description: Includes a letter from Florence Hardy to Reed, concerning a possible book based on his conversations with her and Thomas Hardy's sister, Kate.
Book: Letters of Emma and Florence Hardy ( 0198186096)
Subjects: Biography
References: Thomas Hardy, Florence Hardy, Kate Hardy
556. Millgate, Michael. "Sources." English Studies in Canada 32, nos. 2-3 (2008): 55-62 [56].
Description: Mentions Reed's A Very Great Man Indeed resulting from the perils of interviewing witnesses for a biography.
Subjects: Biography, Radio
References: A Very Great Man Indeed
557. Millgate, Michael. Thomas Hardy: A Biography. New York: Random House, 1982. xvi, 150n.
Description: Millgate credits Reed's insight into Hardy in the acknowledgments and in a footnote.
Book: Thomas Hardy: A Biography ( 0394488024)
Subjects: Biography
References: Thomas Hardy, Horace Moule
558. Millgate, Michael. Thomas Hardy: A Biography Revisited. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. 2.
Description: Acknowledgment made to Reed.
Book: Thomas Hardy: A Biography Revisited
Subjects: Biography
References: Thomas Hardy
559. Millier, Brett C. Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. 377, 383, 520.
Description: Brief mention of Henry Reed's friendship with Bishop, while they were in Seattle at the University of Washington.
Book: Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It
Subjects: Biography
560. Milsted, David, comp. Brewer's Anthology of England and the English. New York: Sterling, 2003. 187.
Description: Reed's poem "Naming of Parts" is used to illustrate British reticence toward war.
Anthology: Brewer's Anthology of England and the English ( 0304365947)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
561. Mitchell, A.J. "The Advertisement." Letter to the editor. Times (London), 2 October 1968, 11.
Description: Letter criticizing Esslin's defense of Ginzburg's play.
Newspaper: The Advertisement
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Natalia Ginzburg, The Advetisement, Martin Esslin
562. Mitchell, Donald, Philip Reed, and Mervyn Cooke, eds. Letters from a Life: The Selected Letters of Benjamin Britten, 1946-1951. Vol. 3, Letters from a Life: The Selected Letters of Benjamin Britten, 1913-1976. Berkely, CA; University of
Description: The notes for a letter to Douglas Cleverdon explains Reed's Hilda Tablet plays began as a parody of Benjamin Britten.
Book: Letters from a Life
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Benjamin Britten, Peter Pears, Douglas Cleverdon, Emily Butter
563. Molinaro, Julius A., comp. "Bibliography of Italian Studies in America." Italica 44, no. 4 (December 1967): 482-493 [482].
Description: Lists Reed's translation of Buzzati's Larger Than Life.
Journal: Bibliography of Italian Studies in America
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Dino Buzzati, Larger Than Life
564. "Molten Treasure." Review of Loving, by Henry Green. Time, 10 October 1949, 104.
Description: Quotes Reed as critic.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Henry Green, Loving
565. Montale, Eugenio. Mottetti. Translated by Henry Reed. PN Review 180 34, no. 4 (March-April 2008): 36-38.
Description: Reed's translations of Montale's motets are published here for the first time.
Subjects: Translation, Poem
References: Eugenio Montale, Mottetti
566. de Montherlant, Henry. The Land Where the King is a Child, translated and adapted by Henry Reed. BBC Third Programme, April 5 1960.
Description: Reed adapted de Montherlant's play La Ville dont le Prince est un Enfant for BBC radio.
Radio: The Land Where the King is a Child
Subjects: Play, Translation, Radio
References: Henry de Montherlant, The Land Where The King is a Child, Denholm Elliott
567. de Montherlant, Henry. "QUENNELL MSS." Lilly Library Manuscript Collections, University of Indiana. <http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/quennell.html>.
Description: Correspondence from Henry Milon de Montherlant concerning the translation and publication of his writings mention Reed as translator.
Link: Quennell Manuscripts
Subjects: Translation
References: Henry de Montherlant
568. Moran, Maureen, Susan Potter, and James Redmond. "The Twentieth Century." Year's Work in English Studies 57 (1976): 361.
Description: Reviews Scannell's Not Without Glory.
Journal: The Twentieth Century
Subjects: Criticism
References: Vernon Scannell, Not Without Glory
569. Morris, John. "Britain's Case for Egghead Radio." New York Times, 9 December 1956, 19-20, 22 [22].
Description: In discussing the BBC's Third Programme, Reed is called 'perhaps the most accomplished writer of sophisticated satire now working in radio.'
Newspaper: Britain's Case for Egghead Radio
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Play
570. Morris, John, ed. From the Third Programme, A Ten-Years Anthology: Imagination, Argument, Experience, Exposition. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1970.
Description: Reed's poem "Antigone" was aired on September 30th, 1946, the second day of broadcasting for the Third Programme.
Anthology: From the Third Programme, A Ten-Years Anthology ( 0804609314)
Subjects: Poem
References: Antigone
571. Morrison, Blake. The Movement: English Poetry and Fiction of the 1950s. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980. 18, 25, 34, 35.
Description: Quotes D.J. Enright saying Reed's Lessons of the War are 'too modest, or too wise, to attempt to deal directly with War'.
Subjects: Criticism
References: D.J. Enright, Kingsley Amis
572. Moss, Robert F. "Berryman's Last Hurrah." Review of The Freedom of the Poet, by John Berryman. Virginia Quarterly Review 52, no. 4 (Autumn 1976): 707-711 [710].
Description: Moss is 'astounded by [Berryman's] prescience in celebrating Henry Reed's "Naming of Parts"...'.
Journal: Berryman's Last Hurrah
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, John Berryman
573. Motion, Andrew. "Bard's Army." Reviews of Not Without Glory by Vernon Scannell, and A Spirit Above Wars, by A. Banerjee. New Review 3, no. 27 (27 June 1976) 56-58 [57].
Description: Reed's "Naming of Parts" perfectly captures the 'wearying innuendo' of the 'persistent, nagging eroticism in military life'.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
574. Murphy, Rosalie, ed. "Reed, Henry." In Contemporary Poets of the English Language. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1970. 904.
Description: A brief entry for Reed's major works.
Chapter: Contemporary Poets of the English Language
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
575. "Review of Music." Review of A Garland for the Queen: Songs for Mixed Voices. Music and Letters 35, no. 1 (January 1954) 69-70.
Description: Review of the musical tribute to Queen Elizabeth for her coronation, which includes Bliss and Reed's The Enchantress.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Arthur Bliss, The Enchantress
576. "Books of 1947: A Selected List." Nation 165, no. 23 (6 December 1947): 632-633 [632].
Description: The American printing of A Map of Verona and Other Poems is announced.
Journal: Books of 1947: A Selected List
Subjects: Miscellaneous
577. Nerber, John, et al. "The Poetry Bulletin." Tiger's Eye 2 (December 1947): 110.
Description: Short blurb announcing the publication of the American edition of Reed's A Map of Verona and Other Poems.
Journal: The Poetry Bulletin
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chrysothemis, Tristram, Moby Dick
578. "Publishers Anonymous." Christmas Diversions. New Statesman and Nation 48, no. 1242 (25 December 1954): 858-859 [859].
Description: Editors' spoof of advertisements for non-existent books by frequent contributors, including Henry Reed's Have with Thee to Corporation Street!, a parody of his unwritten memoirs of the 1930s.
Journal: Publishers Anonymous
Subjects: Parody, Criticism
References: Have with Thee to Corporation Street!, Elizabeth Bowen, Evelyn Waugh, Angus Wilson, Edward Sackville-West, John Betjeman
579. "Weekend Competition." New Statesman 85, no. 2205 (22 June 1973): 938.
Description: Sets the competition for married names.
Journal: Weekend Competition
Subjects: Miscellaneous
580. "Weekend Competition." New Statesman 86, no. 2208 (13 July 1973): 938.
Description: Results for competition set on June 22 has a Reed reference.
Journal: Weekend Competition
Subjects: Miscellaneous
581. Advertisement for Turnstile One. New Statesman and Nation 35, no. 887 (6 March 1948): 194.
Description: Promotes new journal with 'poems of Auden, Spender, and Day Lewis, Alun Lewis and Henry Reed'.
Journal: Advertisement for Turnstile One
Subjects: Criticism
582. New York Times, Advertisement for Island of Goats, 25 September 1955, X4.
Description: Ad for Reed's version of Betti's Island of Goats at the Fulton Theatre, starring Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, and Ruth Ford.
Newspaper: Advertisement for Island of Goats
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Laurence Harvey, Uta Hagen, Ruth Ford
583. New York Times. Advertisement for Island of Goats. 27 September 1955, 42.
Description: Ad for Reed's version of Betti's Island of Goats at the Fulton Theatre, starring Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, and Ruth Ford.
Newspaper: Advertisement for Island of Goats
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, Ruth Ford
584. New York Times. Advertisement for Island of Goats. 29 September 1955, 37.
Description: An ad for a production of Betti's Island of Goats.
Newspaper: Advertisement for Island of Goats
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
585. New York Times. Advertisement for Island of Goats. 2 October 1955, X4.
Description: Ad for Reed's version of Betti's Island of Goats at the Fulton Theatre, starring Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, and Ruth Ford.
Newspaper: Advertisement for Island of Goats
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Uta Hagen, Laurence Harvey, Ruth Ford
586. New York Times. "For the Christmas Check-List." International Affairs. 7 December 1947, 74.
Description: A holiday listing of suggested reading includes Reed's A Map of Verona and Other Poems: "A collection of unostentatious poems by a new British poet."
Newspaper: For the Christmas Check-List
Subjects: Criticism
References: A Map of Verona
587. New York Times. "A Listing of New Books." 31 July 1967, 25.
Description: Announces publication of Reed's translation of Buzzati's novel Larger Than Life.
Newspaper: A Listing of New Books
Subjects: Translation
References: Dino Buzzati, Larger Than Life
588. New York Times. "M'Neice is Heard in Readings Here." 6 March 1953, 29.
Description: Louis MacNeice read from his work and others' (including Reed), at a reading hosted by the Poetry Center of the Lexington Avenue YMHA/YWHA.
Newspaper: M'Neice is Heard in Readings Here
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Louis MacNeice
589. New York Times. "New Books." 8 February 1964, 21.
Description: Announces publication of the Signet Classic of Reed's translation of Balzac's Eugenie Grandet, with a new afterword by Roger Shattock.
Subjects: Translation
References: Honoré de Balzac, Eugenie Grandet
590. New York Times. "The Openings." 6 October 1963, 129.
Description: Announcement for the opening of Betti's Corruption in the Palace of Justice.
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Corruption in the Palace of Justice
591. New York Times. Photograph of Ruth Ford. 23 September 1955, 20.
Description: Ruth Ford to replace Betty Field in production of Betti's Island of Goats.
Newspaper: Photograph of Ruth Ford
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island, Ruth Ford
592. New York Times. "Radio." 7 October 1959, 87.
Description: The schedule for WYNC has Reed's The Streets of Pompeii as a "Drama from Canada."
Subjects: Play
References: The Streets of Pompeii
593. New York Times. "Radio." 8 April 1961, 43.
Description: The radio schedule for this date lists the BBC's broadcast of Reed's The Street of Pompeii.
Subjects: Play
References: The Streets of Pompeii, Flora Robson, Marius Goring
594. New York Times, "U.S. Screen Festival Opens Today at Hilton," 11 May 1971, 44.
Description: The 13th American Film Festival by the Educational Film Library Association.
Newspaper: U.S. Screen Fesitval Opens Today
Subjects: Miscellaneous
595. New York Times Book Review. "Matthew Arnold Entertains and Other Fun." 3 January 1982, 8.
Description: A selection of seven parodies from The Brand-X Anthology of Poetry includes Reed's "Chard Whitlow."
Newspaper: Matthew Arnold Entertains
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Chard Whitlow
596. New York Times Book Review. "Herbert Read," Queries and Answers. 19 July 1953, 23.
Description: A reader's query looking for the Herbert Read poem which begins 'Today I am sixty-two, last year at this time I was, etc.'
Newspaper: Queries and Answers
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Chard Whitlow
597. New York Times Book Review. "Herbert Read," Queries and Answers. 16 August 1953, 19.
Description: The poem a reader was seeking turns out to be Reed's "Chard Whitlow."
Newspaper: Queries and Answers
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Chard Whitlow
598. New York Times Book Review. "Reader's Report." 27 April 1969, 36.
Description: A reader's reaction to Ramsbotham's second novel, The Remains of a Father.
Newspaper: Reader's Report
Subjects: Criticism
References: Michael Ramsbotham, The Remains of a Father
599. Newby, Howard. "Radio, Television and the Arts." Listener 95, no. 2441 (22 January 1976): 75-76 [75].
Description: A passing mention of Reed in the heyday of the Third Programme.
Journal: Radio, Television and the Arts
Subjects: Criticism
600. Newby, P.H. "Montherlant's Play." Letter to the editor. Listener 79, no. 2025 (18 January 1968): 84.
Description: Reminds the Listener that Reed's adaptation of The Land Where the King is a Child was broadcast back in 1959.
Journal: Montherlant's Play
Subjects: Biography
References: Henru de Montherlant, The Land Where the King is a Child.
601. "News Notes." Poetry 104, no. 3 (June 1964) 193-196 [196].
Description: Announces University of Washington's first annual Theodore Roethke Memorial Reading by John Crowe Ransom, chosen by Reed, William Matchett, and Carolyn Kizer.
Subjects: Biography
References: John Crowe Ransom, William Matchett, Carolyn Kizer
602. Nichols, James W. Insinuation: The Tactics of English Satire. The Hague: Mouton, 1971. 113.
Description: 'In the opening lines of... Naming of Parts, the shift is from the military world to the world of nature, its antithesis.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
603. Nostwich, T.D. "Some Reflections on Fred Eckman and His Poetry." Sagetrieb 16, nos. 1 and 2 (Spring/Fall 1997): 214.
Description: Eckman was quick to spot the talents of 'little known but promising younger poets like Henry Reed, Alex Comfort, and John Manifold.'
Journal: Some Reflections on Fred Eckman and His Poetry
Subjects: Criticism
References: Alex Comfort, John Manifold
604. "Notes and News." Tempo, new series, 48 (Summer 1958): 1-3 [3].
Description: Coinage of the term "composeress" is attributed to Reed.
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: Ethel Smyth
605. Nowottny, Winifred. The Language Poets Use. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. 37-38.
Description: A chapter on diction uses "Naming of Parts" as an example of using a ready-made language and shifting of styles.
Book: The Language Poets Use
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
606. Nye, Robert. "Going for Parnassus." Review of Collected Poems, by Henry Reed. Times (London), 28 November 1991, 14.
Description: Nye calls "Chard Whitlow" an 'immortal' joke played on Eliot, but feels the majority of Reed's work is uninspired.
Newspaper: Going for Parnassus
Subjects: Criticism
References: John Heath-Stubbs, Selected Poems, Patric Dickinson, Not Hereafter, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Collected Poems, Gerard Manley Hopkins
607. Nye, Robert. "Poetry." Review of A Vein of Mockery: Twentieth Century Verse Satire, compiled by James Reeves. Times (London), 14 February 1980, 9.
Description: Mentions Reed's parodying Eliot's "Church as hippopotamouse...."
Subjects: Criticism, Parody, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
608. O'Donnell, Margaret J., comp. An Anthology of Contemporary Verse. London: Blackie & Son, 1953. 79-81.
Description: Collects Reed's poem, "Movement of Bodies."
Anthology: An Anthology of Contemporary Verse
Subjects: Poem
References: Movement of Bodies
609. O'Toole, Michael. "Henry Reed and What Follows the 'Naming of Parts'." In Functions of Style, edited by David Birch and Michael O'Toole. London: Pinter Publishers, 1988. 12-30.
Description: Visual semiotician Michael O'Toole analyzes "Naming of Parts" within a systemic-functional framework.
Chapter: Functions of Style ( 086187918X)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
610. Oliveira, Carmen L. Rare and Commonplace Flowers: The Story of Elizabeth Bishop and Lota de Macedo Soares. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002. 167.
Description: In this fictionalized biography, Reed is mentioned as the only person 'with whom Bishop seemed to have vaguely succeeded in associating' with, while the two were at the University of Washington in 1966.
Book: Rare and Commonplace Flowers
Subjects: Biography
References: Elizabeth Bishop
611. Orwell, George. "The Lessons of War." Reviews of Warfare, by Ludwig Renn, and Prelude to Victory, by E.L. Spears. Horizon 1, no. 2 (February 1940): 133-137.
Journal: The Lessons of War
Subjects: Review
612. Orwell, George. "Young Writers." Review of New Writing and Daylight (Summer 1943), edited by John Lehmann. Spectator (30 July 1943): 110.
Description: Orwell says of "The End of an Impulse," Reed's criticism of the Auden-Spender school of poetry, 'Henry Reed's essay contains some valuable remarks on the dangers of group literature.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: The End of an Impulse
613. Ottaway, Hugh. "Broadcast Music." Musical Times 99, no. 1382 (April 1958): 198-199 [198].
Description: Mentions Reed's Hilda Tablet plays, commenting on Emily Butter.
Subjects: Play
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Emily Butter
614. Page, Gwendolyn. We Kept the Secret. Wymondham, UK: George R. Reeve, 2002.
Description: Memoir of a WREN's time at Bletchley Park.
Book: We Kept the Secret ( 0900616652)
Subjects: Biography
615. Page, James. "Radio Round Up." Our Time 8, no. 4 (April 1949): 107-108 [107].
Description: Thoughtful description of effects and transitions used in Reed's program on Leopardi, "Brief Moralities."
Subjects: Criticism, Radio
References: Giacomo Leopardi, Brief Moralities
616. Painter, George D. "New Novels." Listener 39, no. 1011 (10 June 1948): 946.
Description: Painter quotes Reed's essay on Greene from The Novel Since 1939.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Graham Greene, The Novel Since 1939
617. Painter, George D. Dedication to Proust: The Early Years. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959.
Description: The first volume of Painter's Proust biography is dedicated "For Henry Reed."
Book: Proust: The Early Years
Subjects: Biography, Miscellaneous
References: George D. Painter
618. Palgrave, Francis Turner and John Press, comps. The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language. New York: Oxford University Press, 1964.
Anthology: The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems ( 0192541560)
Subjects: Poem
References: Judging Distances
619. Palm, Edward F. "Naming of Parts." In vol. 8, Masterplots II: Poetry Series Supplement, edited by John Wilson and Philip K. Jackson. Pasadena, California: Salem Press, 1998. 3252-3254.
Description: A detailed explication of Reed's most famous poem by Major Edward F. Palm, USMC (Ret.), including comments on the poetic forms and devices used, and interpretation of themes and meanings.
Chapter: Masterplots II ( 089356625X)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
620. Palmer, Herbert. "English Poetry: 1938-1950I." Fortnightly 1017 N.S. (September 1951): 624-628 [627].
Description: Reed is included in the roll of poets who 'made their first appearance, or chief appearance, after 1937....'
Journal: English Poetry: 1938-1950
Subjects: Criticism
621. Palmer, Michael. "Yule Things." Usenet message, soc.motss (Members Of The Same Sex). <http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=mpalmerE3DABK.2v6%40netcom.com&output=gplain>.
Description: Usenet newsgroup post in response to a Hilda Tablet thread, describing an encounter with an overly-attentive Henry Reed.
Subjects: Link, Biography
622. Parini, Jay, ed. The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2006. 1103, 1142-1143.
Description: "Naming of Parts" is included in the chapter "An Anthology of Poems about Wars and Rumors of Wars."
Anthology: The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry ( 1413004733)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
623. Parker, Derek. "Dramatic Imports." Listener 100, no. 2584 (2 November 1978): 583.
Description: Parker feels that Reed's adaptation of Giacosa's Sorrows of Love 'topples into melodrama in the last act.'
Journal: Dramatic Imports
Subjects: Criticism, Play, Radio
References: Giusepe Giacosa, Sorrows of Love, John Tydeman, Eileen Atkins, Charles Kay
624. Parker, Peter. Ackerley: A Life of J.R. Ackerley. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1989. 185, 188, 219, 240, 311, 352.
Description: Mentions a controversy over Reed's use of the word "brothels" in a poem, and Reed attending Ackerley's 1959 farewell party for The Listener.
Book: Ackerley: A Life of J.R. Ackerley ( 0374100500)
Subjects: Biography
References: Sailor's Harbour, Hilary Corke
625. Parkinson, Brian, and Helen Reid Thomas. Teaching Literature in a Second Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000.
Book: Teaching Literature in a Second Language ( 0748612599)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
626. Parrott, E.O. Imitations of Immortality: A Book of Literary Parodies. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1986. 382.
Description: Parrott's anthology includes Reed's famous parody of T.S. Eliot, "Chard Whitlow."
Anthology: Imitations of Immortality ( 0670802034)
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Chard Whitlow
627. Parrott, E.O. "The Mending of Fuses." In Imitations of Immortality: A Book of Literary Parodies, compiled by E.O. Parrott. Harmondworth, Middlesex: Viking, 1986. 297-298.
Description: Parrott adds his own take on Reed's "Naming of Parts" to his anthology of parodies.
Chapter: The Mending of Fuses
Subjects: Parody
References: Naming of Parts
628. Pascoe, David. "The Hollow Men." Review of Uncollected Poems, by Basil Bunting, and Collected Poems, by Henry Reed. Oxford Poetry 6, no. 2 (Winter/Spring 1992): 73-77 [76-77].
Description: In his 1992 review of the Collected Poems, David Pascoe finds "The Auction Sale" to be Reed's best, and his translations are to be admired, but feels that Eliot will always be Reed's 'R.S.M.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Chard Whitlow, The Place and the Person, Judging Distances, The Auction Sale, De Arte Poetica
629. Patey, Douglas Lane. The Life of Evelyn Waugh: A Critical Biography. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. 261, 290, 399n.
Description: Reed's November 1950 Listener review of Waugh is quoted.
Book: The Life of Evelyn Waugh ( 0631189335)
Subjects: Review
References: Evelyn Waugh, Helena
630. Peacock, Scot, ed. "Reed, Henry 1914-1986." Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, v. 78. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. 408-410.
Description: This encyclopedic entry has a short biography of Reed, and a bibliography which includes an extensive list of his radio dramas.
Book: Contemporary Authors ( 0787630888)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Translation
References: Chard Whitlow, Moby Dick, Summertime, The Burnt Flower-Bed, The Advertisement, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, Crime on Goat Island, Musique Discrète, Père Goriot, Eugénie Grandet
631. Pearson, John. The Sitwells: A Family's Biography. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. 374.
Description: Biography of the Sitwell family quotes a letter from Edith to John Lehmann, concerning Reed's 1944 Penguin New Writing article on her poetry.
Book: The Sitwells: A Family's Biography ( 0156826763)
Subjects: Biography
References: Edith Sitwell, John Lehmann
632. Peck, Richard, ed. Sounds and Silences. New York: Delacorte Press, 1970. 134-135.
Description: A collection of American and English poetry about such facets of modern life as sonic booms, conscientious objectors, psychedelic images, and loneliness.
Anthology: Sounds and Silences
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
633. Pennell, Maj. Bruce. "Where Are the War Poets?" British Army Review, no 136 (Spring 2005): 34-39 [35, 38n].
Description: In this study of Keith Douglas, Reed's service in the RAOC is noted.
Journal: Where Are the War Poets?
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Keith Douglas
634. Penney, Christine. Obituary for Isaac Avi Shapiro. Heslopian 2 (2004). 3.
Description: Obituary for former Birmingham University professor mentions Reed as an undergraduate in the 1930s.
Journal: Obituary for Isaac Avi Shapiro
Subjects: Biography
References: Isaac Avi Shapiro, Helen Gardner, Louis MacNeice, W.H. Auden
635. Perrine, Laurence. Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1956. 37-39.
Description: Reprints Reed's "Naming of Parts," and provides sample questions for discussion in the classroom.
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
636. Perrine, Laurence, ed. Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry. 2nd ed. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963. 40-43.
Description: Suggests study questions for "Naming of Parts" and "Judging Distances" to assist in reading and understanding the poems in class.
Anthology: Sound and Sense
Subjects: Poem, Criticism
References: Judging Distances, Naming of Parts
637. Perrine, Laurence, and Thomas R. Arp, eds. Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry. 6th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.
Anthology: Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry ( 0838407463)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances
638. Peschmann, Hermann. The Voice of Poetry (1930-1950): An Anthology. London: Evans Brothers, 1950. xviii, 150-151, 239, 249.
Description: Brief biographical sketch from Reed's own self-description, it would seem.
Anthology: The Voice of Poetry
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
639. Petite, Joseph. "'Naming of Parts,' 'Judging Distances,' Literary Snobbery and Careless Reading in the Analysis of Henry Reed's 'Lessons of the War.' Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 26, no. 1-2 (March, 2005): 66-84.
Description: Suggests that previous critics have been overly-dependent on sexual interpretations, and that the true speaker of the "Lessons of the War" poems is the drill instructor.
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Unarmed Combat, Movement of Bodies, Returning of Issue
640. Pettit, Henry, and Angus MacDonald, eds. Annual Bibiliography of English Language and Literature. Vol. 30. London: Cambridge University Press, 1958. 638, 654.
Description: Indexes Reed's articles for The Listener: "Towards 'The Cocktail Party'," and "James Joyce: The Triple Exile."
Book: Annual Bibiliography of English Language and Literature
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: T.S. Eliot, James Joyce
641. Pettit, Henry, and Angus MacDonald, eds. Annual Bibiliography of English Language and Literature, 1946. Vol. 26. London: Cambridge University Press, 1958. 100, 106.
Description: Indexes Reed's poem in Orion, "King Mark," and The Novel Since 1939.
Book: Annual Bibiliography of English Language and Literature
Subjects: Miscellaneous
References: King Mark, The Novel Since 1939
642. Phillips, Adam. "Masters of All They Survey." Observer (London), 28 October 2007, 28.
Description: Phillips reviews the new, paperback release of Reed's Collected Poems. External link.
Newspaper: The Observer (London), Oct. 2007
Subjects: Poem, Criticism, Link
References: Chard Whitlow, Tristram, The Door and the Window, Antigone
643. Phillips, John. John Phillips Collection. University of Bristol Theatre Collection. 1032446266. Bristol, England.
Description: Collection of personal papers and theatre memorabilia contains material relating to Reed and his 1971 radio play, The Two Mrs Morlis.
Manuscript: John Phillips Collection
Subjects: Biography, Play, Radio, Link
References: John Phillips, The Two Mrs Morlis
644. Phillips, John. John Phillips Papers. University of Birmingham Information Services, Special Collections. MS61. Birmingham, England.
Description: Papers of and collected by John Phillips relating to Reed, comprising letters and postcards; literary papers including manuscripts and typescripts of sonnets, poems and sketches; and cuttings, including reviews of his works.
Manuscript: John Phillips Papers
Subjects: Biography, Play, Radio
References: John Phillips
645. William Phillips, and Philip Rahv, eds. New Partisan Reader: 1945-1953 London: Andre Deutsch, 1953. 164-171.
Description: Collects Reed's poem, "The Door and the Window," published in the Partisan Review in 1947.
Anthology: New Partisan Reader: 1945-1953, The
Subjects: Poem
References: Door and the Window
646. Pickering, James H. and Jeffrey D. Hoeper, comps. Literature. New York: Macmillan, 1982. 904.
Anthology: Literature ( 0023954302)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
647. Pike Theatre Club, Dublin. Programme for Crime on Goat Island, by Ugo Betti. Translated by Henry Reed. University of Glasgow Special Collections. GB 247 STA Fj 3/27. Glasgow, Scotland.
Manuscript: Programme for Crime on Goat Island
Subjects: Play, Translation, Link
References: Ugo Betti, Crime on Goat Island
648. Pikoulis, John. "The Poetry of the Second World War." In British Poetry, 1900-50: Aspects of Tradition, edited by Gary Day and Brian Docherty. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. 193.
Description: Reed is grouped with F.T. Prince as one of those 'who wrote well-known poems,' but failed to 'produce the same body of work' as other war poets.
Chapter: The Poetry of the Second World War ( 0312124066)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Keith Douglas, Alun Lewis, Sidney Keys
649. "Piling and Unpiling Arms." Manual of Elementary Drill (All Arms) 1935. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1935. 55-56.
Description: British military drill manual with instructions for the piling of arms, and easing of springs.
Chapter: Manual of Elementary Drill
Subjects: Biography
References: Naming of Parts
650. Pine, L.G., ed. "Reed, Henry." The Author's and Writer's Who's Who. 4th ed. New York: Hafner, 1960. 325.
Description: Brief biography listing Reed's publications and contributions.
Book: The Author's and Writer's Who's Who
Subjects: Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Moby Dick, The Novel Since 1939, Three Plays by Ugo Betti, Perdu and His Father
651. Pine, L.G., ed. "Reed, Henry." The Author's and Writer's Who's Who and Reference Guide. 3rd ed. London: Shaw, 1948-1949. 443-444.
Description: This very brief biography lists Reed as a 'Poet & Critic', with his recreations being 'Music, travel'.
Book: The Author's and Writer's Who's Who and Reference Guide
Subjects: Biography
References: A Map of Verona, Moby Dick, The Novel Since 1939
652. Pinsky, Robert, and Maggie Deitz, eds. American's Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000.
Anthology: American's Favorite Poems ( 0393048209)
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
653. Pirandello, Luigi. All for the Best. Translated by Henry Reed. In Right You Are! Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1962.
Description: Reed's translation of Pirandello's Tutto per Bene.
Subjects: Translation
References: Luigi Pirandello, All for the Best
654. Advertisement for Hilda Tablet and Others, and The Streets of Pompeii. Plays and Players 19, no. 2, iss. 218 (November 1971): 82.
Journal: Advertisement for Hilda Tablet
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Hedge, Backwards, The Primal Scene, As It Were, The Unblest, The Monument, The Streets of Pompeii, Return to Naples, The Great Desire I Had, Vincenzo
655. Plotz, Helen, comp. The Marvelous Light: Poets and Poetry. New York: Crowell, 1970.
Anthology: The Marvelous Light
Subjects: Poem
656. Poetry of Henry Reed, The. "Map of the Life and Times of Henry Reed." <http://www.solearabiantree.net/namingofparts/map.html>
Description: An interactive Google map displaying places and events relating to Reed's life and work.
Link: Map of the Life and Times of Henry Reed
Subjects: Biography
References: Birmingham, Bletchley Park, Naples, London, Seattle
657. "Pictures of the Poet Henry Reed." The Poetry of Henry Reed. <http://www.solearabiantree.net/namingofparts/pictures.html>.
Description: Photographs of Reed, and images relating to his books, plays, and poems.
Link: Pictures of the Poet Henry Reed
Subjects: Link, Biography, Play, Poem
References: Henry Reed, The Advertisement, The Chateau, Moby Dick
658. "Piling Swivel F.A.Q." The Poetry of Henry Reed. <http://www.solearabiantree.net/namingofparts/pilingswivel.html>.
Description: Essay on the lowly and peculiar piling swivel, featured in Reed's "Naming of Parts."
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: Naming of Parts
659. The Poetry of Henry Reed. "Timeline for the Poet Henry Reed." <http://www.solearabiantree.net/namingofparts/timeline.html>.
Description: Major events in Reed's life listed by year, including his publications, travels, and productions of his radio plays and translations.
Link: Timeline of Henry Reed's Life
Subjects: Biography, Translation, Play
References: The Burnt Flower-Bed, Corruption in the Palace of Justice, The Advertisement, Crime on Goat Island, Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Movement of Bodies, Unarmed Combat, Returning of Issue, The Queen and the Rebels
660. "Poets and Pretenders." The Poetry Review 37, no. 3 (June-July 1946): 213-220 [215].
Description: The anonymous critic finds 'little to praise or blame' in A Map of Verona.
Journal: Poets and Pretenders
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Envoy
661. Porter, Peter, ed. New Poems, 1971-72: A P.E.N. Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. London: Hutchinson, 1972. 136.
Description: Collects Reed's newest addition to his Lessons of the War, "Returning of Issue."
Anthology: New Poems, 1971-72
Subjects: Poem
References: Returning of Issue
662. Poston, Elizabeth. Letter to the editor, 10 December 1947. New Statesman Archive, Editorial Correspondence, c. 1948-1952 (Boxes 7-9). University of Sussex Library, Special Collections. Brighton, England.
Description: Letter directed to Reed, possibly in response to his "Radio Notes" column for The New Statesman and Nation.
Manuscript: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
663. Potter, Julian. Stephen Potter at the BBC: "Features" in War and Peace. Orford, Suffolk: Orford Books, 2004. 187, 190, 195-197.
Description: Contains a short chapter on Stephen Potter's production of Reed's BBC adaptation of Moby Dick.
Book: Stephen Potter at the BBC
Subjects: Biography, Play, Radio
References: Moby Dick
664. Potter, Stephen, comp. The Sense of Humour. New York: Henry Holt, 1954. 122-123, 146-149.
Description: Collects three Henry Reed poems: "Naming of Parts," "Judging Distances," and a parody of Thomas Hardy.
Anthology: The Sense of Humour
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Stoutheart on the Southern Railway, Naming of Parts, Juding Distances
665. Powell, Neil. "Missed Chances." PN Review (Manchester) 19, no. 1 (September/October 1992): 74.
Description: This 1992 review of the Collected Poems portrays Reed as an anachronism whose later work could never compare to his 'outstanding' earlier poems.
Subjects: Criticism, Biography
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Naming of Parts, Hiding Beneath the Furze, South, The Auction Sale, The Town Itself, The Chateau, The Sound of Horses' Hooves, F.T. Prince, Soldiers Bathing
666. Pownall, David E. Articles on Twentieth Century Literature: An Annotated Bibliography, 1954-1970. Vol. 6, Authors Quasimodo to Szaniawski. New York: Kraus-Thomson, 1978. 3435.
Description: Indexes Condon's 1954 Explicator article.
Book: Articles on Twentieth Century Literature
Subjects: Miscellaneous
667. Press, John. "Poets of World War II." In vol. 7, British Writers, edited by Ian Scott-Kilvert. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984. 421-450 [422-423].
Description: Discusses Reed's contribution to the poetry of the Second World War.
Chapter: British Writers ( 0684166380)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Unarmed Combat
668. Press, John. Review of The Composition of Four Quartets, by Helen Gardner. New Lugano Review 1 (1979): 84-91 [88].
Description: Press feels that there are moments in Eliot's "The Dry Salvages" 'when we are perilously close to Henry Reed's Chard Whitlow.'
Journal: Review of The Composition of Four Quartets
Subjects: Criticism
References: Chard Whitlow
669. Price, Reynolds. Ardent Spirits: Leaving Home, Coming Back. New York: Scribner, 2009. 43, 129.
Description: Price relays an unconfirmed story that W.H. Auden told Stephen Spender: that Helen Gardner had fallen in love with Reed, and it led her to a mental breakdown.
Book: Ardent Spirits ( 0743291891)
Subjects: Biography
References: Helen Gardner
670. Pritchett, V.S. "Moby Dick." Review of Moby Dick: A Play for Radio from Herman Melville's Novel by Henry Reed. New Statesman and Nation (31 January 1948): 101-102.
Description: Pritchett calls Reed's adaptation Moby Dick: A Play for Radio from Herman Melville's Novel (Jonathan Cape, 1947) 'exalted, refreshing, vivid and excellent.'
Subjects: Criticism
References: Moby Dick
671. Pritchett, V.S., ed. Turnstile One: A Literary Miscellany from the New Statesman and Nation. London: Turnstile Press, 1948. 144.
Description: Collects "Naming of Parts," originally published in the New Statesman and Nation in August, 1942.
Subjects: Poem
References: Naming of Parts
672. Pritchett, V.S. "W.W. Jacobs." Books in General. London: Chatto and Windus, 1953. 235-241 [237, 238].
Description: This study of Jacobs' stories and novels quotes from Reed's Introduction to Dialstone Lane (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1947).
Subjects: Criticism
References: W.W. Jacobs, Dialstone Lane
673. Probst, Robert E. Response and Analysis: Teaching Literature in Junior and High School. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1988. 60, 95.
Description: Reed's "Naming of Parts" is used as an example to discuss the speaking voice in poetry.
Book: Response and Analysis ( 067092033)
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
674. Probst, Robert E. Response and Analysis: Teaching Literature in Secondary School, 2nd ed. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2004. 96-97, 127-128, 146n.
Description: Reed's poem "Naming of Parts" is included here as part of a discussion on the speaking voice in poetry.
Book: Response and Analysis ( 0325007160)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
675. Proffitt, Edward. "Freshman English Once More." College English 38, no. 2 (October 1976): 132-143 [137].
Description: "Naming of Parts" is used as an example for using diction and tone.
Journal: Freshman English Once More
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
676. Proffitt, Edward. Reading and Writing About Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1990. 249-250.
Description: Contains questions and writing assignments for studying "Naming of Parts" in class.
Anthology: Reading and Writing About Literature
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
677. "The Programmes in Detail." Listener 36, no 924 (26 September 1946): 111.
Description: In this issue devoted to the inauguration of the BBC's Third Programme, Reed's radio adaptation of Moby Dick is mentioned as a coming attraction.
Journal: The Programmes in Detail
Subjects: Review, Radio, Play
References: Moby Dick
678. Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Experiencing Understanding. Tape 1 of Educating for Understanding. VHS, 41 min. Port Chester, NY: National Professional Resources, 2002.
Description: Introduces teaching and learning for understanding through a collaborative experience in which participants construct understanding of "Naming of Parts."
Film: Experiencing Understanding ( 1887943595)
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Naming of Parts
679. Pryce Jones, Alan. "Broadcasting and Literature." Listener 42, no. 1074 (25 August 1949): 317-319 [318].
Description: Pryce Jones says of the radio version of Moby Dick: '[I]t is absorbing to watch the skill with which Henry Reed has adapted Melville's dialogue, and tightened his plot into a more strictly dramatic form.'
Journal: Broadcasting and Literature
Subjects: Criticism, Radio, Play
References: Louis MacNeice, The Voyage of Magellan, Edward Sackville-West, The Rescue, Moby Dick
680. Pryce-Jones, Alan. "The Georgian Poets." In Georgian Poetry, 1911-1922: The Critical Heritage, edited by Timothy Rogers. London: Routledge, 1977. 361. Originally published in Penguin New Writing 35 (1948): 91-100.
Description: Quotes Reed on the disintigration of modern poetry, from "The End of an Impulse," New Writing and Daylight, 1943.
Chapter: The Georgian Poets ( 0710082789)
Subjects: Review
681. Pryce-Jones, Alan. "Society and Life, Here and Abroad." The New Books. Harper's Magazine 222, no. 1330 (March 1961): 112-120 [118].
Description: Quotes "Chard Whitlow" in a review of François Mauriac's Mémoires Intérieurs.
Journal: Society and Life, Here and Abroad
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow
682. Pryce-Jones, David. "Towards The Cocktail Party." In Age of Austerity, edited by Michael Sissons and Philip French. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1963. 224.
Description: Quotes Reed's article on Eliot's The Cocktail Party from the May 10, 1951 Listener.
Chapter: Towards the Cocktail Party
Subjects: Criticism
References: T.S. Eliot, The Cocktail Party
683. "Reed, Henry," Publishers Weekly, 152, no. 15 (11 October 1947), 1945.
Description: A note on the publication of the American edition of Reed's A Map of Verona.
Journal: Publishers Weekly
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Lessons of the War, A Map of Verona
684. Pybus, Rodney. "Poetry Chronicle II." Review of Collected Poems, by Henry Reed. Stand Magazine 34, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 55-59 [57].
Description: Pybus believes Reed's poems are 'worth saving for his distinctive note of exclusion from and loss of love, paradise, fulfilment.'
Journal: Poetry Chronicle II
Subjects: Criticism, Poem
References: Chard Whitlow, Naming of Parts, The Changeling, The Auction Sale, Giacomo Leopardi
685. Quieto, Michael. "The Imagery of Genesis in Henry Reed's 'Naming of Parts'." Internet Archive. <http://web.archive.org/web/20040311112348/www.barney.gonzaga.edu/~mquieto/papers/naming.html>
Description: A student paper considers Eden imagery in Reed's most famous poem. External link, archived copy.
Link: The Imagery of Genesis
Subjects: Criticism
References: Naming of Parts
686. Quinn, Sister M. Bernetta. "Modern Poetry in the Classroom." English Journal 50, no. 9 (December 1961) 590-595, 611 [611].
Description: Sister Bernetta wonders if perhaps difficult poems are being avoided in high school, over worries that the likes of Reed, and Roethke will not stand the test of time.
Journal: Modern Poetry and the Classroom
Subjects: Criticism
687. Radio Times. Billing for "The Book of My Childhood." 19 January 1951, 32.
Description: Scheduled on BBC Midland from 8:15-8:30, an autobiographical(?) programme from Henry Reed.
Journal: Billing for "The Book of My Childhood"
Subjects: Radio, Biography
688. Radio Times, Billing for Malatesta, 22 February 1952, 27.
Description: Reed's translation of de Montherlant's play is scheduled for February 26, 1952.
Journal: Billing for Malatesta
Subjects: Play, Translation
References: Henry de Montherlant, Howard Marion-Crawford, E.A. Harding
689. Radio Times. Billing for "New Poems," 27 September 1946, 8.
Description: Billing for Third Programme broadcast of new poems by Reed and others.
Journal: Billing for New Poems
Subjects: Poem, Radio
References: Antigone, Walter de la Mare, W.J. Turner, Dylan Thomas, C. Day Lewis, W.R. Rodgers, Patric Dickinson
690. Radio Times, "Deryck Guyler in 'Not a Drum Was Heard': The War Memoirs of General Gland," 22 May 1959, 31.
Description: Schedule for a repeat broadcast of Reed's radio play.
Newspaper: Deryck Guyler in "Not a Drum Was Heard"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Not a Drum Was Heard, Douglas Cleverdon, Deryck Guyler, Michael Flanders, Frank Duncan, Hugh Burden, Mary O'Farrell, Marjorie Westbury, Carleton Hobbs, Donald Swann
691. Radio Times, "Emily Butter: An Occasion Recalled," 12 November 1954, 11.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast credits for the first performance of 'Hilda Tablet's opera at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.'
Newspaper: Emily Butter: An Occasion Recalled
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Emily Butter, Mary O'Farrell, Hugh Burden, Frank Duncan, Marjorie Westbury, Deryck Guyler, Douglas Cleverdon
692. Radio Times, "Full Frontal Pioneer," Radio Times People, 20 April 1972, 5.
Description: A brief article before a new production of Reed's translation of Montherlant, mentioning a possible second collection of poems.
Journal: Full Frontal Pioneer
Subjects: Radio, Biography
References: The Land Where the King is a Child, Naming of Parts
693. Radio Times, "Fun in Literary Bohemia," Both Sides of the Microphone, 4 September 1953, 6-7.
Description: A short introduction to the world in Reed's radio play, A Very Great Man Indeed.
Newspaper: Fun in Literary Bohemia
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: A Very Great Man Indeed
694. Radio Times, "General Gland," Round and About, 1 May 1959, 4.
Description: A short column introducing Reed's next radio play in the Hilda Tablet sequence.
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Not a Drum Was Heard, Deryck Guyler, Michael Flanders, Dorothy Primrose, Frank Duncan, Donald Swann
695. Radio Times, "The Great Desire I Had: Shakespeare and Italy," 24 October 1952, 19, 35.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast information for Reed's fictional account of Shakespeare visiting Italy.
Newspaper: The Great Desire I Had: Shakespeare and Italy
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: The Great Desire I Had, Marius Goring, Flora Robson, John Phillips, Frank Duncan, Carleton Hobbs, Douglas Cleverdon
696. Radio Times, "Hugh Burden and Carleton Hobbs in 'A Hedge, Backwards': A Discovery for Radio," 24 February 1956.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast description for Reed's radio play, "A Hedge, Backwards."
Newspaper: Hugh Burden and Carleton Hobbs in "A Hedge, Backwards"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: A Hedge, Backwards, Douglas Cleverdon, Gwen Cherrell, Dorothy Primrose, Denis Quilloy, Wilfrid Downing, Marjorie Westbury, Mary O'Farrell, Allan McClelland, Donald Swann
697. Radio Times, "Hugh Burden in 'A Very Great Man Indeed,' 4 September 1953, 19, 31.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast information for the first play in Reed's Hilda Tablet cycle, A Very Great Man Indeed.
Newspaper: Hugh Burden in "A Very Great man Indeed"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, Douglas Cleverdon, Hugh Burden, Carleton Hobbs, Gwen Cherrell, Marjorie Westbury, Frank Duncan, Susan Richmond, Mary O'Farrell, Donald Swann
698. Radio Times, "Marius Goring and Flora Robson in 'The Streets of Pompeii,'" 14 March 1952, 19, 31.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast information for Reed's award-winning radio drama, The Streets of Pompeii.
Newspaper: Marius Goring and Flora Robson in "The Streets of Pompeii"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: The Streets of Pompeii, Flora Robson, Marius Goring, Robert Rietty, Gwen Cherrell, Anthony Smith-Masters, Douglas Cleverdon
699. Radio Times, "Mary O'Farrell and Hugh Burden in 'The Private Life of Hilda Tablet': A Parenthesis for Radio," 21 May 1954, 19, 31.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast credits for the second play in Reed's Hilda Tablet series.
Newspaper: Mary O'Farrell and Hugh Burden in "The Private Life of Hilda Tablet"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, Douglas Cleverdon, Mary O'Farrell, Hugh Burden, Carleton Hobbs, Marjorie Westbury, Susan Richmond, Frank Duncan, Deryck Guyler, Donald Swann
700. Radio Times, "Ralph Richardson as Ahab in 'Moby Dick' by Herman Melville," 24 January 1947, 8, 24.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast information for Reed's radio adaptation of Moby Dick.
Newspaper: Ralph Richardson as Ahab in "Moby Dick"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Moby Dick, Valentine Dyall, Cyril Cusack, Harry Quashie, Carleton Hobbs, Mark Dignam, Antony Hopkins, Ralph Richardson, Murray Davies, Bernard Miles
701. Radio Times, "The Strawberry Ice," 18 January 1973, 43.
Description: Billing for Natalia Ginzburg's "The Strawberry Ice," broadcast on Radio 4 at 3:00 pm, January 24, 1973.
Newspaper: The Strawberry Ice
Subjects: Radio, Translation, Play
References: Natalia Ginzburg, Marjorie Westbury, Rosalind Shanks, Jill Balcon, Kathleen Michael, John Rowe, Christopher Venning
702. Radio Times, "The Unblest," 6 May 1949, 13.
Description: Broadcast schedule and cast information for Reed's play on the Italian poet, Leopardi.
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: The Unblest, Giacomo Leopardi, Rayner Heppenstall, David King Wood, Carleton Hobbs, Gladys Young, Abraham Sofaer, Marjorie Westbury
703. Radio Times, "The Unblest," 27 May 1949, 17.
Description: Broadcast schedule for a repeat broadcast of Reed's radio play on the Italian poet, Leopardi.
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: The Unblest, Giacomo Leopardi, Rayner Heppenstall, David King Wood, Carleton Hobbs, Gladys Young, Marjorie Westbury
704. Rago, Henry. "Four Poets." Commonweal 47, no. 14 (16 January 1948): 353.
Description: A brief book review by Henry Rago of the American edition of A Map of Verona.
Subjects: Criticism
References: The Door and the Window, Outside and In
705. Ramsbotham, Michael. The Parish of Long Trister. Cresset Press, 1959.
Book: The Parish of Long Trister
Subjects: Miscellaneous
706. Ramsbotham, Michael. The Remains of a Father. London: Chatto & Windus, 1969.
Book: The Remains of a Father ( 0701114096)
Subjects: Miscellaneous
707. Raw, Lawrence. "Henry James of the BBC Third Programme, 1946-1970." Henry James Review 32 (2011): 87-96 [91].
Description: For A Very Great Man Indeed, Reed wrote 'a thinly disguised pastiche of Jamesian prose with long sentences comprised of endless subordinate clauses.'
Journal: Henry James of the BBC Third Programme
Subjects: Criticism, Radio, Parody
References: A Very Great Man Indeed
708. Rawlinson, Mark. "Jocelyn Brooke and England's Militarised Landscape." In The Fiction of the 1940s: Stories of Survival, edited by Rod Mengham and N.H. Reeve. Houndmills, England: Palgrave, 2001. 115.
Description: The author mentions Reed and 'Nature's apparent duplicity in occluding the presence of military violence' as a theme in 20th-century war poetry.
Chapter: Jocelyn Brooke and England's Militarised Landscape
Subjects: Criticism
References: David Jones, Keith Douglas
709. Redlich, H.F. "Monteverdi's Vespers." Letter to the editor. New Statesman and Nation 35, no. 882 (31 January 1948): 96.
Description: Redlich reacts strongly to an off-the-cuff remark Reed makes in his January 24th Radio Notes column, regarding Monteverdi's Vespers.
Journal: Letter to the editor
Subjects: Criticism
References: Claudio Monteverdi
710. "Reed H." Arts & Humanities Citation Index, 1986 Annual. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1987. 9029.
Description: Indexes recent mentions of (several) H. Reeds in print.
Subjects: Miscellaneous
711. Reed, Henry. Radio Times (14 March 1952): 11.
Description: Introduction to The Streets of Pompeii.
Subjects: Play
References: The Streets of Pompeii
712. Reed, Henry, "'Tatty': The Year's New Word," Birmingham Post, 13 October 1937.
Description: Discusses the history and usage of the word 'tatty'.
Newspaper: 'Tatty': The Year's New Word
Subjects: Review
713. Reed, Henry. Afterword to Père Goriot by Honoré de Balzac. New York: American Library, 1962.
Book: Afterword to Père Goriot
Subjects: Translation
References: Honoré de Balzac, Père Goriot
714. Reed, Henry. Afterword to Père Goriot, by Honoré de Balzac. New York: Signet Classic, 1981.
Book: Afterword to Père Goriot
Subjects: Translation
References: Honoré de Balzac, Père Goriot
715. Reed, Henry. "Ageing Passions." Review of The Complete Poems of Michelangelo, translated by Joseph Tusiana. Sunday Telegraph (London), 11 June 1961, 7.
Description: Reed feels that Professor Tusiani's translations have "merely produced page after page of lifeless verse, often unscannable, and stuffed with many images and fantasies of his own."
Newspaper: Ageing Passions
Subjects: Review
References: The Complete Poems of Michelangelo, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Joseph Tusiani
716. Reed, Henry. "Antigone." Penguin New Writing 30 (1947): 97-99.
Subjects: Poem
References: Antigone
717. Reed, Henry. "Ars Poetica." Botteghe Oscure 2 (1948): 262-264.
Description: This poem, a long meditation on regret, appears in Reed's Collected Poems as "De Arte Poetica."
Subjects: Poem, Translation
References: De Arte Poetica
718. Reed, Henry. "Aubade for Coronation Morning." In A Garland for the Queen, music by Arthur Bliss. London: Stainer and Bell, 1953.
Description: One of a group of modern madrigals set by Sir Arthur Bliss for the 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Sound: Aubade for Coronation Morning
Subjects: Poem
References: Aubade
719. Reed, Henry. "The Auction Sale." Encounter 11, no. 4 (October 1958): 49-55.
Description: Restrained drama unfurls in this long, 300-line, Hardyesque poem about a country auction and the battle for a special painting. Originally published in Stephen Spender's Encounter, October 1958.
Journal: The Auction Sale
Subjects: Poem
References: The Auction Sale
720. Reed, Henry. "The Auction Sale." Lot One (July 1983).
Journal: The Auction Sale
Subjects: Poem
References: The Auction Sale
721. Reed, Henry. The Auction Sale. Warwick, England: Greville Press, 2006.
Description: Reed's poem issued as part of the Greville Press Pamphlet series, with an introduction by Jon Stallworthy.
Book: The Auction Sale ( 0954996771)
Subjects: Poem
References: The Auction Sale
722. Reed, Henry and Frank Duncan. "Audio of 'The Complete Lessons of the War'." The Poetry of Henry Reed. <http://www.solearabiantree.net/namingofparts/audio-visual.html>.
Description: Listen to BBC recordings of Henry Reed and actor Frank Duncan reading "The Complete Lessons of the War."
Sound: Audio of The Complete Lessons of the War
Subjects: Biography, Criticism
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Movement of Bodies, Unarmed Combat, Returning of Issue, Frank Duncan
723. Reed, Henry. "The Blissful Land." Listener 91, no. 2351 (18 April 1974): 496.
Journal: The Blissful Land
Subjects: Poem
References: The Blissful Land
724. Reed, Henry. "Bocca di Magra." Listener 93, no. 2403 (24 April 1975): 546.
Subjects: Poem
References: Bocca di Magra
725. Reed, Henry. "Books in General." Review of The Scarlet Tree, by Osbert Sitwell. New Statesman and Nation 32, no. 810 (31 August 1946): 155.
Description: Reed's review of Osbert Sitwell's The Scarlet Tree (Macmillan, 1946).
Journal: Books in General
Subjects: Review
References: Osbert Sitwell, The Scarlet Tree
726. Reed, Henry. "Books in General." Review of Billy Budd, by Herman Melville. New Statesman and Nation 33, no. 847 (31 May 1947): 397.
Description: Reed reviews a new edition of Melville's Billy Budd with an introduction by William Plomer (London: Lehmann, 1947).
Journal: Books in General
Subjects: Review
References: Herman Melville, Billy Budd, William Plomer
727. Reed, Henry. "Born for Death." Review of Curious Relations, by William d'Arfey. Listener 34, no. 882 (6 December 1945): 672.
Description: Reed reviews d'Arfey's 'family history by a non-professional writer.'
Subjects: Review
References: William d'Arfey, Curious Relations, William Plomer
728. Reed, Henry. "The Builders." Listener 22, no. 549 (20 July 1939): 143.
Subjects: Poem
References: The Builders
729. Reed, Henry. A By-Election in the Nineties. BBC radio broadcast, 1951.
Description: A lighthearted radio comedy, regarding a special election in a Hardyesque Dorchester.
Play: A By-Election in the Nineties
Subjects: Play
References: A By-Election in the Nineties
730. Reed, Henry. "Cabaco's Song." Music & Letters 34, no. 4 (October 1953): 314.
Description: Originally part of Reed's Moby Dick: A Play for Radio from Herman Melville's Novel (Jonathan Cape, 1947).
Subjects: Poem
References: Cabaco's Song
731. Reed, Henry. "The Candidate." Unpublished poem. Papers of Henry Reed. University of Birmingham Information Services, Special Collections. MS031. Birmingham, England.
Description: Reed's personal papers contain a draft for this unpublished poem, not included in the Collected Poems.
Manuscript: The Candidate
Subjects: Poem
References: The Candidate
732. Reed, Henry. "The Case for Maigret." Reviews of Maigret Hesitates and The Man on the Bench in the Barn, by Georges Simenon. Sunday Times (London), 2 August 1970: 22.
Description: Reed reviews two translations of George Simenon's fiction.
Newspaper: Case for Maigret, The
Subjects: Review
References: Georges Simenon, Maigret Hesitates, Lyn Moir, Man on the Bench in the Barn, The, Moura Budberg
733. Reed, Henry. "The Changeling." Listener 43, no. 1095 (19 January 1950): 115.
Subjects: Poem
References: The Changeling
734. Reed, Henry. "Chard Whitlow (Mr Eliot's Sunday Evening Postscript)." New Statesman and Nation 21, no. 533 (10 May 1941): 494.
Description: Reed's famous parody of T.S. Eliot won a 1941 New Statesman and Nation contest.
Subjects: Poem, Parody
References: Chard Whitlow
735. Reed, Henry. "Chrysothemis." New Writing and Daylight (Winter 1942-1943): 53-56.
Description: The first appearance of Reed's long poem about the sister of Orestes and Electra includes a short biographical note.
Subjects: Poem
References: Chrysothemis
736. Reed, Henry. "Chrysothemis." Penguin New Writing 26 (1945): 98-100.
Subjects: Poem
References: Chrysothemis
737. Reed, Henry. Collected Poems. Edited and introduced by Jon Stallworthy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Description: The complete poems, collected from A Map of Verona and Lessons of the War, with selections of verse from Reed's radio plays, and including drafts and fragments never before published.
Book: Collected Poems ( 0192122983)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Poem
738. Reed, Henry. Collected Poems. Edited and introduced by Jon Stallworthy, with a foreword by Frank Kermode. Manchester, England: Carcanet, 2007.
Description: Reed's Collected Poems was re-issued in trade paperback in 2007, with Frank Kermode's 1991 review added as a new Foreword.
Book: Collected Poems ( 1857549430)
Subjects: Biography, Criticism, Poem
References: Jon Stallworthy, Frank Kermode
739. Reed, Henry. "The Complete Lessons of the War," 1965. Third Programme Radio Scripts, 1949-1978. 1055, box 1, folder 21, 2 copies. Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University. Atlanta, Georgia.
Description: Archive contains many typescripts of radio plays produced by Douglas Cleverdon, including two copies of Reed's "The Complete Lessons of the War."
Manuscript: The Complete Lessons of the War
Subjects: Poem, Radio
References: Naming of Parts, Judging Distances, Movement of Bodies, Unarmed Combat, Returning of Issue
740. Reed, Henry. Contributor's File. BBC Written Archives Centre, London. Script Writer, 1C. 16 June 1955, 28 February 1956, 18 February 1958, 24 February 1958.
Manuscript: Contributor's File
Subjects: Miscellaneous
741. Reed, Henry. Collected galleys, typescripts, and proofs. Richard L. Purdy Collection of Thomas Hardy. GEN MSS 111, Series VI, 805-809. Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New Haven, CT.
Description: Richard L. Purdy's collection of Thomas Hardy material contains typescripts and corrected galleys of poems and radio plays by Reed.
Manuscript: Corrected galleys, typescripts, and proofs
Subjects: Biography, Poem, Play
References: The Auction Sale, Bocca di Magra, Chard Whitlow, A Good Dream, The Interval, Summer
742. Reed, Henry. "Monteverdi's Vespers." Letter to the editor. New Statesman and Nation 35, no. 883 (7 February 1948): 115.
Description: An apologetic response to a previous letter from Dr. Hans Redlich.
Subjects: Review
References: Monteverdi, Hans Redlich
743. Reed, Henry. Correspondence with Jonathan Cape, Ltd., 1945-1950. University of Reading, Archives and Manuscripts. MS2446. Reading, England. 3 letters.
Description: Three letters from Reed to the publisher of A Map of Verona and Moby Dick: A Play for Radio.
Manuscript: Correspondence with Jonathan Cape
Subjects: Biography, Poem, Play
744. Reed, Henry. "Daly's." Review of Daly's: The Biography of a Theatre, by D. Forbes-Winslow. New Statesman and Nation 28, no. 714 (28 October 1944): 290-291.
Description: Review of D. Forbes-Winslow's history of Daly's Theatre, London (London: W.H. Allen, 1944).
Subjects: Review
References: D. Forbes Winslow, Daly's
745. Reed, Henry. Dedicatory letter to George D. Painter. In Hilda Tablet and Others: Four Pieces for Radio. London, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1971.
Description: Dedicatory letter to George D. Painter in the collection Hilda Tablet and Others.
Book: Dedication to Hilda Tablet and Others ( 0563101636)
Subjects: Play, Biography
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Hedge, Backwards, The Primal Scene, As It Were
746. Reed, Henry. "Deryck Guyler in 'Not a Drum Was Heard': The War Memoirs of General Gland." Radio Times, 1 May 1959, 41.
Description: Includes a short, introductory note by Reed.
Newspaper: Deryck Guyler in "Not a Drum Was Heard"
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Not a Drum Was Heard
747. Reed, Henry. "Did Shakespeare Go to Italy?" Radio Times, 24 October 1952, 7.
Description: Reed 'explains how he has let his imagination play round the possibilities' of Shakespeare being inspired by a visit to Italy.
Newspaper: Did Shakespeare Go to Italy?
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: The Great Desire I Had, William Shakespeare, Vincenzo Gonzaga
748. Reed, Henry. "Discoveries About Hardy." Review of Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study, by Richard L. Purdy. Listener 52, no. 1344 (2 December 1954): 975.
Description: Review of Purdy's Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study (London: Oxford University Press, 1954).
Journal: Discoveries About Hardy
Subjects: Review
References: Thomas Hardy, Richard L. Purdy, Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study
749. Reed, Henry. "The Door and the Window." Listener 32, no. 825 (2 November 1944): 488.
Description: Reed's poem "The Door and the Window" appears here for the first time.
Journal: The Door and the Window
Subjects: Poem
750. Reed, Henry. "The Door and the Window." Partisan Review 14, no. 5 (September-October 1947): 523.
Journal: The Door and the Window
Subjects: Poem
References: Door and the Window
751. Reed, Henry. "Early Life and Works of Thomas Hardy, 1840-1878." MA thesis, University of Birmingham. Birmingham, England. 1936.
Manuscript: Early Life and Works of Thomas Hardy
Subjects: Review
References: Thomas Hardy
752. Reed, Henry. "Ego in Flight." Review of Saint-Exupéry, by Marcel Migeo. Sunday Telegraph (London), 26 March 1961, 6.
Description: Reed describes Migeo's biography of "Saint-Ex" as "authoritative" but "unorganized."
Subjects: Review
References: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Marcel Migeo
753. Reed, Henry. "An Eliot Study." Review of "Four Quartets" Rehearsed: A Commentary on T.S. Eliot's Cycle of Poems, by Raymond Preston. New Statesman and Nation 31, no. 799 (15 June 1946): 434-435.
Description: Review of "Four Quartets" Rehearsed: A Commentary on T.S. Eliot's Cycle of Poems by Raymond Preston (Sheed and Ward, 1946).
Subjects: Review
References: Raymond Preston, T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding, Four Quartets
754. Reed, Henry. Emily Butter. Unpublished radio script. Broadcast on BBC Third Programme, 1955.
Description: A mostly-operatic performance by an almost entirely female cast, this 1954 play was conceived as a composition by Reed's Hilda Tablet character.
Subjects: Play
References: Emily Butter
755. Reed, Henry. "The End of an Impulse." New Writing and Daylight (Summer 1943): 111-123.
Description: Reed describes the new, lyric poetry of Auden, Spender, and Day-Lewis.
Journal: The End of an Impulse
Subjects: Review
References: W.H. Auden, Stephen Spender, C. Day Lewis
756. Reed, Henry. The English Novel Since 1939. Berlin: Cornelsenverlag, 1949.
Description: German edition of Reed's critical pamphlet for the British Council.
Book: The English Novel Since 1939
Subjects: Review
References: The Novel Since 1939
757. Reed, Henry. "Epilogue." Time and Tide 26, no. 30 (28 July 1945): 622.
Description: This poem appears in A Map of Verona as "Envoy."
Subjects: Poem
758. Reed, Henry. "An Essential Voice." BBC broadcast, 12 January 1975.
Description: Broadcast of a Leopardi anthology, including "La Ginestra."
Radio: An Essential Voice
Subjects: Poem, Translation
References: La Ginestra
759. Reed, Henry. "Fine Tenor Bell." Review of Thomas Hardy's Notebooks, edited by Evelyn Hardy. Listener 64, no. 1396 (1 December 1955): 955.
Description: Review of Hardy's Notebooks, and Some Letters from Julia Augusta Martin, edited by Evelyn Hardy. (London: Hogarth Press, 1955).
Subjects: Review
References: Thomas Hardy, Evelyn Hardy, Thomas Hardy's Notebooks, and Some Letters from Julia Martin
760. Reed, Henry. "For Younger Readers." Review of Our Exploits at West Poley, by Thomas Hardy. Listener 48, no. 1232 (9 October 1952): 599-600.
Description: Reed believes this new edition will "scarcely" make Hardy's book a children's classic, but believes 'there is some small sort of eternal summer about it."
Journal: For Younger Readers
Subjects: Review
References: Thomas Hardy, Our Exploits at West Poley
761. Reed, Henry. Foreword to The Streets of Pompeii and Other Plays for Radio. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1971. Unpaged.
Description: Reed's foreword to his collection of radio drama The Streets of Pompeii and Other Plays for Radio.
Book: Foreword to The Streets of Pompeii
Subjects: Play, Biography
References: The Unblest, The Monument, The Streets of Pompeii, Return to Naples, The Great Desire I Had, Vincenzo
762. Reed, Henry. Foreword to Three Plays by Ugo Betti. London: Gollancz, 1956.
Book: Foreword to Three Plays by Ugo Betti
Subjects: Play, Translation, Review
References: Henry Reed, Foreword to Three Plays by Ugo Betti, Ugo Betti
763. Reed, Henry. Foreword to Three Plays by Ugo Betti. New York: Grove Press, 1958. 5-8.
Description: Reed's 'brief non-critical account of Betti's progress through his quarter-century of playwriting,' with some biographical details of the Italian poet and author.
Book: Foreword to Three Plays by Ugo Betti
Subjects: Translation, Play, Review
References: Henry Reed, The Burnt Flower-Bed, Summertime, Ugo Betti, The Queen and the Rebels, Foreword to Three Plays by Ugo Betti
764. Reed, Henry. "Four People." Listener 92, no. 2386 (19/26 December 1974): 848-849.
Subjects: Poem
765. Reed, Henry. "From the Sow's Ear." Review of A Pelican at Blandings, by P.G. Wodehouse. Sunday Times (London), 28 September 1969, 62.
Description: Reed ranks Wodehouse's novel 'very highly,' and calls it 'incomparably funny.'
Newspaper: From the Sow's Ear
Subjects: Review
References: P.G. Wodehouse, A Pelican at Blandings, Osbert Lancaster
766. Reed, Henry. "A Good Dream." Sunday Times (London), 4 January 1970, 69.
Description: Reed's poem "A Good Dream" is published for the first time.
Subjects: Poem
References: A Good Dream
767. Reed, Henry. The Great Desire I Had. In The Streets of Pompeii and Other Plays for Radio. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1971.
Description: In this radio play from 1952, Reed imagines Shakespeare visiting 16th century Mantua, and receiving inspiration from Duke Vincenzo Gonzaga.
Play: The Great Desire I Had
Subjects: Play
References: The Great Desire I Had
768. Reed, Henry. "Hardy's Secret Self-Portrait." Review of The Life of Thomas Hardy, by Florence Emily Hardy. Sunday Telegraph (London), 25 March 1962, 6.
Description: Reed says this disguised autobiography is a "ramshackle work," but is still "packed with a miscellany of information not available elsewhere, and readers who care for Hardy will find it everywhere endearing, engaging, and full of his characteristic humour."
Newspaper: Hardy's Secret Self-Portrait
Subjects: Review
References: Thomas Hardy, The Life of Thomas Hardy, Florence Emily Hardy
769. Reed, Henry. A Hedge, Backwards. In Hilda Tablet and Others: Four Pieces for Radio. London, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1971.
Description: Another in the Hilda Tablet sequence, the biographer is confounded by relatives of his subject, including a brother-in-law, General Gland, played by Derek Guyler. Broadcast in 1956.
Subjects: Play
References: A Hedge, Backwards
770. Reed, Henry. "'Henry James, Jr....'." Review of Henry James: The Untried Years, 1843-1870, by Leon Edel. Listener 49, no. 1269 (25 June 1953): 1059-1060.
Description: Reed's review of Edel's Henry James: The Untried Years (London: Hart-Davis, 1953).
Journal: Henry James, Jr....
Subjects: Review
References: Henry James, Leon Edel, Henry James: The Untried Years
771. Reed, Henry. "Henry Reed, New Statesman and Nation, 23 June 1945, 408-9." Review of Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh. In Evelyn Waugh: The Critical Heritage, edited by Martin Stannard. London: Routledge, 1984. 239-241.
Description: Reed's 1945 New Statesman review of Waugh's Brideshead Revisited is included in this critical text.
Anthology: Henry Reed, New Statesman and Nation ( 0710095481)
Subjects: Review
References: Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
772. Reed, Henry. "Hiding Beneath the Furze." In A Map of Verona and Other Poems. New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1947. 23.
Book: Hiding Beneath the Furze
Subjects: Poem
References: Hiding Beneath the Furze
773. Reed, Henry. Hilda Tablet and Others: Four Pieces for Radio. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1971.
Description: Collection of Reed's radio drama for the BBC, including A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Hedge, Backwards, and The Primal Scene, As It Were.
Book: Hilda Tablet and Others
Subjects: Play
References: A Very Great Man Indeed, The Private Life of Hilda Tablet, A Hedge, Backwards, The Primal Scene, As It Were
774. Reed, Henry. "Homage to Dame HildaOr Swann's Way." Radio Times, 23 October 1959, 6.
Description: Reed 'offers a few well-chosen words about "Musique Discrète.'
Newspaper: Homage to Dame Hilda
Subjects: Play, Radio
References: Musique Discrète, Donald Swann
775. Reed, Henry. "Questionnaire: The Cost of Letters." Horizon 14, no. 81 (September 1946): 139, 140, 162-164.
Description: Reed's answer to a questionnaire about life as a writer.
Subjects: Biography
776. Reed, Henry. "An Hour In the Hand." Review of Happy as Larry, by Donagh MacDonagh. The Bell 13, no. 1 (October 1946): 76-78.
Description: MacDonagh's play is 'written in a manner which is to-day usually reserved for radio-features,' and 'is probably a better play for the study than for the theatre.'
Journal: An Hour In the Hand
Subjects: Review
References: Donagh MacDonagh, Happy as Larry
777. Reed, Henry. "'If and Perhaps and But'." Listener 49, no. 1268 (18 June 1953): 1017-1018.
Description: Reed's radio essay on Eliot's critical prose, in the light of publication of the Selected Prose.
Journal: If and Perhaps and But
Subjects: Review
References: T.S. Eliot, John Hayward, Selected Prose
778. Reed, Henry. "'If and Perhaps and But'." Letter to the editor. Listener 50, no. 1272 (16 July 1953): 105.
Description: Response to Jones' letter to the editor of July 2nd, regarding Reed's radio talk on Eliot.
Journal: If and Perhaps and But
Subjects: Review
References: T.S. Eliot, David Jones
779. Reed, Henry. "Il Migglior Fabbro." Review of Four Quartets, by T.S. Eliot. Time and Tide (9 December 1944): 1088.
Description: Reed was identified as the author of this unsigned review in the January 13, 1945 Notes and Queries.
Journal: Il Miglior Fabbro
Subjects: Review
References: T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
780. Reed, Henry. "Imitation." Listener 43, no. 1116 (15 June 1950): 1016.
Description: Reed imitates both Arnauld and Leopardi.
Subjects: Poem
References: Imitation, Giacomo Leopardi, Antoine Arnauld
781. Reed, Henry. "The Interval." Listener 82, no. 2122 (27 November 1969): 763.
Subjects: Poem
References: The Interval
782. Reed, Henry. Interview with Peter Orr. The Poet Speaks. British Council recording, no. 1638. 11 June 1970. Co-sponsored by the British Council and the Woodberry Poetry Room in the Lamont Library of Harvard University. TAPE ARCHIVE PR6035.E32 Z5 1970x, Woodberry Poetry Room, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Description: Henry Reed speaks with Peter Orr of the British Council, as part of the series The Poet Speaks.
Sound: Interview with Peter Orr
Subjects: Biography
References: Peter Orr
783. Reed, Henry. Introduction to Dialstone Lane, by W.W. Jacobs. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1947. v-viii.
Description: Reed writes high praise for W.W. Jacobs, author of "The Monkey's Paw," for his precision and economy of style, in this 1947 introduction to one of his longer stories.
Chapter: Introduction to Dialstone Lane
Subjects: Biography, Review
References: W.W. Jacobs, Dialstone Lane
784. Reed, Henry. "Iseult Blaunchesmains." Listener 30, no. 781 (30 December 1943): 756.
Description: Reed's poem "Iseult Blaunchesmains," part of his "Tingagel" series, is published here for the first time.